Get value from another field in list row - Gravity Forms - gravity-forms-plugin

I have a gravity forms list field that needs to read the post id from another column on the same row and then return with an image display of that specific post id.
add_filter( 'gform_pre_submission_filter_105_17_6', 'change_column3_content' );
add_filter( 'gform_column_input_content_105_17_6', 'change_column3_content', 10, 6 );
function change_column3_content( $input, $input_info, $field, $text, $value, $form_id ) {
$post_id = rgpost('input_105_17_2');
$product_meta = get_post_meta($post_id);
return wp_get_attachment_image( $product_meta['_thumbnail_id'][0], 'thumbnail' );
Please note that this is a list field.
Am I using the wrong filter? or do I have something else going wrong in my code?
Gravity Perks / Populate Anything currently do not support list type fields.
Thankyou in advance :)


How can I get [checkbox] mail tag values into a unordered list inside the email in CF7?

[checkbox services one_label_element "DJ" "Live Dhol" "MC" "Intelligent Dancefloor Lighting" "Uplighting" "Pinspot Lighting"]<
Use the Smart Grid extension for CF7, it introduces mail tag filters, so you would do something like,
add_filter( 'cf7sg_mailtag_my-checkbox', 'filter_cf7_mailtag_my_checkbox', 10, 3);
function filter_cf7_mailtag_select_option($tag_replace, $submitted, $cf7_key){
/*the $tag_replace string to change*/
/*the $submitted an array containing all submitted fields*/
/*the $cf7_key is a unique string key to identify your form, which you can find in your form table in the dashboard.*/
if('my-form'==$cf7_key ){
$tag_replace = '<ul>'.PHP_EOL;
foreach($submitted['my-checkbox'] as $value){
$tag_replace .= "<li>{$value}</li>".PHP_EOL;
$tag_replace .= '</ul>';
return $tag_replace;
The filter is customised for each mail tag, in this example I have a checkbox field called my-checkbox, the plugin create the custom filter and helper code.
Please view this video tutorial to understand how to obtain the appropirate filter.

How do you access Gravity Form fields pre-submission?

I'm trying to access the Gravity Forms fields pre-submission to check for gibberish entries. I've tried pretty much everything on StackOverflow and no luck.
The form is id #1. Some of the 1000 things I've tried include:
and reading this:
How do I do this?
If you want to fail silently for spam entries, I would recommend using the gform_validation filter and, if you determine that the submission is spam, dynamically enable the honey pot. Gravity Forms will then fail the submission silently. The confirmation will be displayed but the entry will not be created.
Here's how my GP Blacklist plugin handles this:
$honeypot_field_id = GFFormDisplay::get_max_field_id( $form ) + 1;
$_POST[ "input_{$honeypot_field_id}" ] = true;
$form['enableHoneypot'] = true;
$result['is_valid'] = true;
To actually retrieve the value, the simplest way is to just fetch it from the $_POST (FYI, there are more thorough techniques). Here's a more robust example.
add_filter( 'gform_validation', function( $result ) {
// Get the value of field ID 1
$value = rgpost( 'input_1' );
if( $value == 'gibberish' ) {
// activate honeypot
return $result;
} );

cakephp form validation for counting multiple textareas as a group

Is it possible to validate a group of form textareas at once? I would like to check that at least 5 out of 15 text areas are notEmpty. Any suggestions on a method for doing this?
If you're going to down vote, explain why.
I've read but it isn't clear to me how I would group multiple field items together and only check for a minimum of 5 notEmpty cases.
Edit: I'm using version 2.3.7
I don't really have any code to show because I'm just trying to do a data validation on a form with many textareas. My form isn't working right now due to other issues. If this was the only problem I could post all the code, but right now it would just confuse matters. I'm looking for a descriptive answer of how to validate a group of fields together.
Attach the validation rule to one textarea
You can do this by attaching the validation rule to any one of the text areas e.g.
class Foo extends AppModel {
public $validate = array(
'textarea_1' => array(
'atLeast5' => array(
'rule' => array('validate5Textareas'),
'message' => 'Please put text in at least 5 of the little boxes'
public function validate5Textareas() {
$filledTextAreas = 0;
// adapt this to match the names/logic of the real form
for ($i = 1; $i <= 15; $i++) {
if (!empty($this->data[$this->alias]['textarea_' . $i])) {
return $filledTextAreas >= 5;
The $validate array defines a rule such that validate5Textareas is called if textarea_1 is in the data passed to save.
The function validate5Textareas will return true if 5 or more have text in them and false otherwise.

SugarCRM Adding Additional Details Info icon in Detail View

in SugarCRM some modules like "Calls" has an "i" (Additional Details) icon in List view which shows some additional details about that record.
I want to display same kind for other modules like customer visits with some custom details of the records.
Any hints or guidance will be helpful.
1) Create a file in your metadata folder {MODULENAME}/metadata/additionalDetails.php. You have to find correct place of your module.
2) and create a function something like this. replace {MODULENAME} and {MODULE_BEAN_NAME} with actual module name in all places.
function additionalDetails{MODULE_BEAN_NAME}($fields) {
static $mod_strings;
if(empty($mod_strings)) {
global $current_language;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, '{MODULENAME}');
$overlib_string = '';
$overlib_string .= '<b>'. $mod_strings['LBL_NAME'] . '</b> ' . $fields['NAME'] . ' <br>';
//Add whatever info you want to show up to $overlib_string
$editLink = "index.php?action=EditView&module={MODULENAME}&record={$fields['ID']}";
$viewLink = "index.php?action=DetailView&module={MODULENAME}&record={$fields['ID']}";
return array(
'fieldToAddTo' => 'NAME',
'string' => $overlib_string,
'editLink' => $editLink,
'viewLink' => $viewLink
you have to create $overlib_string with your data (in html). If you need edit and view links on your modal box you have to return them as well. $fields is an associative array that contains db record.
3) The i icon should appear on the module list view.

Zend Framework email content generation

With Zend_Framework, I wondered what is considered best practice for building up the content to send in a HTML email. In my case the content of the email that is sent is determined by a number of factors, for example the number of returned rows for a specific value in the database. Because of this it makes sense for me that the content is built up within the controller that sends the email which talks to the relevant database models and determines what the content should be. Where i'm not sure this works is that our designers and copyrighters will often want to adjust the copy in emails and this would then require them to make changes to a model or ask me to. Should i be handling this differently? Should i perhaps be storing HTML snippets somewhere containing the different text and then calling these somehow?
EDIT following from the answer by fireeyedboy, would it be acceptable to do something like this. Create a folder inside views called "partials" and use this to store text/html snippets that i can then call in where i need and replace special strings with dynamic values using regexp(or similar).
$nview = new Zend_View();
$bodytext = $nview->render('response.phtml');
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
// etc ...
e.g. in this context where two different templates could be used depending on variables returned from a Model:
// within a controller
public function emailAction()
$images = new Model_ApplicationImages();
$totimages = count($images->fetchImages($wsid));
$acceptedImages = $images->fetchImages($wsid,'approved');
$accepted = count($acceptedImages);
$rejectedImages = $images->fetchImages($wsid,'rejected');
$rejected = count($rejectedImages);
$response = ($rejected == $totimages)?'rejected':'approved';
$nview = new Zend_View();
$content = $nview->render($response.'.phtml');
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
// etc
Is there a more elegant way i can/should be doing this?
Not sure if this is best practice, but what I did is extend Zend_Mail with methods like these:
setTemplatePath( $templatePath );
setTemplateHtml( $templateHtml );
setTemplateText( $templateText );
setTemplateArguments( array $templateArguments );
...then at some point in my overwrittensend() I do:
$view = new Zend_View();
$view->setScriptPath( $this->_templatePath );
foreach( $this->_templateArguments as $key => $value )
$view->assign( $key, $value );
if( null !== $this->_templateText )
$bodyText = $view->render( $this->_templateText );
$this->setBodyText( $bodyText );
if( null !== $this->_templateHtml )
$bodyHtml = $view->render( $this->_templateHtml );
$this->setBodyHtml( $bodyHtml );
So to utilize this you would do something like:
$mail = new My_Extended_Zend_Mail();
$mail->setTemplatePath( 'path/to/your/mail/templates' );
$mail->setTemplateHtml( 'mail.html.phtml' );
$mail->setTemplateText( 'mail.text.phtml' );
'someModel' => $someFunkyModel,
/* etc, you get the point */
In other words, with this you can let your designers and copywriters simply edit views (templates) like they are used to already. Hope this helps and has inspired you to come up with something funky that suits your needs.
Since you mention arbitrary data rows, you can, for instance, utilize the partialLoop view helper that comes with ZF for this. But you probably were aware of this already?
I actually agree with chelmertz' comment about not extending Zend_Mail but wrapping it in my own component.