Add Sidecar container to running pod(s) - kubernetes

I have helm deployment scripts for a vendor application which we are operating. For logging solution, I need to add a sidecar container for fluentbit to push the logs to aggregated log server (splunk in this case).
Now to define this sidecar container, I want to avoid changing vendor defined deployment scripts. Instead i want some alternative way to attach the sidecar container to the running pod(s).
So far I have understood that sidecar container can be defined inside the same deployment script (deployment configuration).

Answering the question in the comments:
thanks #david. This has to be done before the deployment. I was wondering if I could attach a sidecar container to an already deployed (running) pod.
You can't attach the additional container to a running Pod. You can update (patch) the resource definition. This will force the resource to be recreated with new specification.
There is a github issue about this feature which was closed with the following comment:
After discussing the goals of SIG Node, the clear consensus is that the containers list in the pod spec should remain immutable. #27140 will be better addressed by kubernetes/community#649, which allows running an ephemeral debugging container in an existing pod. This will not be implemented.
-- Kubernetes: Issues: Allow containers to be added to a running pod
Answering the part of the post:
Now to define this sidecar container, I want to avoid changing vendor defined deployment scripts. Instead i want some alternative way to attach the sidecar container to the running pod(s).
Below I've included two methods to add a sidecar to a Deployment. Both of those methods will reload the Pods to match new specification:
Use $ kubectl patch
Edit the Helm Chart and use $ helm upgrade
In both cases, I encourage you to check how Kubernetes handles updates of its resources. You can read more by following below links: Docs: Tutorials: Kubernetes Basics: Update: Update Platformer blog: Enable rolling updates in Kubernetes with zero downtime
Use $ kubectl patch
The way to completely avoid editing the Helm charts would be to use:
$ kubectl patch
This method will "patch" the existing Deployment/StatefulSet/Daemonset and add the sidecar. The downside of this method is that it's not automated like Helm and you would need to create a "patch" for every resource (each Deployment/Statefulset/Daemonset etc.). In case of any updates from other sources like Helm, this "patch" would be overridden.
Documentation about updating API objects in place: Docs: Tasks: Manage Kubernetes objects: Update api object kubectl patch
Edit the Helm Chart and use $ helm upgrade
This method will require editing the Helm charts. The changes made like adding a sidecar will persist through the updates. After making the changes you will need to use the $ helm upgrade RELEASE_NAME CHART.
You can read more about it here: Docs: Helm: Helm upgrade

A kubernetes ressource is immutable, as mention by dawid-kruk . Therefore modifing the pod description will cause the containers to restart.
You can modify the pod using the kubectl patch command, don't forget to reapply the. Patch as necessary.
Alternatively The two following options will inject the sidecar without having to modify/fork upstream chart or mangling deployed ressources.
#1 mutating admission controller
A mutating admission controller (webhook) can modify ressources see
You can use a generic framework like opa.
Or a specific webhook like fluentd-sidecar-injector (not tested)
#2 support arbitrary sidecar in helm
You could submit a feature request to the chart mainter to supooort arbitrary sidecar injection, like in Prometheus, see


Is there any mechanism in kubernetes to automatically add annotation to new pods in a specific namespace?

I have a namespace where new short-lived pods (< 1 minute) are created constantly by Apache Airflow. I want that all those new pods are annotated with true automatically so that no CloudWatch metrics (container insights) are created for those pods.
I know that I can achieve that from airflow side with pod mutation hook but for the sake of the argument let's say that I have no control over the configuration of that airflow instance.
I have seen MutatingAdmissionWebhook and it seem that could do the trick, but it seems that it's considerable effort to set up. So I'm looking for a more of the shelf solution, I want to know if there is some "standard" admission controller that can do this specific use case, without me having to deploy a web server and implement the api required by MutatingAdmissionWebhook.
Is there any way to add that annotation from kubernetes side at pod creation time? The annotation must be there "from the beginning", not added 5 seconds later, otherwise the cwagent might pick it between the pod creation and the annotation being added.
To clarify I am posting community Wiki answer.
You had to use true annotation. This means the pod that has one, it will be ignored by amazon-cloudwatch-agent / cwagent.
Here is the excerpt of your solution how to add this annotation to Apache Airflow:
(...) In order to force Apache Airflow to add the true annotation to the task/worker pods and to the pods created by the KubernetesPodOperator you will need to add the following to your helm values.yaml (assuming that you are using the "official" helm chart for airflow 2.2.3):
airflowPodAnnotations: "true"
airflowLocalSettings: |-
def pod_mutation_hook(pod):
pod.metadata.annotations[""] = "true"
If you are not using the helm chart then you will need to change the pod_template_file yourself to add the annotation and you will also need to modify the to include the pod_mutation_hook.
Here is the link to your whole answer.
You can try this repo which is a mutating admission webhook that does this. To date there's no built-in k8s support to do automatic annotation for specific namespace.

Any way we can add an ENV to a pod or a new pod in kubernetes?

Summarize the problem:
Any way we can add an ENV to a pod or a new pod in kubernetes?
For example, I want to add HTTP_PROXY to many pods and the new pods it will generate in kubeflow 1.4. So these pods can be access to internet.
Describe what you’ve tried:
I searched and found istio maybe do that, but it's too complex for me.
The second, there are too many yamls in kubeflow, as to I cannot modify them one by one to use configmap or add ENV just in them.
So anyone has a good simle way to do this? Like doing this in kubernetes configuation.
Use "PodPreset" object to inject common environment variables and other params to all the matching pods.
Please follow below article
If PodPreset is indeed removed from v1.20, then you seem to need a webhook.
You will have to run an additional service in your cluster that will change the configuration of the pods.
Here is an example, on the basis of which I created my webhook, which changed the configuration of the pods in the cluster, in this example the developer used the logic adding a sidecar to the pod, but you can set your own to forward the required ENV:

Assign FQDN for Internal Services in a Private Kubernetes Cluster

I setup a private K8S cluster with RKE 1.2.2 and so my K8S version is 1.19. We have some internal services, and it is necessary to access each other using custom FQDN instead of simple service names. As I searched the web, the only solution I found is adding rewrite records for CoreDNS ConfigMap described in this REF. However, this solution results in manual configuration, and I want to define a record automatically during service setup. Is there any solution for this automation? Does CoreDNS have such an API to add or delete rewrite records?
Note1: I also tried to mount the CoreDNS's ConfigMap and update it via another pod, but the content is mounted read-only.
Note2: Someone proposed calling kubectl get cm -n kube-system coredns -o yaml | sed ... | kubectl apply .... However, I want to automate it during service setup or in a pod or in an initcontainer.
Note3: I wish there were something like hostAliases for services, something called serviceAliases for internal services (ClusterIP).
Currently, there is no ready solution for this.
Only thing comes to my mind is to use MutatingAdmissionWebhook. It would need catch moment, when new Kubernetes service was created and then modify ConfigMap for CoreDNS as it's described in CoreDNS documentation.
After that, you would need to reload CoreDNS configuration to apply new configuration from ConfigMap. To achieve that, you can use reload plugin for CoreDNS. More details about this plugin can be found here.
Instead of above you can consider using sidecarContainer for CoreDNS, which will send SIGUSR1 signal to CoreDNS conatiner.
Example of this method can be found in this Github thread.

kubernetes gcp caching old image

I'm running GKE cluster and there is a deployment that uses image which I push to Container Registry on GCP, issue is - even though I build the image and push it with latest tag, the deployment keeps on creating new pods with the old one cached - is there a way to update it without re-deploying (aka without destroying it first)?
There is a known issue with the kubernetes that even if you change configmaps the old config remains and you can either redeploy or workaround with
kubectl patch deployment $deployment -n $ns -p \
"{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"
is there something similar with cached images?
I think you're looking for kubectl set or patch which I found there in kubernetes documentation.
To update image of deployment you can use kubectl set
kubectl set image deployment/name_of_deployment name_of_deployment=image:name_of_image
To update image of your pod you can use kubectl patch
kubectl patch pod name_of_pod -p '{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"name_of_pod_from_yaml","image":"name_of_image"}]}}'
You can always use kubectl edit to edit which allows you to directly edit any API resource you can retrieve via the command line tool.
kubectl edit deployment name_of_deployment
Let me know if you have any more questions.
1) You should change the way of your thinking. Destroying pod is not bad. Application downtime is what is bad. You should always plan your deployments in such a way that it can tolerate one pod death. Use multiple replicas for stateless apps and use clusters for stateful apps. Use Kubernetes rolling update for any changes to your deployments. Rolling updates have many extremely important settings which directly influence the uptime of your apps. Read it carefully.
2) The reason why Kubernetes launches old image is that by default it uses
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent. Use imagePullPolicy: Always and it will always try to pull latest version on redeploy.

Is it possible to add/modify kubernetes container spec based on clusterwide setting

I have a kubernetes-based application that uses an operator to build and deploy containers in pods. Sometimes I'd like to run containers in privileged mode to enable performance tracing, but since I'm not deploying the pod/containers directly from a manifest, I cannot simply add privileged mode and the debugfs filesystem mount.
That leaves me to fork the operator code, change where it builds the container spec, and redeploy with the modified operator. Doable, but awkward.
So my question is, is it possible to impose additional attributes to be added to container specs based on some clusterwide setting, either before pods are deployed by the operator? Or to modify the container spec after deployment? I tried that with kubectl edit pod mypod, but that didn't work.
This is on a physical cluster installed with kubespray.
There are three things to consider:
Your operator can create a controller (e.g. Deployment) instead of Pod, which allows modifications in the Pod Spec area, thus triggering Deployment's rollout (see rolling update strategy).
Use MutatingAdmissionWebhook
so before creating the Pod, its manifest would be modified/overwritten on the fly.
More info regarding MutatingAdmissionWebhook can be found here and here.
A workaround solution in a form of modifying the supply spec -> swapping the pod-a.
More about this was discussed here.
Please let me know if any of the above helped.