Dynamically refresh pods on secrets update on kubernetes while using helm chart - kubernetes

I am creating deployment,service manifest files using helm charts, also secrets by helm but separately not with deployments and service.
secretes are being loaded as env variables on pod level.
we are looking to refresh or restart PODs when we update secrets with new content.

Kubernetes does not itself support this feature at the moment and there is feature in the works (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/22368).
You can use custom solution available to achieve the same and one of the popular ones include Reloader.


For how long should I keep the storage driver Secret in my cluster?

I'm using helm 3.4.2 for upgrade my charts to my AKS cluster and I saw that every time I deploy something new, it creates a new secret called sh.helm.v... This is the first time I'm using helm.
I was reading the doc and found that at version 3.x helm is using secrets to store driver as default. Cool, but every time I deploy it creates a new secret and I'm now sure if this is the best to keep it all in my cluster.
Soo, should I keep then all in my cluster? Like, every time I deploy some thing, it creates a secret and live there
Can I remove the last before? Like, deploy v5 now and erase v1, v2, v3 and keep the v4 and v5 for some reason. If it's ok to do it, does anyone has a clue for how to do it? Using a bash ou kubectl?
Thanks a lot!
So yes, There are few major changes in Helm3, comparing to Helm2.
Secrets are now used as the default storage driver
In Helm 3, Secrets are now used as the default storage driver. Helm 2 used ConfigMaps by default to store release information. In
Helm 2.7.0, a new storage backend that uses Secrets for storing
release information was implemented, and it is now the default
starting in Helm 3.
Release Names are now scoped to the Namespace
In Helm 3, information about a particular release is now stored in the
same namespace as the release itself. With this greater alignment to
native cluster namespaces, the helm list command no longer lists all
releases by default. Instead, it will list only the releases in the
namespace of your current kubernetes context (i.e. the namespace shown
when you run kubectl config view --minify). It also means you must
supply the --all-namespaces flag to helm list to get behaviour similar
to Helm 2.
Soo, should I keep then all in my cluster? Like, every time I deploy
some thing, it creates a secret and live there or
Can I remove the last before?
I dont thinks its a good practice to remove anything manually. If it is not mandatory necessary - sure better not touch them. However, you can delete unused ones, if you sure you will not need old revisions in the future.
#To check all secretes were created by helm:
kubectl get secret -l "owner=helm" --all-namespaces
#To delete revision you can simply remove appropriate secret..
kubectl delete secret -n <namespace> <secret-name>
Btw(just FYI), taking into an account the fact Helm3 is scoped to namespaces - you can simply delete deployment by deleting its corresponding namespace
And the last remark, maybe it would be useful for: you can pass --history-max to helm upgrade to
limit the maximum number of revisions saved per release. Use 0 for no
limit (default 10)

Add Sidecar container to running pod(s)

I have helm deployment scripts for a vendor application which we are operating. For logging solution, I need to add a sidecar container for fluentbit to push the logs to aggregated log server (splunk in this case).
Now to define this sidecar container, I want to avoid changing vendor defined deployment scripts. Instead i want some alternative way to attach the sidecar container to the running pod(s).
So far I have understood that sidecar container can be defined inside the same deployment script (deployment configuration).
Answering the question in the comments:
thanks #david. This has to be done before the deployment. I was wondering if I could attach a sidecar container to an already deployed (running) pod.
You can't attach the additional container to a running Pod. You can update (patch) the resource definition. This will force the resource to be recreated with new specification.
There is a github issue about this feature which was closed with the following comment:
After discussing the goals of SIG Node, the clear consensus is that the containers list in the pod spec should remain immutable. #27140 will be better addressed by kubernetes/community#649, which allows running an ephemeral debugging container in an existing pod. This will not be implemented.
-- Github.com: Kubernetes: Issues: Allow containers to be added to a running pod
Answering the part of the post:
Now to define this sidecar container, I want to avoid changing vendor defined deployment scripts. Instead i want some alternative way to attach the sidecar container to the running pod(s).
Below I've included two methods to add a sidecar to a Deployment. Both of those methods will reload the Pods to match new specification:
Use $ kubectl patch
Edit the Helm Chart and use $ helm upgrade
In both cases, I encourage you to check how Kubernetes handles updates of its resources. You can read more by following below links:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Tutorials: Kubernetes Basics: Update: Update
Medium.com: Platformer blog: Enable rolling updates in Kubernetes with zero downtime
Use $ kubectl patch
The way to completely avoid editing the Helm charts would be to use:
$ kubectl patch
This method will "patch" the existing Deployment/StatefulSet/Daemonset and add the sidecar. The downside of this method is that it's not automated like Helm and you would need to create a "patch" for every resource (each Deployment/Statefulset/Daemonset etc.). In case of any updates from other sources like Helm, this "patch" would be overridden.
Documentation about updating API objects in place:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Tasks: Manage Kubernetes objects: Update api object kubectl patch
Edit the Helm Chart and use $ helm upgrade
This method will require editing the Helm charts. The changes made like adding a sidecar will persist through the updates. After making the changes you will need to use the $ helm upgrade RELEASE_NAME CHART.
You can read more about it here:
Helm.sh: Docs: Helm: Helm upgrade
A kubernetes ressource is immutable, as mention by dawid-kruk . Therefore modifing the pod description will cause the containers to restart.
You can modify the pod using the kubectl patch command, don't forget to reapply the. Patch as necessary.
Alternatively The two following options will inject the sidecar without having to modify/fork upstream chart or mangling deployed ressources.
#1 mutating admission controller
A mutating admission controller (webhook) can modify ressources see https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/admission-controllers/
You can use a generic framework like opa.
Or a specific webhook like fluentd-sidecar-injector (not tested)
#2 support arbitrary sidecar in helm
You could submit a feature request to the chart mainter to supooort arbitrary sidecar injection, like in Prometheus, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/62910122/1260896

is there a Helm built-in function that would allow me to write a file within my chart to an external directory?

Our helm charts create the appropriate k8s manifest and they install into our cluster. Associated (or packaged within our helm chart is a rule file which I would like to be able to write to some external directory.
What we would like to do is for an integrator to install an number of our helm charts. Each helm chart they install will have a rule that would be written to some external directory. The integrator after installing all of the associated helm charts would then inspect the rule's directory and then create a configmap containing those rules.
We can't create the configmap until we have install all the helm charts that contribute rules. Is there a helm built in that would allow me to write one (or more) files to an external directory?
No. The only outputs of a Helm chart are Kubernetes resources (that are installed in the cluster) and the plain-text rendered output of the NOTES.txt file.
However, you could install this metadata in the cluster. The easiest way would be to create a ConfigMap with the content you need, and then have the integrator process look for those ConfigMaps and combine them.
kubectl get configmap --all-namespaces -l type=rule -o name
If you want to do this programmatically, you could write a Kubernetes operator that runs in the cluster, and instead of writing out ConfigMaps, write some kind of custom resource; a controller would watch for those resources appearing using the Kubernetes API, and combine them appropriately.

Common config in Kubernetes ConfigMap

Kubernetes already provides a way to manage configuration with ConfigMap.
However, I have a question/problem here.
If I have multiple applications with different needs deployed in Kubernetes, all these deployments might share and access some common config variables. Is it possible for ConfigMap to use a common config variable?
There are two ways to do that.
Kustomize - Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations (developed as kubernetes sigs, and had been integrated into kubectl command line). But currently it isn't mature enough if compare with helm chart
Helm chart - The Kubernetes Package Manager. Its vaules.yaml can define the vaule for same configuration files (in your case, they are configmap) with variables.

Deleting kubernetes yaml: how to prevent old objects from floating around?

i'm working on a continuous deployment routine for a kubernetes application: everytime i push a git tag, a github action is activated which calls kubectl apply -f kubernetes to apply a bunch of yaml kubernetes definitions
let's say i add yaml for a new service, and deploy it -- kubectl will add it
but then later on, i simply delete the yaml for that service, and redeploy -- kubectl will NOT delete it
is there any way that kubectl can recognize that the service yaml is missing, and respond by deleting the service automatically during continuous deployment? in my local test, the service remains floating around
does the developer have to know to connect kubectl to the production cluster and delete the service manually, in addition to deleting the yaml definition?
is there a mechanism for kubernetes to "know what's missing"?
You need to use a CI/CD tool for Kubernetes to achieve what you need. As mentioned by Sithroo Helm is a very good option.
Helm lets you fetch, deploy and manage the lifecycle of applications,
both 3rd party products and your own.
No more maintaining random groups of YAML files (or very long ones)
describing pods, replica sets, services, RBAC settings, etc. With
helm, there is a structure and a convention for a software package
that defines a layer of YAML templates and another layer that
changes the templates called values. Values are injected into
templates, thus allowing a separation of configuration, and defines
where changes are allowed. This whole package is called a Helm
Essentially you create structured application packages that contain
everything they need to run on a Kubernetes cluster; including
dependencies the application requires. Source
Before you start, I recommend you these articles explaining it's quirks and features.
The missing CI/CD Kubernetes component: Helm package manager
Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD) for Kubernetes Using CircleCI & Helm
There's no such way. You can deploy resources from yaml file from anywhere if you can reach the node and configure kube config. So kubernetes will not know how to respond on a file deletion. If you still want to do this, you can write a program (a go code) which checks the availability of files in one place and deletes the corresponding resource whenever the file gets deleted.
There's one way via kubernetes is by using kubernetes operator, and whenever there is any change in your files you can update the crd used to deploy resources via operator.
Before deleting the yaml file, you can run kubectl delete -f file.yaml, this way all the resources created by this file will be deleted.
However, what you are looking for, is achieving the desired state using k8s. You can do this by using tools like Helmfile.
Helmfile, allow you to specify the resources you want to have all in one file, and it will achieve the desired state every time you run helmfile apply