Can't load another level - unity3d

I was following an online tutorial to make this little game in Unity and when I got to the end, I wound up with two different levels. The only problem is that I can only play one of them. I tried adding it in the build settings but for some reason, it just isn't working. Maybe there's a problem with the code? I don't know. This is my first-ever working with Unity so I'm still figuring things out.
public class LevelControllerScript : MonoBehaviour
private static int _nextLevelIndex = 1;
private NewBehaviourScript1[] _enemies;
private void OnEnable()
_enemies = FindObjectsOfType<NewBehaviourScript1>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
foreach(NewBehaviourScript1 NewBehaviourScript1 in _enemies)
if (NewBehaviourScript1 != null)
Debug.Log("You killed all enemies!");
string nextLevelName = "Level" + _nextLevelIndex;

string nextLevelName = "Level" + _nextLevelIndex;
This line of code makes the string nextLevelName something like Level1, or Level2, however, you are trying to match up to the string leveltwo.
To fix this you need to match up the strings, I believe you can just change the scene leveltwo to Level2 (and change all of the other scenes accordingly).


I'm getting an UnassignedReferenceException when the reference is set. I've seen other questions similar but not exactly the same

As the title says i'm getting the UnassignedReferenceException error for a variable already set. Using ScriptableObjects im working on an inventory system(partially from scratch) and im trying to access the EquipmentUi in another class using a GameObject to hold the prefab containing the Character script. There is no issue with this working to access the Character script as shown in the picture because i can access the name. However, when i try and access the EquipmentUI of that character it gives the error. This isnt the last part i need access to but i have figured out that the UI is the part i cant access, i need the script held in it(which has worked before in another class).
The variable is already assigned, there is no other object in my scene with the same script attached, and the code can access other parts of the script i want access to which is why i made a new post after seeing the other posts and not seeing one that had quite the same issue.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnitEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Character Equipment", menuName = "Inventory/Character/CharacterEquipment)]
public class CharacterEquipmentObject : ScriptableObject
protected Player user;
private GameObject equipmentUser; // Only used to get the user because SOs cant getObject<>
public EquipmentObject[] equipment = new EquipmentObject[8];
EquipmentDisplay equipmentUI;
//private string[] SlotList = new string[8]{"Helmet", "Shoulders", "Chest", "MainHand", "OffHand", "Ring", "Legs", "Feet"}; may need later
public void start() // must be called in display
user = equipmentUser.GetComponent<Player>(); // set the user to be used in other classes\
Debug.Log("user in CEO: " + user.characterName); // this displays fine
Debug.Log("user " + user.characterName + "'s equipment: " +; // This is what the editor says is empty when the slot has it assigned
equipmentUI = user.EquipmentUI.GetComponentInChildren<EquipmentDisplay>();
Debug.Log("equipmentUI: " +;
Thanks for any help in advance.
Player class:
public class Player : Character
protected Character[] companions = new Character[3];
GameObject InventoryUI;
public GameObject EquipmentUI;
bool isSelling = false;
public string characterName;
protected override void Start()
Debug.Log("Player Equipment UI: " + EquipmentUI.GetComponentInChildren<EquipmentDisplay>().name);
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
var item = other.GetComponent<InteractItem>();
characterInventory.addItem(item._item, 1);
private void Update()
if(EquipmentUI.activeSelf == true)
Thanks for all the help on here but i figured out it is a ScriptableObjects issue as i went in and changed the way it is run, even putting the function to edit the users InventoryObject into the player itself it still gave the same issue.
In the player function Update() that does not have the InventoryObject(ScriptableObject) the update runs fine but as soon as the player function EmptySlot() is called from the InventoryObject it sends the same error.
Not entirely sure why this is but SOs are unable to access the GameObject that holds the script for the inventory display in them whatsoever. If anyone has a reason as to why this is I would love to know, but i am going to move on from this particular part and change how it works.
You might be experiencing a bug I have been facing where the element variable info does not update to show variable changes.
To force it to update, cause an error in your code. Switch to unity, when it shows you the error go back and fix it, and see if the variable value changes then.

How to generate a random number and make sure it is the same for everyone using Photon in Unity?

Hi Guys I am converting a single player Sudoko game into a multiplayer game (right now 2 players) using Photon in Unity.
The basic logic of the Sudoku game is that there are 300 puzzle data already loaded in it. A random number between 1 to 300 is picked up and the corresponding puzzle is loaded.
But the problem I am facing is even though I have made sure that the same number is getting picked up for both the client and the master server, different puzzles are getting loaded.
So basically I script called MultiManager attached to the MultiManager GameObject in the Sudoku screen.The script looks something like this.
void Start()
PV = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
puzzleIndex = Random.Range(0, 300);
PV.RPC("RPC_PuzzleIndex", RpcTarget.Others, puzzleIndex);
gameManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameManager)) as GameManager;
void RPC_PuzzleIndex(int puzzleIndexNUmber)
puzzleIndex = puzzleIndexNUmber;
So in the GameManager script you have these functions:
public void PlayNewGame(string groupId)
// Get the PuzzleGroupData for the given groupId
for (int i = 0; i < puzzleGroups.Count; i++)
PuzzleGroupData puzzleGroupData = puzzleGroups[i];
if (groupId == puzzleGroupData.groupId)
private void PlayNewGame(PuzzleGroupData puzzleGroupData)
// Get a puzzle that has not yet been played by the user
PuzzleData puzzleData = puzzleGroupData.GetPuzzle();
// Play the game using the new puzzle data
And in the PuzzleGroupData class you have this function :
public PuzzleData GetPuzzle()
return new PuzzleData(puzzleFiles[MultiManager.puzzleIndex], shiftAmount, groupId);
I don't quite get as to whats wrong which is happening. I tried to use other variations like keeping that random number outside of the condition inside of PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient and all, but doesn't work.
If anyone can help it would be great. By the way this Sudoku game was purchased and I am trying to convert it to a mutliPlayer game
Since the master is usually the first one in a room so also the first one getting Start called I think what happens is that your other clients are simply not connected yet when the RPC is called.
Further it might also happen (actually pretty likely) that Start is called before the RPC has the chance to be received.
I would rather actually wait until you have the value and do
void Start()
PV = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
PV.RPC(name of(RPC_PuzzleIndex), RpcTarget.AllBuffered, Random.Range(0, 300));
void RPC_PuzzleIndex(int puzzleIndexNUmber)
puzzleIndex = puzzleIndexNUmber;
gameManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameManager)) as GameManager;
This way
the RpcTarget.AllBuffered makes sure that also clients joining later will receive the call
there is no way you start a game without receiving the random value first

UNITY An object reference is required to access non-static member `Outline.OutlineMode'

I'm trying to create an outline when you are near it, but i'm getting all the time the same error.
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)){
var outline = gameObject.AddComponent<Outline>();
outline.OutlineMode = Outline.Mode.OutlineAll;
outline.OutlineColor = Color.yellow;
outline.OutlineWidth = 5f;
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) {
if (Outline.OutlineMode == Outline.Mode.OutlineAll) {
If i press E it works, and if i change it to ontriggerstay works too, but im trying that it only applies one time, because im getting some errors if its on. I have to say that im using an asset, called quick outline
Srry for my very bad english and explanation and thank you
add the outline to your object in Awake() then set it to disabled.
then enable it in OnTriggerEnter() and disable it in OnTriggerExit()
this will keep you from making multiple copies, and it will only be active when you are in range of your trigger

Unity: Weird scene transition bug after adding a "Persistent-Scene" with a GameManager

I made a pretty basic 2D game to learn. I have 2 Scenes, and switching between them worked great. I used empty gameObjects as Start/Exit point of the Scene, so that the game would know to put player on point X after exiting through point X (for example exit outside house if I walk out the door).
Then I added a "Scene0", to use for persistent general scripts like GameManager, Sounds, Music, etc. With just one object called "Controller" that I DontDestroyOnLoad().
After adding this Scene and then just switching Scenes right away to my MainScene, all of a sudden the game starts acting really strange;
the first time I move from my MainScene (Scene1), to my secondary Scene (Scene2), it works fine, but then when I leave Scene2 to go back to Scene1, the player spawns in the middle of nowhere.
And this ONLY happens if I launch the game from my Persistent Scene.
I have no idea what is wrong, I don't add anything that interferes with my scene transitions, all I've added so far is playerHealth, for testing.
Scripts attached to my (persistent) Controller:
public class DDOL : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Awake () {
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour {
public static GameManager manager;
public int playerMaxHealth;
public int playerCurrentHealth;
void Awake(){
if (manager == null) {
manager = this;
} else if (manager != this) {
Destroy (gameObject);
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Scripts attached to my StartPoint:
public class PlayerStartPoint : MonoBehaviour {
private PlayerController thePlayer;
private CameraController theCamera;
public Vector2 startDir;
public string pointName;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
thePlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerController> ();
if (thePlayer.startPoint == pointName) {
thePlayer.transform.position = transform.position;
thePlayer.lastMove = startDir;
theCamera = FindObjectOfType<CameraController> ();
theCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, theCamera.transform.position.z);
And finally ExitPoint:
public class LoadNewArea : MonoBehaviour {
public string levelToLoad;
public string exitPoint;
private PlayerController thePlayer;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
thePlayer = FindObjectOfType<PlayerController> ();
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other){
if ( == "Player")
thePlayer.startPoint = exitPoint;
After moving all my DDOL gameObject to the Pre-Scene, it worked. So, I can assume the fault is inside Player or Cameras Start() functions since when they start in Scene1 they get called every time I enter the Scene (only DDOL).
I tried adjusting their Start()functions like follows:
Original camera:
void Start () {
Debug.Log("Starting camera");
if (!cameraExists) {
cameraExists = true;
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);}
Destroy (gameObject);
Changed Camera:
void Start () {
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
The exact same changes was made in Player.
Obviously this doesnt work because it creates a new Camera/Player every time I enter Scene1 (btw why does it not try to create them when I enter Scene2?, is it because they start in Scene1?). HOWEVER, the new player/camera do start at the correct position, and if I zoom out I can see the old player/camera at that same wrong position as before. So something weird happens when their Start() is called a second time it seems.
You've now mentioned that you had code something like this,
void Start () {
Debug.Log("Starting camera");
if (!cameraExists) {
cameraExists = true;
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);}
Destroy (gameObject);
Note that this is unfortunately just "utterly incorrect", heh :)
The issues you mention in the question (preload scenes etc) are just totally unrelated to the problem here.
In Unity if you have a character C that persists between scenes a, b, c as you load those scenes, you must kick-off C in it's own (perhaps otherwise empty) scene, you can not use "a" as a matter of convenience to kick off C.
The pattern is, in each of a, b, c just have a line of code like p = FindObjectOfType<Player>(); which runs when the scene loads, and position C as you wish.
Now, regarding your specific puzzle about the unusual behavior you are seeing.
I understand that you want to know why you are observing what you do.
It is a combination of confusion over the following issues: 1 - difference between Awake and Start, 2 - confusion over script execution order {but see below1} 3 - confusion about Destroy versus DestroyImmediate 4 - Not using Debug.Log enough, and not using in there (it's a common in Unity to be wildly confused about which object is talking in Debug.Log) 5 - where you mention you see the other object "off to the side", it's common to drastically confuse which one is which in such situations 6 - confusion between the computer programming concept of "instantiation" (ie, of a class or object) and "instantiating" (confusingly, it's the same word - utterly unrelated) game objects in nity.
If you fiddle around with all those issues, you'll discover an explanation for the behavior you're seeing!
But it doesn't amount to much; in Unity in the "C .. a b c" example you have to create C separately beforehand.
1 {aside, never fiddle with the script execution ordering system in Unity in an effort to solve problems; it's only there for R&D purposes; however it could in fact help you investigate the behavior at hand in this problem, if you are particularly keen to fully understand why you're seeing what you're apparently seeing}
Use the debugger. Have breakpoints at the relevant spots, like PlayerStartPoint.Start() and LoadNewArea.OnTriggerEnter2D() and check that they are executed
At the right time
The right number of times
With the expected values
This should make you see where things get out of hand.
If you use Visual Studio, install to be able to debug Unity from within Visual Studio.
If you are not using Visual Studio, you probably should.
Is player persistent between scenes (does he have DontDestroyOnLoad)? If no then this might be the reason - you can either try loading the scenes by using the additive mode or by instantiating the player on scene load in correct position.

Project Tango won't relocalize

I am trying out Area Recognition using Area Learning with predefined ADF files using Project Tango in Unity3d. I use the script from this tutorial as the basis, but for some reason it won't relocalize.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Tango;
public class TestADFFile : MonoBehaviour, ITangoLifecycle
private TangoApplication m_tangoApplication;
public UnityEngine.UI.Text statusText;
public string adfName;
public void Start()
m_tangoApplication = FindObjectOfType<TangoApplication>();
if (m_tangoApplication != null)
public void OnTangoPermissions(bool permissionsGranted)
if (permissionsGranted)
if(AreaDescription.ImportFromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "adfs/" + adfName))){
statusText.text = "success!";
statusText.text = "fail!";
AreaDescription[] list = AreaDescription.GetList();
AreaDescription mostRecent = null;
AreaDescription.Metadata mostRecentMetadata = null;
if (list.Length > 0)
// Find and load the most recent Area Description
mostRecent = list[0];
mostRecentMetadata = mostRecent.GetMetadata();
foreach (AreaDescription areaDescription in list)
AreaDescription.Metadata metadata = areaDescription.GetMetadata();
if (metadata.m_dateTime > mostRecentMetadata.m_dateTime)
mostRecent = areaDescription;
mostRecentMetadata = metadata;
// No Area Descriptions available.
Debug.Log("No area descriptions available.");
public void OnTangoServiceConnected()
public void OnTangoServiceDisconnected()
The statusText is set to "success" so apparently the ADF is successfully loaded, right?
You're doing it right. Relocalization with area learning mode off works very quick. But relocalization with area learning mode on takes quite a while. You have to walk around up to 3-5 minutes until the relocalization works. Don't give up. I had the same problem. But in the end, it works!
Is not an answer I think, but just a checklist of things I would check.
Check that the ADF to relocalize is the right one, you may be loading an ADF from a different area.
On the TangoManager component check if Enable Area Descriptions is set to true.
Also check if the scene is set up correctly with all tango components required like: RelocalizingOverlay.cs, TangoApplication.cs
Also as a personal note I have noticed that ADF sometimes take quite a while to relocalized and sometimes they don't relocalize at all.
I think the reasons are that the room has change in someway or the lighting is very different, by different I mean maybe the day you recorded that ADF was a very sunny day and the day you are trying to relocalize is cloudy.(Again this are just theories of mine, I got from my testing)