How can I get [checkbox] mail tag values into a unordered list inside the email in CF7? - email

[checkbox services one_label_element "DJ" "Live Dhol" "MC" "Intelligent Dancefloor Lighting" "Uplighting" "Pinspot Lighting"]<

Use the Smart Grid extension for CF7, it introduces mail tag filters, so you would do something like,
add_filter( 'cf7sg_mailtag_my-checkbox', 'filter_cf7_mailtag_my_checkbox', 10, 3);
function filter_cf7_mailtag_select_option($tag_replace, $submitted, $cf7_key){
/*the $tag_replace string to change*/
/*the $submitted an array containing all submitted fields*/
/*the $cf7_key is a unique string key to identify your form, which you can find in your form table in the dashboard.*/
if('my-form'==$cf7_key ){
$tag_replace = '<ul>'.PHP_EOL;
foreach($submitted['my-checkbox'] as $value){
$tag_replace .= "<li>{$value}</li>".PHP_EOL;
$tag_replace .= '</ul>';
return $tag_replace;
The filter is customised for each mail tag, in this example I have a checkbox field called my-checkbox, the plugin create the custom filter and helper code.
Please view this video tutorial to understand how to obtain the appropirate filter.


Get value from another field in list row - Gravity Forms

I have a gravity forms list field that needs to read the post id from another column on the same row and then return with an image display of that specific post id.
add_filter( 'gform_pre_submission_filter_105_17_6', 'change_column3_content' );
add_filter( 'gform_column_input_content_105_17_6', 'change_column3_content', 10, 6 );
function change_column3_content( $input, $input_info, $field, $text, $value, $form_id ) {
$post_id = rgpost('input_105_17_2');
$product_meta = get_post_meta($post_id);
return wp_get_attachment_image( $product_meta['_thumbnail_id'][0], 'thumbnail' );
Please note that this is a list field.
Am I using the wrong filter? or do I have something else going wrong in my code?
Gravity Perks / Populate Anything currently do not support list type fields.
Thankyou in advance :)

Dynamic form Issue in Angular

Scenario :
A form is generated dynamically, I used this tutorial to create the form dynamically. When I click "Submit" button, the form value I get in the component is
ts :
doSubmitICR(form) {
form.value has the following values
ItemName:"Test Item",
TAX1 and TAX2 are dynamic, those form controls were created from a tax table, If the table has TAX3 and TAX4, then instead of TAX1 and TAX2 in the above form, TAX3 and TAX4 form control is generated.
Issue :
If the TAXs are dynamic, how can I pass these values to Web service say WebAPI2 as a model?
Is it possible to filter only the TAX element from the form.value?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
The solution from alexKhymenko should work well. Alternatively, if the values you want to submit to the API will always have the format of TAX{d}, where d is some combination of digits, you could use the following to get just those values on a request object:
let request = {};
Object.keys(form.value).forEach(key => {
request[key] = form.value[key]

Use tt_address fields in direct_mail newsletter

I am using TYPO3 6.2.11, tt_address 2.3.5 and direct_mail 4.0.1 and sent me some test newsletters from a internal TYPO3-Page. Everything works fine.
Now, I want to send some data fields from my tt_address-table like name or title for example.
What's the name of the tt_address-MARKER, I'll use at my page content?
I also add the follwing to [basic.addRecipFields] at the direct_mail-Extension:
But nothing happens. I can't use tt_address-fields at my direct_mail newsletter. I hope someone can help me, thanks.
The other opportunity is to use fe_user-data for my newsletter (felogin). How can I use felogin-fields like passwordor username at my template?
You need to prefix the fields with USER_ and wrap the marker in ###. So e.g. if you'd like to use the e-mail address, you write ###USER_email###. You can find all possibilities in the Direct Mail documentation.
A note on sending the password: This would be a huge security risk but it's not possible anyway because passwords of fe_users are stored at least hashed (and nowadays also encrypted) in the database. But you can use the ###SYS_AUTHCODE### marker to generate an authentication code you can use in an "edit profile" extension to let the user update his subscription.
If you need fields from other sources or data you're calculating dynamically, you can also create an own extension and implement the Direct Mail mailMarkersHook.
// Direct Mail personalization hook
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/direct_mail']['res/scripts/class.dmailer.php']['mailMarkersHook']['userunilunewsletterrendering'] =
namespace My\Extension\Hook;
class DirectMail {
public function mailMarkersHook($params, \DirectMailTeam\DirectMail\Dmailer $dmailer) {
$params['markers']['###USER_SALUTATION###'] = $this->getPersonalizedSalutation($params['row']);
return $params;
* #param $row
* #return string
protected function getPersonalizedSalutation($row) {
$personalizedSalutation = 'Dear Sir or Madam';
if (!empty($row['last_name']) && !empty($row['gender'])) {
if ($row['gender'] === 'm') {
$personalizedSalutation = 'Dear Mr. ' . $row['last_name'];
} elseif ($row['gender'] === 'f') {
$personalizedSalutation = 'Dear Ms. ' . $row['last_name'];
return $personalizedSalutation;

Trying to copy values into multiple embedded forms

I have a Symfony 1.4 application to allow users to enter data to a electrical appliance testing database. The page in questions consists of multiple embedded "new" forms so the user can submit many tests in one go. The form validates and saves correctly, but feedback is that it will be tedious to use.
As much of the data may be the same in each test (e.g. same date, same result, same person doing the testing), I would like the user to be able to fill in values in the top row, then click a button to fill the same information in the rows below. I'm pretty sure this would require javascript, but I don't have much experience.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Many Thanks.
Well, I managed to figure it out without using javascript.
I put a button on the page
<input type="submit" name="copy_values" value="duplicate">
In the action for the page I included the code...
elseif (isset($_POST['copy_values'])) {
// get values from first embedded test
$newTests = $testList['new_tests'];
$testDate = $newTests[0]['et_date_tested'];
$testedBy = $newTests[0]['et_tester_id'];
$formOptions = array('test_date'=>$testDate, 'tester'=>$testedBy);
$this->form = new MultiTestForm(null, $formOptions);
... which takes the values from the widgets in the top row of the form and creates an array. This is passed as the options array to create a new form.
In the top level form class..
public function configure()
$subform = new sfForm();
for($i = 0;$i < sfConfig::get('app_new_test_rows'); $i ++)
$formToAdd = new TestsForMultiAddForm(null,$this->getOptions());
$subform->embedForm($i, $formToAdd);
$this->embedForm('new_tests', $subform);
...and in the embedded form class...
public function configure()
if ($this->getOption('test_date')) {
$this->setDefault('et_date_tested', $this->getOption('test_date'));
if ($this->getOption('tester')) {
$this->setDefault('et_tester_id', $this->getOption('tester'));
Not sure if this is the conventional way to approach the problem, but it works!

In Yii, how best to POST both search results selection & previously entered form model back to form controller?

To complete a Yii form field, users often need to search for a referenced model record (like searching for a friend's profile in a social app). I'm sure other Yii apps are doing this elegantly. But in my dirty approach, in the search results page, I use a CHtml::submitButton to POST two models back to the form containing:
the "found" record (a user id associated with one of the profiles from the search results)
the previously entered form field contents (relationship characterization fields)
Alternatively, the autocomplete widget works well, but doesn't do the detailed search that I need (e.g. search based on a partial name and city or state or other user profile content).
Alternatively, you'd think that within the search results view I might be able to modify the form member to contain the found record (new friend's user id) and just POST/submit the modified model from the search results page . But for that to work each of the search results in the list needs a unique user id populated in that form field, and I can't figure out how to duplicate the form model before modifying that one member server-side for each of the search results' "submit" or "select" buttons, and it just doesn't seem right to create all those form models.
So what seems to work is to submit two separate models using subforms (within the search results view) , with the submitButton POSTing a model and the extra parameter (user id) separately.
Is there a better way? link to and from a search results page and a form field, retaining already-entered data and populating the searched for field with a selected record from the search results.
Here's controllers/SiteController:
public function actionBefriend() {
$model=new BefriendForm;
if(isset($_POST['BefriendForm'])) {
if ($model->validate()) {
$this->redirect('Index'); }
$er=$model->getErrors(); }
if(isset($_POST['idfriend'])) {
$model->idfriend=$_POST['idfriend']; }
if(isset($model->idfriend)) {
$model->friend_name=Bio::model()->findByPk($model->idfriend)->name; }
$this->render('newFrienship', array('model' =>$model)); // newFriendship is the form view }
Here's controllers/Bio.php (Profile)
public function actionIndex() {
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$model=new BefriendForm;
$q = $_GET['q'];
elseif (isset($_POST['BefriendForm'])) {
$q = $model['friend_name']; }
if(isset($q)) {
$criteria->compare('name', $q, true, 'OR');
$criteria->compare('city', $q, true, 'OR');
$criteria->compare('state', $q, true, 'OR');
$criteria->compare('bio_text', $q, true, 'OR'); }
$q = '';
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Bio', array('criteria'=>$criteria));
$this->render('index',array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider, 'q'=>$q, 'model'=>$model )); }
Here's the start of views/site/newFriendship (form view)
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'enableAjaxValidation'=>true,)); ?>
Here's the core of views/bio/index.php (search results index page):
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
'viewData'=>array('model'=>$model) )); ?>
Here's the search result row in views/bio/_view.php that links back to BefriendForm (SiteController) that sends the id of the user to populate the friend field in the form (which gets a name from the id):
<form method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="idfriend" value="<?php echo $data->idfriend ?>" />
// Here's that submit button that I can't get to send both the model
//and the idfriend back to the form to repopulate it
// without manually writing HTML to submit all the fields individually
// or creating 2 subforms to submit together with a signle submitButton.
<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Befriend', array('submit' => array('site/Befriend'),'model'=$model);
The best alternative I can see is to imbibe the searcher widget within the form.
Turns out you can just replace the form field containing the primary key with the appropriate value before POSTing back to the NewFriendship form when the user clicks the "Select" or "Befriend" button. So only one model is posted back to the original form from the search results page.
Replace the section from views/bio/_view.php in the question with...
foreach($model->attributeNames() as $name)
if($name != 'friend_id')
echo CHtml::activeHiddenField($model,$name);
echo CHtml::activeHiddenField($model,$name,array('value'=>$data->getPrimaryKey()));
echo CHtml::submitButton('Befriend', array('submit' => array('site/Befriend')));