SteamVR: Correct way to get the input device triggered by an action and then get it's corresponding Hand class? - unity3d

I have an action that is mapped to both my left amd right hand triggers on my VR controllers. I would like to access these instances...
...depending on which trigger is used but I can't fathom the proper way to do it from the SteamVR API. So far the closest I have gotten is this...
public SteamVR_Action_Boolean CubeNavigation_Position;
private void Update()
if (CubeNavigation_Position[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].state) {
// this returns an enum which can be converted to string for LeftHand or RightHand
SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource = CubeNavigation_Position[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].activeDevice;
} I supposed to do multiple if statements for SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand and SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand? That doesn't seem correct.
I just want to get the input device that triggered the action and then access it using Player.instance.

I was also looking for an answer to this. I've for now done what I think is what you mean with the if-statements. It works, but definitely not ideal. You want to directly refer to the hand which triggered the action, right?
With the 'inputHand' variable here I get the transform.position of the hand from which I will raycast and show a visible line. I could have put a separate instance of a raycastScript like this on each hand, of course, but I wanted to make a 'global' script, if that makes sense.
private SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource = SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any; //which controller
public SteamVR_Action_Boolean raycastTrigger; // action-button
private Hand inputHand;
private void Update()
if (raycastTrigger.stateDown && !isRaycasting) // If holding down trigger
isRaycasting = true;
inputHand = inputChecker();
if (raycastTrigger.stateUp && isRaycasting)
isRaycasting = false;
private Hand inputChecker()
if (raycastTrigger.activeDevice == SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand)
inputHand = Player.instance.rightHand;
else if (raycastTrigger.activeDevice == SteamVR_Input_Sources.LeftHand)
inputHand = Player.instance.leftHand;
return inputHand;


Can't load another level

I was following an online tutorial to make this little game in Unity and when I got to the end, I wound up with two different levels. The only problem is that I can only play one of them. I tried adding it in the build settings but for some reason, it just isn't working. Maybe there's a problem with the code? I don't know. This is my first-ever working with Unity so I'm still figuring things out.
public class LevelControllerScript : MonoBehaviour
private static int _nextLevelIndex = 1;
private NewBehaviourScript1[] _enemies;
private void OnEnable()
_enemies = FindObjectsOfType<NewBehaviourScript1>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
foreach(NewBehaviourScript1 NewBehaviourScript1 in _enemies)
if (NewBehaviourScript1 != null)
Debug.Log("You killed all enemies!");
string nextLevelName = "Level" + _nextLevelIndex;
string nextLevelName = "Level" + _nextLevelIndex;
This line of code makes the string nextLevelName something like Level1, or Level2, however, you are trying to match up to the string leveltwo.
To fix this you need to match up the strings, I believe you can just change the scene leveltwo to Level2 (and change all of the other scenes accordingly).

Unity editor scripting : how to execute two different actions with the same button?

I wrote some code to add a button to my custom editor in Unity. What I'd like is the following. When I click the button once, a component is added, and when I click again the component is removed. In the simple code below, I just try to print "Add" or "Remove" when clicking the button. I noticed that the variable toggleRigidBody takes the value true but then take the value false right after. It doesn't stay "true" even though I never explicitly change it in the code. The "else if" is never fired. I'm not sure why.
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using SS3D.Engine.Inventory;
public class ContainerControllerEditor : Editor
private bool toggleRigidBody = false;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
ContainerController containerController = (ContainerController)target;
bool buttonPressed = GUILayout.Button("AddAttachedContainer");
if (buttonPressed && toggleRigidBody == false)
toggleRigidBody = true;
else if (buttonPressed && toggleRigidBody == true)
toggleRigidBody = false;
My code only print "Add" when I click the button. What's happening here ?
The main problem here is that the editor instance is created when the object is clicked and the Inspector loaded. And then it is destroyed as soon as the object loses focus and the Inspector not shown for this object anymore.
=> Your flag toggleRigidBody is not persistent!
What you rather want to do is serialize the flag inside your object or even better: Serialize the reference itself.
This way you
Have already access to the reference in your script in case you need it on runtime
Have the reference in the editor for a) checking if it exists and b) being able to remove it directly
So having your class like
public class ContainerController : MonoBehaviour
// Store the reference in a field
[SerializeField] private Rigidbody _rigidbody;
The editor could look like
public class ContainerControllerEditor : Editor
private SerializedProperty _rigidbody;
ContainerController containerController;
private void OnEnable()
_rigidbody = serializedObject.FindProperty("_rigidbody");
containerController = (ContainerController)target;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// Loads all current serialized values from the target into the serialized properties
// If the _rigidbody field is not assigned
// try GetComponent as fallback
if(!_rigidbody.objectReferenceValue) _rigidbody.objectReferenceValue = containerController.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
// simply put everything that belongs to one button click inside one if block
// this is easier to maintain and read
// Of course alternatively you could also simply have two completely different buttons to display
// depending on the value of "_rigidbody.objectReferenceValue"
if(GUILayout.Button(_rigidbody.objectReferenceValue ? "Remove Rigidbody" : "Add Rigidbody")
// Is there a Rigidbody?
// Yes -> destroy it
// There are two different destroy methods depending whether you are
// in Play mode or Edit mode
// Otherwise the field is currently not set and no component was found using GetComponent
// Add the component via the ObjectFactory
// this enabled undo/redo and marks the scene dirty etc
// and assign it to the serialized property
_rigidbody.objectReferenceValue = ObjectFactory.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(target.gameObject);
// Writes back all modified properties to the target and takes care of Undo/Redo and marking dirty
serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties ();
The editor object is created when it's being displayed, and destroyed when it's not, so for your data to persist you will need to store the values somewhere else. So that's definitely what is happening. The easiest way to have a value of a variable to be persistent between sessions you would use EditorPrefs to save the variable values. Thats the easiest way you can go about it, so you would use this to save the toggleRigidBody value.

I have button that execute my method but ignoring the if statement

i have a problem. iam making a game that have button for buy item , and the button have no issue, it run normally, but the problem is the button immediately executes the method without seeing that the method contains an if statement, so what is wrong here Here's the code :
public void TakeMoney()
int minusCoin = PlayerInfo.coin -= 5;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MyCoinAmount", minusCoin);
public void DisableBuyButton()
disableBuyButtonRocket3 = 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DisableBuyButtonRocket3", disableBuyButtonRocket3);
public void Buy()
int getPlayerCoin = PlayerInfo.coin;
if (getPlayerCoin > 4)
if (MyRocket._rocket3 == 1)
MyRocket._rocket3 = 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Rocket3Bought", MyRocket._rocket3);
so the button will perform all of the 3 functions above, but as can be seen that I make an if statement so the item can only be purchased if we already have enough money, but when I try I try to reset all values, so my money by default it is 0, but I can buy the item and my money becomes a minus.
Btw, PlayerInfo above is a script from another scene.
Sorry for my bad english.
Your problem is that you do everything in separated methods. It's basically not a problem - but, when you execute them concurrently, it is. Also, your methods are completely independent of each other - an if statement in one will not affect the others' execution. The solution is that you first remove the event listeners to TakeMoney and DisableBuyButton. Then, call them from Buy. If you think it through, it is more logical. Also, remove the temporary variables, as they slow down your code a bit and also make it less readable. Final code could be something like this:
public void TakeMoney()
PlayerInfo.coin -= 5;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MyCoinAmount", PlayerInfo.coin);
public void DisableBuyButton()
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DisableBuyButtonRocket3", 1);
public void Buy()
if (PlayerInfo.coin > 4) {
if (MyRocket._rocket3 != 1 /* changed this, because it seemed that you want to check whether it is NOT one */)
// I changed the if statement because this
MyRocket._rocket3 = 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Rocket3Bought", MyRocket._rocket3);
the playerinfo.coin value would be more than 4 because it will decrease coin at click so it will minus only 5 at a click you could check playerinfo.coin value

UNITY An object reference is required to access non-static member `Outline.OutlineMode'

I'm trying to create an outline when you are near it, but i'm getting all the time the same error.
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)){
var outline = gameObject.AddComponent<Outline>();
outline.OutlineMode = Outline.Mode.OutlineAll;
outline.OutlineColor = Color.yellow;
outline.OutlineWidth = 5f;
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) {
if (Outline.OutlineMode == Outline.Mode.OutlineAll) {
If i press E it works, and if i change it to ontriggerstay works too, but im trying that it only applies one time, because im getting some errors if its on. I have to say that im using an asset, called quick outline
Srry for my very bad english and explanation and thank you
add the outline to your object in Awake() then set it to disabled.
then enable it in OnTriggerEnter() and disable it in OnTriggerExit()
this will keep you from making multiple copies, and it will only be active when you are in range of your trigger

Telling another GameObject to do something (Unity2D)?

I have a simple touch/mouseclick script attached to a GameObject as a sort of "Master Script" i.e. the GameObject is invisible and doesn't do anything but hold this Touch script when the game is running.
How do I tell other named GameObjects that are generated at runtime to do things e.g. highlight when touched/clicked from this Master Script?
The script for highlighting seems to be: renderer.material.color= colorRed;
But I'm not sure how to tell the GameObject clicked on to become highlighted from the Master Script.
Please help! (am programming in C#)
Alright so you'll want to use a ray cast if you're not doing it in GUI. Check out Unity Ray Casting and then use
hit.transform.gameObject.renderer.material.color = red;
You can have a switch that is like:
if (hit.transform.gameObject.CompareTag("tag")) {
// turn to red;
} else {
// turn to white;
Use the ScreenPointToRay or ScreenPointToWorld depending on what you're doing.
For touch, should look like:
void Update () {
foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches)
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(touch.position);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1000.0f))
if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("tag"))
hit.collider.gameObject.renderer.material.color = red;
// You can also add in a "go back" feature in the update but this will "go back" then when the touch ends or moves off
// Also not so good to search for Objects in the update function but that's at your discretion.
GameObject[] gObjs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("tag");
foreach (GameObject go in gObjs) {
go.renderer.material.color = white;
To answer your question about pinging the 'manager'
I would do one of two options.
// Drop the object containing YourManager into the box in the inspector where it says "manage"
public YourManager manage;
// In the update and in the Ray Cast function (right next to your color change line):
manager.yourCall ();
// and
manager.yourString = "cool";
private YourManager manage;
void Awake () {
manager = GameObject.FindObjectWithTag("manager").GetComponent<YourManager> ();
// In the update and in the Ray Cast function (right next to your color change line):
// In your manager file have "public bool selected;" at the top so you can access that bool from this file like:
manager.selected = true;
I detail this a little in another one of my answers HERE
For mouse clicks, I would check out the MonoDevelop functions they have in store such as:
// This file would be on the game object in the scene
// When the mouse is hovering the GameObject
void OnMouseEnter () {
selected = true;
renderer.material.color = red;
// When the mouse moved out
void OnMouseExit () {
selected = false;
renderer.material.color = white;
// Or you can use the same system as above with the:
Use a bool in your manager file true is selected, false isn't. Have all the objects you instantiate have a tag, use the ray cast from the master file to the game object. When it his the game object with that tag, swap colors and sap the bool from the master file. Probably better to do it internally from the master file.
(All depends on what you're doing)
If you know what the name of the GameObjects will be at runtime, you can use GameObject.Find("") and store that in a GameObject variable. You can then set the renderer of that GameObject to whatever you like (assuming a renderer is linked to that GameObject).
The most obvious way of doing this would be to use prefabs and layers or tags.
You can add a tag to your prefab (say "Selectable") or move the prefab to some "Selectable" layer and then write your code around this, knowing that all selectable items are on this layer/have this tag.
Another way of doing this (And in my opinion is also a better way) is implementing your custom 'Selectable' component. You would search for this component on a clicked item and then perform the selection, if you have found that component. This way is better because you can add some additional selection logic in this component which would otherwise reside in your selection master script (image the size of your script after you've added a couple of selectables).
You can do it by implementing a SelectableItem script (name is arbitrary) and a couple of it's derivatives:
public class SelectableItem : MonoBehavior {
public virtual void OnSelected() {
renderer.material.color = red;
public class SpecificSelectable : SelectableItem {
public override void OnSelected() {
//You can do whatever you want in here
renderer.material.color = green;
//Adding new selectables is easy and doesn't require adding more code to your master script.
public class AnotherSpecificSelectable : SelectableItem {
public override void OnSelected() {
renderer.material.color = yellow;
And in your master script:
// Somewhere in your master selection script
// These values are arbitrary and this whole mask thing is optional, but would improve your performance when you click around a lot.
var selectablesLayer = 8;
var selectablesMask = 1 << selectablesLayer;
//Use layers and layer masks to only raycast agains selectable objects.
//And avoid unnecessary GetComponent() calls.
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1000.0f, selectablesMask))
var selectable = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<SelectableItem>();
if (selectable) {
// This one would turn item red or green or yellow depending on which type of SelectableItem this is (which is controlled by which component this GameObject has)
// This is called polymorphic dispatch and is one of the reasons we love Object Oriented design so much.
So say you have a couple of different selectables and you want them to do different things upon selection. This is the way you would do this. Some of your selectables would have one of the selection components and others would have another one. The logic that performs the selection resides in the Master script while the actions that have to be performed are in those specific scripts that are attached to game objects.
You can go further and add OnUnselect() action in those Selectables:
public class SelectableItem : MonoBehaviour {
public virtual void OnSelected() {
renderer.material.color = red;
public virtual void OnUnselected() {
renderer.material.color = white;
and then even do something like this:
//In your master script:
private SelectableItem currentSelection;
var selectable = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<SelectableItem>();
if (selectable) {
if (currentSelection) currentSelection.OnUnselected();
CurrentSelection = selectable;
And we've just added deselection logic.
DISCLAIMER: These are just a bunch of snippets. If you just copy and paste those they probably wouldn't work right away.