no version information available after installing VSCode update - visual-studio-code

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. After updating VSCode to v.1.53.0 I am getting following message on opening VSCode:
/usr/share/code/bin/../code: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ no version information available (required by /usr/share/code/bin/../code)
On giving command code --verbose I get following logs: logs
I cannot update current Ubuntu version due to limited admin rights.

If you run code --verbose you will see real problem:
[main 2021-04-16T11:44:45.671Z] Main->SharedProcess#connect
/usr/share/code/code --verbose --no-sandbox: relocation error: /usr/share/code/resources/app/node_modules.asar.unpacked/spdlog/build/Release/spdlog.node: symbol _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareEPKc, version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
It can't find symbol basic_string::compare
echo _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareEPKc | demangle
So to run visual studio code on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
You just need to copy and
to /usr/share/code from ubuntu 20.04 LTS
You can get (md5=0e7d34a60136c0cd150917ed099980f2) for example from this deb file
Here simple script to do it for you
dpkg-deb -R libstdc++6_10.2.0-5ubuntu1~20.04_amd64.deb .
sudo cp -P usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /usr/share/code/
file version changed in so new script:
wget --no-check-certificate
dpkg-deb -R libstdc++6_10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04_amd64.deb .
sudo cp -P usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /usr/share/code/
md5sum of new 604ec2999aeb3aadd0e96103fd4b5e5d
Then just type code
ps: very good font for vscode JetBrains Mono

I downgraded my VSCode to lower version. Apparently you can access previous versions of VSCode from it's website but the link's font was too big form me to see.
Still if someone does come across any other alternative please share.
Leaving this here for others.


CREATE LANGUAGE plperlu; fails despite postgresql-plperl-12 being installed

I'm on an Ubuntu-derived system (specifically pop_os from System76). I am trying to get Bucardo installed, but it appears to be failing because plperlu is not functional.
In a psql prompt:
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/plperl": No such file or directory
However, running:
$ pg_config --pkglibdir
$ ls /usr/lib/postgresql/12/lib/plperl*
I do have the postgresql-plperl-12 package installed:
# apt install postgresql-plperl-12
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
postgresql-plperl-12 is already the newest version (12.7-0ubuntu0.20.10.1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 32 not upgraded.
All the related errors I could find related either to the relevant package not being installed or the language not being created in postgres, so I'm a little stymied. The CREATE LANGUAGE statement's error appears to indicate that Postgres is looking for a file without an extension, but I'm not sure if that's fixable by a simple mv, and if so, who to report a package bug to.
Prompted by #AdrianKlaver's comment:
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/10/extension/plperlu.control": No such file or directory
... now why is it looking in /usr/share/postgresql/10/?
I may be misinterpreting, but I have:
$ psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-0ubuntu0.20.10.1)
plperlu.control does exist in /usr/share/postgresql/12/extension/... but SELECT version() is indeed PostgreSQL 10.10... so something somewhere has gone wrong during an update. Does having a psql version that differs from the actualy postgres that is running cause issues?
The issue is that there are multiple versions of Postgres running as servers. Running pg_lsclusters will show what they are. The CREATE EXTENSION fails as the extension code for the version of Postgres that the command is being run on has not been installed.
Got the same problem on Debian 11 and Postgres 12. Solution that worked for me:
apt update
apt install -y postgresql-server-dev-12 wget
dpkg -i ./postgresql-plperl-12_12.10-1.pgdg20.04+1+b1_amd64.deb
apt --fix-broken install # because problems on dpkg command
apt list --installed | grep postgresql-plperl-12

PythonAnywhere `python3.6 -m venv test` Results in Error

I'm trying to use python3.6 -m venv test directly in PythonAnywhere to create a virtualenv. I wanted to use this method as I believe it is more portable to other environments where virtualenvwrapper might not be set up.
When I run the command (in a PA environment that has been upgraded to use Python 3.6) I get the following error.
12:34 ~ $ python3.6 -m venv test
Error: Command '['/home/dpottsagilisys/test/bin/python3.6', '-Im', 'ensurepip',
'--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
PythonAnywhere dev here: this appears to be a bug in Ubuntu 14.04 (and apparently 15.04), which we were based on when this question was originally asked.
This Ask Ubuntu question has various suggestions; here's one that I've made 100% certain works on PythonAnywhere:
python3.6 -m venv --without-pip test
source test/bin/activate
curl | python
source test/bin/activate
[Update 28 June 2018: Switching to a 16.04 image is, coincidentally, what we're working on right now.]
[Update 30 September 2018: the 16.04 image is now live for new PythonAnywhere accounts]
Not having the package python3.6-venv causes this issue. Installing with:
sudo apt-get install python3.6-venv should resolve.

MongoDB php7 driver installation

I'm working on an Ubuntu 16 server and I can't seem to get the mongodb driver for php 7 to work. I installed it successfully on my xampp on my windows machine but Ubuntu and php7 seemingly have vast differences.
I did try to install it via pecl install mongodb and used composer to put in the dependencies but it still does not work. I'm using the same php file from my windows Xampp and when I access the page it throws a 500 status code.
Could someone provide a definitive walkthrough on how to install this driver and maybe also how to revert any changes I made using composer and pecl?
Cool even I tried with pecl but didn't work as expected. It work with pecl7 Also, I received this warning along with error, WARNING: "pecl/mongo" is deprecated in favor of "channel:///mongodb" pecl/mongo requires PHP (version >= 5.3.0, version <= 5.99.99), installed version is 7.1.8. Also, got 500 Internal server error.
Before that MongoDB php7 driver, I needed the memcache and getting phphize error that I solved using this repo. Then finally I use this low level PHP driver for MongoDB.
$ git clone
$ cd mongo-php-driver
$ git submodule sync && git submodule update --init
$ /usr/bin/phpize
$ ./configure
$ make all -j 5
$ sudo make install
You can confirm from the output that driver is installed.
; Module Settings ;
Then only step remaining is make it available in your respective path. You can check your extensions_dir in php.ini with the following command,
$ php -i | grep extension_dir
extension_dir => /usr/lib64/php/7.0/modules => /usr/lib64/php/7.0/modules
And, I can verify that is present into the above directory. Then reload the composer and you are good to go ! Hope this helps as it work for me.

How to start IDLE that comes with Python 3.6

I am using Linux Mint 18. I installed Python 3.5 and 3.6 using apt-get in the terminal. I can open IDLE of Python 2.7 and 3.5 using commands idle and idle3 respectively. How can I access IDLE that comes with Python 3.6?
Try the command idle3.6. python3 and idle3 are still associated with your system Python, which is 3.5.
Simply typing in idle3.6 should work just like carusot42 mentioned. If it doesn't work, perhaps you might want to see if everything else is installed correctly. Here are the steps I followed which worked perfectly fine for me. I am also running Linux Mint 18. The steps that I followed were:
Installed the prerequisites of Python. Do that by typing in the following commands -
sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev
Download Python using the following command and extract it (use your desired location) -
cd /usr/src
sudo tar xzf Python-3.6.0.tgz
The next step is to compile Python source. To do that type in the commands below-
cd Python-3.6.1
sudo make altinstall
make altinstall is used to prevent replacing the default Python binary
file /usr/bin/python
You should be good to go. You check your Python version by typing python3.6 -V in the terminal.
Once you do that, type in idle3.6 and then Python 3.6.1 shell should open for you.
The Software Manager in Linux Mint lists the Python Packages and IDLE Packages
separately. After you install Python, go look up the associated IDLE package in the Software Manager and install it. Reboot and it should work fine. It worked for me.

Compiling MongoDB r2.0.2 on ubuntu 10.04 resulted in error

I am compiling MongoDB from source with instructions from
I ran into this error after ran "scons all":
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c:112:22: error: jsautokw.h: No such file or directory
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c: In function 'FindKeyword':
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c:122: warning: label 'test_guess' defined but not used
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c:119: warning: label 'got_match' defined but not used
scons: *** [third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors
I am on a 64 bit ubuntu 10.04. gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5), scons version is:
script: v1.2.0.d20100117.r4629, 2010/01/17 22:23:21, by scons on scons-dev
engine: v1.2.0.d20100117.r4629, 2010/01/17 22:23:21, by scons on scons-dev
Does anyone have the same problem? There are similar errors reported for this jsscan file in earlier versions, but has been fixed since.
Dude it worked! Do this:
sudo apt-get remove xulrunner-1.9.2-dev xulrunner-1.9.2
curl -O
tar zxvf js-1.7.0.tar.gz
cd js/src
make -f Makefile.ref
sudo JS_DIST=/usr make -f Makefile.ref export
Then run scons all again
There is no need to uninstall "xulrunner-1.9.2-dev" and "xulrunner-1.9.2" as it's also uninstalls other packages you may need later.
Just install the newer version of scons package (I used for it scons-2.1.0).
Download scons-2.1.0.tar.gz
Install it and use the installed one instead of the scons v1.2.0 repository package for Ubuntu 10.04.
It worked for me without any additional tricks.