Parsing multiple valus in multiple variables - powershell

I am trying to find a way to execute a command in powershell and put each line of the result in a different variable to use them later in my script. For example if i execute the below command:
C:\> Get-VMHost -Name hq-esxi-prod-01a.nsx.gss | Get-VM | select Name
I will get the below:
I want to have a script that will add each line in a different variable in a script (excluding the first which is name).
how can i do that.
Thank you for your help.

You can use Set-Variable in a loop to put each value in a separate variable:
$i = 0
... | Get-Vm | Select-Objet -Expand Name | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Name "vm$i" -Value $_
However, that usually isn't good advice. It's more common to put all names in one (array) variable:
$vmList = ...| Get-Vm | Select-Object -Expand Name
so you can access individual names via $vmList[<index>], or (if you need access by some kind of name) in a hashtable:
$i = 0
$vmList = #{}
... | Get-Vm | Select-Objet -Expand Name | ForEach-Object {
$vmList["vm$i"] = $_
Best practice would depend on the particular scenario you need this for, though.

Thank you for your reply,
I have tried you answer but it seems that i am using PowerCLI for VMware it does not include Select-Object -Expand (not sure i had an exception), However your answer have mad me reach to a suitable answer for this.
I have used the below and it worked fine using foreach and adding the values in an array and then reading them as below:
$p1vmname = Get-VMHost -Name hq-esxi-prod-01a.nsx.gss | Get-VM | select Name
$p1vmlist = #()
foreach ($p1line in $p1vmname)
$p1vmlist += $p1line
$p1 = 0
do {
$x = $p1+1
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:Black -ForegroundColor:Yellow "vm number $x is "$p1vmlist[$p1]"."
until ($p1 -eq $p1vmc)
However when using this the names was not totally correct as they had some additional characters as below:
vm number 1 is #{Name=HQ-Web-01a}
vm number 2 is #{Name=HQ-LinServ-01a}
vm number 3 is #{Name=HQ-Win2012-01a}
so i used split and trim to get rid of these as below and worked fine.
$p1vmname = Get-VMHost -Name hq-esxi-prod-01a.nsx.gss | Get-VM | select Name
$p1vmlist = #()
foreach ($p1line in $p1vmname)
$p1vmlist += $p1line
$p1 = 0
do {
$x = $p1+1
$p1vmlist[$p1] = ($p1vmlist[$p1]) -split("=") | Select-Object -Last 1
$p1vmlist[$p1] = $p1vmlist[$p1].trimend("}")
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:Black -ForegroundColor:Yellow "vm number $x is "$p1vmlist[$p1]"."
until ($p1 -eq $p1vmc)
vm number 1 is HQ-Web-01a .
vm number 2 is HQ-LinServ-01a .
vm number 3 is HQ-Win2012-01a .
Thank you so much for your answer that helped me a lot.
I am really enjoying scripting now.


Merge two PSCustomObjects into one- PowerShell

I need help in PowerShell to combine two outputs or two PSCustomObjects into One.
For example,
$services = Get-Service | Select Name, Starttype,Status
$processes = Get-Process | Select ID
I need the output with the table headers
Name, Starttype, Status, ID
I have already tried creating CSV and joining them but the problem is Process ID starts when the entire output ends for the services. I need them to a parallel.
Second I have tried to create PSCustomObjects but no luck.
Please help me with the PowerShell code.
Actual code that I'm trying to achieve.
**$exclusionItems = #()
$OasHighItems = #()
foreach($item in $items){
$exclusionItems += [PSCustomObject]#{
foreach($oas in $oashigh){
$oashighItems += [PSCustomObject]#{
$Array = #()
$Array = $exclusionItems,$oashighItems
$Array | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Export-Excel $ExcelParams -TableName Table -Show**
I'm assuming you want to join the two objects by their names, i.e. match the Process-Name with the Service-Name. For this you can loop over all processes & services, keep only those where service-name equals process-name, and use a calculated property to merge the result into one object:
$services = Get-Service;
Get-Process | ForEach-Object {$p = $_; $services |
Where-Object{$p.ProcessName -eq $_.Name} |
Select-Object Name,StartType,Status,#{n='ID';e={$p.ID}}}
The output on my machine is:
Name StartType Status ID
---- --------- ------ --
CcmExec Automatic Running 14856
CmRcService Automatic Running 5748
FusionInventory-Agent Automatic Running 5996
IBMPMSVC Automatic Running 3540
IntelAudioService Automatic Running 6104
... and so on ...

Select all unique third octet in a list of IP addresses with PowerShell

I have a list of IP addresses. They all start with 10.10. I want all the unique values of the third octet. This way I can count how many of that unique value there are.
When I am done I want to know that I have 3 .26 network devices, 2 27, and so on so forth. Other than breaking down the octet with a split and looping through each one, I can't think of any single liners. Any suggestions?
here's a small variant. [grin] i already had this before noticing the other answers - and it is a tad different.
what it does ...
creates a collection of IPv4 address objects to work with
groups them by a calculated property [the 3rd octet]
creates a [PSCustomObject] for each resulting group
sends it to the $Octet3_Report variable
shows it on screen
output to a CSV file would be easy at that point. here's the code ...
$IP_List = #(
$Octet3_Report = $IP_List |
Group-Object -Property {$_.ToString().Split('.')[2]} |
ForEach-Object {
Octet_3 = $_.Name
Count = $_.Count
on screen output ...
Octet_3 Count
------- -----
26 3
27 2
31 2
12 1
It's like me to figure it out after the fact.
The Return contains the dns records. The IP address are stored inside recorddata. I pull the end of the IP address off. Then loop through grabbing only the range and count with a foreach loop to make it cleaner.
$DNSRecordCounts = #()
$Ranges = ($Return | where-object {$_.recorddata -like "10.10.*"}).recorddata -replace "\.\d{1,3}$" | select -Unique
foreach ($range in $Ranges) {
$DNSRecordCounts += [pscustomobject][ordered]#{
IPRange = $range
Count = ($Return | Where-Object {$_.recorddata -like "$($range).*"}).Count
Based on your question and what I can infer from your own answer, if you are looking for something a little more like "idiomatic" PowerShell you want the following:
$Return `
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty recorddata `
| ForEach-Object {
$_ -match "\d+\.\d+\.(?<octet>\d+)\.\d+" | Out-Null
} `
| Group-Object `
| ForEach-Object {
Octet = $_.Name
Count = $_.Count

Script to return the name of VMs in defined groups that appear on the same VMHost

What I am trying to achieve
I am writing a script that will run every hour and will send an email if certain VMs have been found running on the same vHost. I don't really care where each VM runs as long as one of its other VMs are not on the same vHost. The groupings are currently 4 VMs but I want it to work with N VMs in a group.
Firstly I define my groups of VMs like so:
$group1 = #("VM01", "VM02", "VM03", "VM04")
$group2 = #("SERVERA", "SERVER2")
$group3 = #("WIN01", "WIN02", "WIN03")
$groups = #($group1, $group2, $group3)
I can then do a ForEach on $groups and walk through each group in turn retrieving the name of the VMHost the VM is on:
ForEach($group in $groups) {
$vmhosts = New-Object 'string[]' $group.Length
For($i=0; $i -le ($group.Length -1); $i++) {
$vmhosts[$i] = Get-VM -Name $group[$i] | Get-VMHost
This gives me the IP/hostname of the VMhost into the array $vmhosts with position matching the index of the VM in its group array.
This is where I am struggling to figure out a way to determine if any VMs are on the same VMHost and report that in my email with text like the following for each VM on the same VMHost within a group (but reports on all groups):
VM01 is on the same VMHostas VM02
VM01 is on the same VMHostas VM03
VM02 is on the same VMHostas VM03
WIN02 is on the same VMHost as WIN03
If no group of VMs are on the same VMHosts then it simply returns, "All VMs are separated correctly."
What I have tried so far
I tried to retrieve the unique VMHost from $vmhosts with:
$unique = $vmhosts | Select -Unique
But then I need to know when VMs it was on that VMHost returned. So I tried to locate it in the $vmhosts which worked with 3 VMs but when expanded to 4 it fails to return anything.
I'm pretty sure this could be done much better....
How about
$vmGrp1 = #("VM01", "VM02", "VM03", "VM04")
$vmGrp2 = #("SERVERA", "SERVER2")
$vmGrp3 = #("WIN01", "WIN02", "WIN03")
$vmGrps = #($vmGrp1, $vmGrp2, $vmGrp3)
$finds = #()
foreach ($vmGrp in $vmGrps)
$vms = get-vm $vmGrp
$HostGrps = $vms | Group-Object #{e={$}}
$finds += $HostGrps | % {if ($_.Count -gt 1) {$_.Name + " has " + ( $_.Group | Select -ExpandProperty Name) }} # this breaks in PS v2: + $_.Group.Name}}
if ($finds) {$finds} else {"All VMs are separated correctly."}

Comparing two VMHostVirtualSwitches that always show equal

I am comparing a predetermined object (VMHostVirtualSwitch Name) value with all object(VMHostVirtualSwitch Names) values within a collection of objects and want the status to be "FAIL" if the objects don't match
I have written the following code so far but it doesn't seem to be working. I know the objects don't match and I should get "FAIL" as an output
$VMHostVirtualSwitch = Get-VMHostNetwork -VMHost | Select-Object VirtualSwitch*
$Cluster = Get-Cluster -VMHost
$VMHosts = Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost
foreach ($VMHost in $VMHosts){
$CurrentHostVirtualSwitch = Get-VMHostNetwork -VMHost $VMHost | Select-Object VirtualSwitch*
if ($CurrentHostVirtualSwitch -ne $VMHostVirtualSwitch) {
if($Switchcount -ge 1) {
Write-Output "FAIL"
$VMHostVirtualSwitch has the following value
When I expand the $VMHostVirtualSwitch , I get the following values
Name NumPorts Mtu Notes
---- -------- --- -----
vSwitch3 10562 2340
You problem is PowerShell does not know how to compare those objects. Even if they had the same data they are technically two different objects (a blog post touches on this subject). At the end of the day if you are just comparing the names then do your comparison on just those.
$VMHostVirtualSwitch = (Get-VMHostNetwork -VMHost
$Cluster = Get-Cluster -VMHost
$VMHosts = Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost
foreach ($VMHost in $VMHosts){
$CurrentHostVirtualSwitch = (Get-VMHostNetwork -VMHost $VMHost).VirtualSwitch.Name
if ($CurrentHostVirtualSwitch -ne $VMHostVirtualSwitch) {
if($Switchcount -ge 1) {
Write-Output "FAIL"
Now you should just be comparing strings which will get you more predictable results. I have only change the variable expansion in the above example. You might have some error checking to do to account for.
Something like this might be shorter then your loop
$badHosts = $VMHosts | Where-Object{(Get-VMHostNetwork -VMHost $_).VirtualSwitch.Name -ne $VMHostVirtualSwitch}
if($badHosts.count -ge 1) {
Write-Output "FAIL"
Compare-Object would also be a way to go for this, especially if there was multiple properties you were comparing: example. Since we are boiling down to simple strings I think what I propose should suffice.

How to get server information from VMware

I have access to the VMWare GUI and I can easily export all the columns such as UPtime, IPAddress, Notes, DNS, GuestOs, State, Name and so on.
I want to right a script that can automatically get this information daily. So gar I was only able to get the server name, power state and VMhost. for some reason VMware is making it so hard to extract that information. I used the script below and I thought by adding the columns I mentioned above to this script, I should be able to retireve the data I need. But it doesn't work that way. Can someone please tell me how I can get this information?
Add-PSSnapin vmware.vimautomation.core
Get-VM|Select Name, VMHost, Id, PowerState
Exit 0
After digging into the system and many hours of research I found the solution. I just wish VMWare would make it easier to retrieve data or at least improve the manual.
The following code creates two files; one with the server information and another one with Uptime information.
Get-VM | select name,VMHost, #{ Name = "IP Addresses"; Expression = { $_.Guest.IPAddress }}, #{ Name = "PowerState"; Expression = { $_.Guest.State }} , #{ Name = "GuestOS"; Expression = { $_.Guest }}, Notes | Export-Csv -Path "HQstat.csv"
Get-Stat -Entity * -Stat sys.uptime.latest -Realtime -MaxSamples 1| Export-Csv -Path "HQtime.csv"
Why not use the views? They have all the information that you need. Code below assumes you are connected to the vCenter.
$vmView = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Config,Guest,Runtime
$hostView = Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name
$date = Get-Date
Foreach ($vm in $vmView)
If ($vm.Runtime.BootTime -ne $null)
$dateDiff = $date.Subtract($vmView.Runtime.BootTime)
$dateDiff = $null
foreach ($h in $hostView)
If ($vm.Runtime.Host -eq $h.MoRef)
$tempHost = $($h.Name)
$global:Export += #([PSCustomObject]#{
VMName = $($vm.Name)
ID = $($vm.Config.Uuid) #or use $($vm.MoRef)
Host = $tempHost
PowerState = $($vm.Guest.GuestState)
IPAddress = $($vm.Guest.IPAddress)
Notes = $($vm.Config.Annotations)
UptimeMinutes = $($dateDiff.TotalMinutes)
$dateDiff = $null
$tempHost = $null
$exportFileName = "C:\temp\VMInformation.csv"
$Export | Export-Csv $exportFileName -Force -NoTypeInformation