how to push firestore data to algolia Swift - swift

I've been doing research for the last several hours finding out how to do full text search in iOS apps with Firestore. I eventually realized full-text search is not supported. I read up on Algolia, watched tutorials, read articles and still don't see a way to push data from Firestore to Algolia in Swift. Can somebody guide me to a post or maybe add like a code snippet or something to show me how I can use this software? Thanks.

Algolia offers SWIFT API client
Swift API client is an open source, production-ready API wrapper that abstracts from the complexity of directly interfacing with the Algolia Search API
Basically to work with algolia using any API client, you have to do few things,
Install the algolia client
Initialize the client with your application ID and KEY
Indexing your data & Setup searchable attributes
Perform search
Many sub-actions available within these to improve your experience with Algolia. I recommend you to go through the docs fully.
Yes, there are few other ways available to work with algolia, like using cloud functions for indexing data into algolia and doing only search from your client. But as you specifically mentioned SWIFT the above references would help you to get started!


How does mongoDB stitch compares with Parse Server and firebase?

Im looking for a complete backend solution but I haven't been able to find information on how does mongoDB Stitch compares to other alternatives. In general I feel like I like the product but I worry about the long term support.

firebase queries and swift

I have a string for eg: "My name is John" stored in Firebase.
How would I query firebase so I can find all the posts in Firebase that have "John" ?
I can search for the first term in a string now using:
DataService.dataService.BASE_REF.child("Posts").child(selectedComment.commentKey).queryOrderedByChild("userComment").queryStartingAtValue(comment).queryEndingAtValue(comment+"\u{F8FF}").observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
where comment = "My"
I read about using Elastic search with Firebase but wanted to check if there was an easier way in Firebase before I looked at ElasticSearch/Flashlight for Firebase,
Unfortunately, Firebase doesn't support searching thru content like that (in any language SDK). From a Google Groups Post in July '16:
As a company that understands search, we're also a company that
understands using the best tool for the job. For fuzzy matching and
contains, a NoSQL, realtime data store isn't the correct tool--these
queries would be slow and scale poorly. BigQuery or ElasticSearch are
the right tool for providing useful results in a scalable and robust
Right now, this involves deploying a small node script to sync your
search results with the realtime data, as explained in the article
with the sample Flashlight lib. In the future, it will become more
"effortless" as we add integrations between Firebase and Cloud
products, particularly Cloud Functions and BigQuery interoperability.
BigQuery is, as I understand it, not specifically designed for user-facing search.
Elasticsearch (specifically, the Firebase plugin Flashlight) is a potential solution, but as you alluded to, it's an incredible amount of overhead (deploying/managing or renting an ES cluster, configuring the plugin, etc.). If content search is an important enough part of your app to justify that time/$, you may want to consider solutions beyond Firebase for your database needs, as it's by far one of the service's weakest areas.
In my opinion, you have a few options beyond Flashlight:
Algolia, a Search-as-a-service provider, does offer integration with Firebase, but I've never used it & so can't offer much more than to say that it exists.
Another alternative might be maintaining a collection of documents you want to search on another service, like AWS Cloud Search
Depending on the stage of your project & your needs, consider other Backends-as-a-Service that support more in terms of querying. E.g., GraphQL-as-a-service backends, like,, and Reindex are all built on SQL databases, and (I believe) all support multiple types of querying.

Koha RESTful api

I've been looking around the internet for information on Koha ILS restful api but I haven't found anything concrete. There is this link which talks about its HTTP API: but there are no examples and I'm quite confused with the MARCXML format required.
What I want to do is use this API to create biblio records into a remote Koha ILS system. If I understand correctly, using these services I can create records (probably using a JSON-to-MARC convert tool) but will I be able to also upload pdf files of each record in BASE64 format? It doesn't look like this is possible using this API although I'm not really sure.
The HTTP API available in Koha is a well-established protocol, called SRU, for searching library catalogs. This is protocol is meant only for searching, not for updating records.
Secondly, even though SRU 2.0 provides option for transmission of records in JSON format, most implementations do not support it yet.
Coming back to your use case, Koha cannot store PDF documents. It is a process automation tool in a library for physical collections, which deals only with metadata records. For storing digital documents you should look for document management solutions, such as DSpace, or smaller and easier Omeka. DSpace provides its own REST API for searching as well as supports SWORD protocol for uploading documents.

async autocomplete service

Call me crazy, but I'm looking for a service that will deliver autocomplete functionality similar to Google, Twitter, etc. After searching around for 20 min I thought to ask the geniuses here. Ideas?
I don't mind paying, but it would great if free.. Also is there a top notch NLP service that I can submit strings to and get back states, cities, currencies, company names, establishments, etc. Basically I need to take unstructured data (generic search string) and pull out key information with relevant meta-data.
Big challenge, I know.
Sharing solutions I found after further research.
If you dont want to implement it yourself, you can use this service called 'Autocomplete as a Service' which is specifically written for these purposes. You can access it here -
you can add metadata with each record and it returns metadata along with the matching results. Do check out demo put up on the home page. It has got a very simple API specifically written for autocomplete search
It does support large datasets and you can apply filters as well while searching.
Its usage is simple - Add your data and use the API URL as autocomplete data source.
Disclaimer: I am founder of it. I will be happy to provide this service to you.

StockTwits API Streaming and Search Used Like Twitter Streaming

The StockTwits API documentation describes steams in a way that sounds like static search results, for example streams/symbol:
This allows an API application to search for a symbol or user. 30 Results will be a
combined list of symbols and users.
This seems similar to search/symbols:
This allows an API application to search for a symbol directly. 30 Results will return
only ticker symbols.
Other than the fact that search excludes users, I don't see the difference.
In contrast, the Twitter API provides methods to request a continuous stream of tweets, which I have gotten to provide tens of thousands of tweets in a few days.
Is it possible to have StockTwit pump tweets continuously, similar to Twitter?
If so, what is required? Since StockTwit streaming looks like searching to me, the only option I have seen is to submit repeated search requests, but that would exhaust the rate limit.
I prefer C#, but I am glad to study answers in other languages, such as PHP.
This is a static search for symbols or both symbols and users as a combined search. This isn't a streaming search endpoint for filtering content. This is strictly for use for finding a symbol or a user to go directly to the stream.
We are looking into offering streaming endpoints and search would be part of this offering.
You may be interested in using which allows to stream any APIs. We have already implemented a StockTwits demo, which can be found here and explanations can be found in this blog post.
I think it's quite easy to transpose what has been done with Android to the C# world. All you need is an EventSource library and a JSON-Patch library.