Make a call over Avaya PBX WebClient from browser - webclient

We need to integrate our WebApp with Avaya PBX.
Until now we used 3cx PBX and there is it very simple. We can launch the webclient passing the calling number in this way:
We have a webclient in Avaya too, but we are not able to check if we can to somehting like this.
Is this possible in a way?

You can dial like that using integration with Onex-Agent
from browser: uses port 60000 (check on HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Avaya one-X Agent\Settings\APIPort)
Get the ClientId and add below:
Make a call
Unregister clientid:


cURL'ing a Phoenix socket

Is there a way to curl (or something similar) a phoenix socket?
Let's say my server is running on localhost:4000, and my endpoint has:
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
socket "/socket", MyApp.UserSocket
I have a UserSocket module with a connect method. What can I run from the command line to connect to this socket?
cURL supports by default long polling. You don't have to add any flags, just hit websocket url but you have to use http(s) not ws(s) protocol in url. Don't forget to add Accept and content type headers as application/json.
There is one drawback. You can't POST message to same connection :) so I guess it is better to use telnet instead and code by hand header to initiate polling so you can send (post) messages from same console. this way you can debug if "socket" is returning ok reply for your client pushes. and what is event better with this approach you can actually use HTTP 101 protocol upgrade to ws(s) :)

How to connect to a SVC endpoint?

Given a URL that ends with .svc and that is supposed to run a SOAP web service, how can I get some data from it?
I tried:
to access it via a web browser
to access it via the Python's library Zeep
to access it via the Microsoft utilitary svcutil.exe
In all cases, I get a timeout error:
Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time.
Does it mean that the web service does not work, or that I do things the wrong way?
Importantly - there is a big distinction between "service not active" (and by that I mean no listener on port 80), and "port not open in firewall".
If the problem were simply that you didn't have a service listening on port 80, you would have gotten something like "connection reset" or "connection rejected" as an error.
Instead, you appear to have gotten a timeout, which implies that either the SYN from the client doesn't reach the server, or the SYN/ACK from the server doesn't reach the client. [ You could verify this by doing a packet capture for port 80 on both client and server ]
I would be tempted to check any firewall in front of the server to see that it's letting port 80 traffic through from your client.
Diagnosing Connectivity Issues
Without more details it is difficult to say, but given your timeout error:
Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time.
This indicates a network connectivity error at the TCP level, so it is likely web service is not active on the port your are using (default of 80 for http, 443 for https).
In a comment you said you pinged the URL and it responded normally - I assume this means you pinged the hostname. If this is responding normally it means the server is active, but that doesn't tell you anything about the availability of the web service on that server.
telnet %hostname% %port%
where %port% is 80 for http or 443 for https, or something else if there is a port number in the URL you are using (e.g.
If ping works and telnet does not connect, then the service is not active.
I suspect this is the case. If the service was active and it was simply that you requesting the data incorrectly, I believe you'd get a different error message - e.g. a valid HTTP response with status code 500 or 404 or similar.
Getting Data from a Web Service
As to your original question as to how to get data from it - once you verify that the service is active, the method to get the data will depend on the specification of the service - i.e.:
which HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) does it support
what parameters it requires
what format it requires the parameters in
are the parameters in the query string or POST body.
To interact with a web service there are many command line tools that can be used, as well as the options you have tried, including:
POSTMan Google Chrome Plugin
In windows Powershell, the Invoke-WebRequest
Getting Data from a SOAP Web Service
As you have said it is a SOAP web service, if you have the URL for the wsdl, you can often interract with it using Powershell SOAP WebService Proxies.
The wsdl location varies, but is often at a URL that looks something like.
Also if it's configured correctly, just loading the URL in a browser will present a page with a link to the wsdl.
The general idea is:
$Proxy = New-WebserviceProxy $URI –Namespace X
$Proxy | get-member -MemberType Method
This will return a list of methods on the proxy that you can invoke as powershell methods. Any types defined in the wsdl that are needed for arguments, or returned from methods will be available within the namespace X. Invoking the methods will proxy the request to the service, taking care of serializing parameters and serializing results into powershell objects.

How to send HTTP Commands through Port 80

Breif Description of what I am trying to accomplish. So I am working with Crestrons Simpl+ software. My job is to create a module for a sound masking system called QT Pro. Now, QT Pro has an API where you can control it via HTTP. I need a way to establish a connection with the QT Pro via HTTP( I have everything I need, IP, Username, Password).
Whats the problem? I have just started working with this language. Unfortunately there isn't as much documentation as I would like, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I know I need to create a socket connection via TCP on port 80. I just don't know what I'm supposed to send through it.
Here is an example:
If I were to put this into the URL box, and fill it in correctly. then it would change the values that I specify. Am I supposed to send the entire thing? Or just after cmd.htm? Or is there some other way I'm supposed to send data? I'd like to stay away from the TCP/IP Module so I can keep this all within the same module.
You send
GET /cmd.htm?cmd=setOneZoneData&ZN=Value&mD=Value&mN=Value&auxA=Value&auxB=Value&autoR=Value HTTP/1.1
Host: address
Connection: close
(End with a couple of newlines.)
If you need to use HTTP basic authentication, then also include a header like
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
where the gibberish is the base64-encoded version of username:password.
But surely there is some mechanism for opening HTTP connections already there for you? Just blindly throwing out headers like this and hoping the response is what you expect is not robust, to say the least.
To see what is going on with your requests and responses, a great tool is netcat (or telnet, for that matter.)
Do nc address 80 to connect to server address on port 80, then paste your HTTP request:
GET /cmd.htm HTTP/1.1
Host: address
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Connection: close
and see what comes back. SOMETHING should come back. (Remember to terminate with two newlines.)
To see what requests your browser is sending when you do something that works, you can listen like this: nc -l -p 8080.
Then direct your browser to localhost:8080 with the rest of the URL as before, and you'll see the request that was sent. (Then you can type back to see how the browser handles the response.)

How to create a HttpConnection implementation in Java ME using SocketConnection?

In the Java ME platform that I am using I have only SocketConnection class to connect to a distant server. For example I can create a connection to a server socket on the given ip using"socket://"+ip+":"+port).
What I want is to implement an HttpConnection that will use http protocol, a url and port 80 as parameters. I imagine it will be something like" to be able to send GET, POST, DELETE, PUT requests to the server afterwards.
Is there a way to get the ip via url address and then connect to this ip using http protocol? Or if it isn't supported by my platform, then I have to stick to using sockets? I know my question can seem a little abstract, so ask if you need any clarifications.
You have to stick to using sockets. If the Java ME platform that you are using have only SocketConnection, a call to"") will throw an exception.

How do online port checkers work?

For example
How does this work? Can the server side script attempt to open a socket?
There are many ways of accomplishing this through server-side scripting. As #Oded mentioned, most server-side handlers are capable of initiating socket connections on arbitrary ports, and most of those even have dedicated port-scanning packages/libraries (PHP has one in the PEAR repository, Python's 'socket' module makes this type of tasks a breeze, etc...)
Keep in mind that on shared host platforms, socket connections are typically disabled for security purposes.
Another way that is also very easy to accomplish is to use a command-line port-scanner such as nmap from your server-side script. i.e in PHP, you would do echo ``nmap -p $port $ip\
The server side script will try to open a connection on the specified port to the originating IP.
If there is no response (the attempt will timeout), this would be an indication that the port is not open.
The server can try, as #Oded said. But that doesn't ensure the receiver will respond.
Typically, something like this happens:
The URL request contains instructions about which port to access. The headers that your browser sends include information about where the request is originating from.
Before responding to the request, the server tries to open a port and checks if this is successful. It waits a while before timing out.
The webpage is rendered dynamically based on the results of this test.
The response is returned to you containing the results.
Sometimes steps (2) and (3) will be replaced with an AJAX callback, which allows the response to return sooner.