What will happen when a node is almost out of resource, when deploying K8s daemonset? - kubernetes

When deploying Kubernetes Daemonset, what will happen when single node (out of a few nodes) is almost out of resource, and a pod can't be created, and when there are no pods that can be evicted? Though Kubernetes can be horizontally scaled, I believe it is meaningless to scale horizontally as Daemonset would need every pod on each node.

Though Kubernetes can be horizontally scaled, I believe it is meaningless to scale horizontally as Daemonset would need every pod on each node.
DaemonSet is a workload type that is mostly for operations workload e.g. transporting logs from the node or similar "system services". It is rarely a good fit for workload that is serving your users, but it can be.
what will happen when single node (out of a few nodes) is almost out of resource, and a pod can't be created, and when there are no pods that can be evicted?
As I described above, workload deployed with DaemonSet is typically operations workload that has e.g. an infrastructure role in your cluster. Since this may be more critical pods (or less, depending on what you want), I would use a higher Quality of Service for these pods, so that other pods is evicted when there are few resources on the node.
See Configure Quality of Service for Pods for how to configure your Pods to be in a Quality of Service class, one of:
Best Effort
You might also consider to use Pod Priority and Preemption
The question was about DaemonSet but as a final note: Workload that serves requests from your users, typically is deployed as Deployment and for those, it is very easy to do horizontal scaling using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.


Can a node autoscaler automatically start an extra pod when replica count is 1 & minAvailable is also 1?

our autoscaling (horizontal and vertical) works pretty fine, except the downscaling is not working somehow (yeah, we checked the usual suspects like https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/blob/master/cluster-autoscaler/FAQ.md#i-have-a-couple-of-nodes-with-low-utilization-but-they-are-not-scaled-down-why ).
Since we want to save resources and have pods which are not ultra-sensitive, we are setting following
replicas: 1
minAvailable: 1
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 10
But it seems now that this is the problem that the autoscaler is not scaling down the nodes (even though the node is only used by 30% by CPU + memory and we have other nodes which have absolutely enough memory + cpu to move these pods).
Is it possible in general that the auto scaler starts an extra pod on the free node and removes the old pod from the old node?
Is it possible in general that the auto scaler starts an extra pod on the free node and removes the old pod from the old node?
Yes, that should be possible in general, but in order for the cluster autoscaler to remove a node, it must be possible to move all pods running on the node somewhere else.
According to docs there are a few type of pods that are not movable:
Pods with restrictive PodDisruptionBudget.
Kube-system pods that:
are not run on the node by default
don't have a pod disruption budget set or their PDB is too restrictive >(since CA 0.6).
Pods that are not backed by a controller object (so not created by >deployment, replica set, job, stateful set etc).
Pods with local storage.
Pods that cannot be moved elsewhere due to various constraints (lack of >resources, non-matching node selectors or affinity, matching anti-affinity, etc)
Pods that have the following annotation set:
cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict: "false
You could check the cluster autoscaler logs, they may provide a hint to why no scale in happens:
kubectl -n kube-system logs -f deployment.apps/cluster-autoscaler
Without having more information about your setup it is hard to guess what is going wrong, but unless you are using local storage, node selectors or affinity/anti-affinity rules etc Pod disruption policies is a likely candidate. Even if you are not using them explicitly they can still prevent node scale in if they there are pods in the kube-system namespace that are missing pod disruption policies (See this answer for an example of such a scenario in GKE)

Kubernetes (connection)-drain node with local persistent storage

We use local persistent storage as storage backend for SOLR pods. The pods are redundantly scheduled to multiple kubernetes nodes. If one of the nodes go down there are always enough instances on other nodes.
How can we drain these nodes (without "migrating" the SOLR pods to other nodes) in case we want to do a maintenance on a node? The most important thing for us would be that kube-proxy would no longer send new requests to the pods on the node in question so that after some time we could do the maintenance without interrupting service for running requests.
We tried cordon but cordon will only make sure no new pods are scheduled to a node. Drain does not seem to work with pods with local persistent volumes.
You can check out pod anti-affinity.
These constructs allow you to repel or attract pods when certain conditions are met.
In your case the pod anti-affinity 'requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution' maybe your best bet. I haven't personally used it yet, i hope it can lead you to the right direction.

How to migrate the pods automatically to another node in kubernetes?

I am a new cookie to kubernetes . I am wondering if kubernetes have automatically switch the pods to another node if that node resources are on critical.
For example if Pod A , Pod B , Pod C is running on Node A and Pod D is running on Node B. The resources of Node A used by pods would be high. In these case whether kubernetes will migrate the any of the pods running in Node A to Node B.
I have learnt about node affinity and node selector which is used to run the pods in certain nodes. It would be helpfull if kubernetes offer this feature to migrate the pods to another node automatically if resources are used highly.
Can any one know how can we achieve this in kubernetes ?
Yes, Kubernetes can migrate the pods to another node automatically if resources are used highly. The pod would be killed and a new pod would be started on another node. You would probably want to learn about Quality of Service Classes, to understand which pod would be killed first.
That said, you may want to read about Automatic Horizontal Pod Autoscaling. This may give you more control.
With Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, Kubernetes automatically scales the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization (or, with alpha support, on some other, application-provided metrics).
With increase of load it makes more sense to spin up a new pod rather than moving pod between different nodes to avoid distraction of currently running processes inside pod on busy node.
you can do node selector in deployment and move the node

What's the purpose of Kubernetes DaemonSet when replication controllers have node anti-affinity

DaemonSet is a Kubernetes beta resource that can ensure that exactly one pod is scheduled to a group of nodes. The group of nodes is all nodes by default, but can be limited to a subset using nodeSelector or the Alpha feature of node affinity/anti-affinity.
It seems that DaemonSet functionality can be achieved with replication controllers/replica sets with proper node affinity and anti-affinity.
Am I missing something? If that's correct should DaemonSet be deprecated before it even leaves Beta?
As you said, DaemonSet guarantees one pod per node for a subset of the nodes in the cluster. If you use ReplicaSet instead, you need to
use the node affinity/anti-affinity and/or node selector to control the set of nodes to run on (similar to how DaemonSet does it).
use inter-pod anti-affinity to spread the pods across the nodes.
make sure the number of pods > number of node in the set, so that every node has one pod scheduled.
However, ensuring (3) is a chore as the set of nodes can change over time. With DaemonSet, you don't have to worry about that, nor would you need to create extra, unschedulable pods. On top of that, DaemonSet does not rely on the scheduler to assign its pods, which makes it useful for cluster bootstrap (see How Daemon Pods are scheduled).
See the "Alternative to DaemonSet" section in the DaemonSet doc for more comparisons. DaemonSet is still the easiest way to run a per-node daemon without external tools.

Does HorizontalPodAutoscaler make sense when there is only one Deployment on GKE (Google Container Engine) Kubernetes cluster?

I have a "homogeneous" Kubernetes setup. By this I mean that I am only running instances of a single type of pod (an http server) with a load balancer service distributing traffic to them.
By my reasoning, to get the most out of my cluster (edit: to be concrete -- getting the best average response times to http requests) I should have:
At least one pod running on every node: Not having a pod running on a node, means that I am paying for the node and not having it ready to serve a request.
At most one pod running on every node: The pods are threaded http servers so they can maximize utilization of a node, so running multiple pods on a node does not net me anything.
This means that I should have exactly one pod per node. I achieve this using a DaemonSet.
The alternative way is to configure a Deployment and apply a HorizontalPodAutoscaler to it and have Kubernetes handle the number of pods and pod to node mapping. Is there any disadvantage of my approach in comparison to this?
My evaluation is that the HorizontalPodAutoscaler is relevant mainly in heterogeneous situations, where one HorizontalPodAutoscaler can scale up a Deployment at the expense of another Deployment. But since I have only one type of pod, I would have only one Deployment and I would be scaling up that deployment at the expense of itself, which does not make sense.
HorizontalPodAutoscaler is actually a valid solution for your needs. To address your two concerns:
1. At least one pod running on every node
This isn't your real concern. The concern is underutilizing your cluster. However, you can be underutilizing your cluster even if you have a pod running on every node. Consider a three-node cluster:
Scenario A: pod running on each node, 10% CPU usage per node
Scenario B: pod running on only one node, 70% CPU usage
Even though Scenario A has a pod on each node the cluster is actually being less utilized than in Scenario B where only one node has a pod.
2. At most one pod running on every node
The Kubernetes scheduler tries to spread pods around so that you don't end up with multiple pods of the same type on a single node. Since in your case the other nodes should be empty, the scheduler should have no problems starting the pods on the other nodes. Additionally, if you have the pod request resources equivalent to the node's resources, that will prevent the scheduler from scheduling a new pod on a node that already has one.
Now, you can achieve the same effect whether you go with DaemonSet or HPA, but I personally would go with HPA since I think it fits your semantics better, and would also work much better if you eventually decide to add other types of pods to your cluster
Using a DamonSet means that the pod has to run on every node (or some subset). This is a great fit for something like a logger or a metrics collector which is per-node. But you really just want to use available cluster resources to power your pod as needed, which matches up better with the intent of HPA.
As an aside, I believe GKE supports cluster autoscaling, so you should never be paying for nodes that aren't needed.