How do I get the the query parameters of the url of the web-app? - flutter

I am planning to create an online game that uses some kind of lobby system. I want the host to be able to create an invite link
How do I get the code parameter of the URL so that I can show content based on this code?
Any help is much appreciated :D
I can get the URL by using Uri.base but the problem now is that I can't enter any query parameters into the url because they get instantly removed.

With this package you can get current link from users browser, using function getHref(). So the final code could look like this:
import 'package:window_location_href/window_location_href.dart';
final String url = getHref();
Uri uri = new Uri.dataFromString(url);
String codeParam = uri.queryParameters['code'];


Get Firebase Dynamic Link Data from String Input url Flutter

Dynamic links work great for 98% of our users. However, there are still a group of users which have difficulty with them or do not know how to use them.
I want to add a feature which would let users paste their link into the app, and then we extract the data from the link and handle it normally. This will also serve as a backup for when the links are down or misbehaving. It will also allow our customer service team to get data from a link when customers share them with us.
The problem is, there doesn't seem to be a way to manually pass in a dynamic link to retrieve the dynamic data.
Does anyone know how this can be achieved?
Here is my attempt at your question.
I am assuming what you mean by the dynamic data is the underlying deeplink along with the parameters associated with the deeplink.
void dynamicLinkToDeepLink(String dynamicLinkString) async {
final details = await FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getDynamicLink(Uri.parse(dynamicLinkString));
// your deep link can be accessed as follows
You have to safeguard the above code as you see fits when you use it. You will have to wrap FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance..... with a try catch block and you will also have to check if the value of the returned link is not null before acccessing details!.link

Use Login Robox using username only like on reward sites

Hi i know this is probably not the place to ask this but i m stumped at the moment as i cant seem to find any reference or docs relating to working with Roblox. I mean sure they have an auth route etc but nothing detailed. I want to login user using username and give them roblox based on different actions they take on the site like completing surveys etc. Can anyone please give me links to some resources that would come in handy for the particular purpose. Thank you.
Roblox does not support any OAuth systems, but you still can use HttpService:GetAsync() function to get strings/data from web site(if the page in website display that text), the way to keep data that you recieved from url(web page) safe is to store script with HttpService:GetAsync() function in server side(example: RobloxScriptService). You need to allow http requests in your GameSettings -> Security in roblox studio. Script example:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local stringg = HttpService:GetAsync("")
--Should outpud data written ot the web page, you can use any web page to store data even your own
The only two things that left is to make your web server rewrite the page, or just use some databases at your web site by placing their url into loadstring() function.
Now you just need to parse the string given by url to use it's data.
The pastebin url that i wrote into loadstring() just an example, you can write whatever you wan, but again you need to parse the data that you got from url, or just convert the string into type of text like on the page, and then just check is they written at url/webpage. Example:
local writtenpass = game.Players["anyplayer"].PlayerGui.TestGui.Frame.PasswordTextBox.text
local writtenlogin = game.Players["anyplayer"].PlayerGui.TestGui.Frame.LoginTextBox.text
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local response = HttpService:GetAsync("")
local istrue = string.find(response, "{ login = ".. writtenlogin .." pass = ".. writtenpass .." }")
if istrue == 1 then
--whatewer actions if login and pass exist
You can wiew the page here
Well that a lot of damage!
If it helps mark me

How to navigate with URL to a page with query parameter in router.js

I want to be able to find a way to navigate to a page with parameter in the url for example,
Suppose if I put following like on the browser localhost:8000/?root=profiledetails&id=QQWWES Then I should be able to navigate to page configured with profiledetails in the router and also I should be able to retrieve the query parameter id QQWWES which I need to retrieve data from server.
Can anyone please help me figure this out. Appreciate your help.
You can use the router store and retrieve methods for this.
In your source page store data using store method. routerData ); //Router is an instance of router and routerData is
//an object with required data
Then in your target page get the data using retrieve method.
var routerData = router.retrieve();

Using Google Places Web API to search for business and using results to make a phone call

I'm working on a project, and I'm completely stuck.
I get the user's location using CLLocation and am able to get the place name using CLGeocoder, and using this I've constructed a URL to search the Google Places Web API.
My question is, how can I actually complete the search and return the top place result's phone number? Any help would be much appreciated!
let url: URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "" + placeMark.locality!+"&key=" + self.GAPIKEY)
This is the URL I've come up in case that helps
The first thing you need to do is an HTTP GET on the URL to get the API results. Consult the following SO question for various ways to do that:
How to make an HTTP request in Swift?
The data returned will be a JSON document in the format described in the Google Places API Docs. Look for the formatted_phone_number and/or international_phone_number fields. See Working with JSON in Swift for how to parse the JSON string.

Facebook Applinks return no applink data at all

I'm using the Facebook Graph API, Mobile hosting API to post a link with the following:{APPID}/app_link_hosts?access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN}&name=Puzzle_1420352145684&ios=[{"url":"MyAPP://playerPuzzles/1420352145684","app_store_id":{MYAPPID},"app_name":"MyAPP"}]&web={"should_fallback":false}
I get the correct result in the form of the ID of the link, with no error.
But when I query the link with{LINK}&access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN};
I don't get any app-link data the object is there but empty not even the name.
{"" = {
id = "";
Is there something wrong in my posting that doesn't allow the data to get posted?
Thanks for you help in advance.
It seems that the facebook documenatation is wrong. I finally found a solution using the graph explorer.
To correctly fetch the data use this style of URL.{APP-LINK-ID}?fields=ios,name,web&access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN};
Please note that you have to call out all the fields you want. The object at least for me didn't include the app_links structure like the documentation.
Here is the link to the wrong Index API
Here is the app_links object structure you can see all the fields you can fetch.
Hope this helps everyone.