Powershell Script to create and send new Teams Live Event - powershell

I need to create and send an **invitation** for a Teams Live Event. I just found scripts for Meeting and not for Live Event.
The main idea of this invitation is that the recipient can accept or not in the mail and that the event is added to their calendar.
Thanks for your help !

As of (2/2/2021) there is no power shell cmdlet for creating live event. If you want this feature to be added in future please raise a uservoice


send calendar invite based on response

I want to create a form using Microsoft Forms to schedule some trainings and I wanted to use Flow to send out the person a calendar invite to the session they choose on the form.
what's the best way to go about doing this ...
You can use the answer on this post here to start the flow and add another action to send an email with the link to the event created. You can also update the event with the person information using something like this.
Images for reference:
1) Create the Flow part that gets the form inputs and convert into events.
2) Get the event created previously and update it with the email addresses from the people so they will receive an email with the invite.

How To Automatically Update Sharepoint List With Email Sent Date

In a SharePoint site I keep a list of various projects for workflow management. For each project periodic MS outlook emails are sent containing standard data and formatting. Currently, when an email is sent someone has to manually key in the sent date in the list for the applicable project. Is there a way when an email is sent to have the project in the SharePoint list automatically updated with the sent date? We would prefer that the email and attachments not be retained within the SharePoint site. Specifics or links to specifics on how to accomplish this would be appreciated. thank you.
Assuming your are able to deploy a custom event handler to your SharePoint site a solution for your problem might look like this:
Create and email-enable a document library on the same SharePoint web
Send a carbon copy of the periodic email to this library
Create and register a custom event handler that gets called when an email is send to the email-enabled document library (see 'Creating a SharePoint Event Handler' on MSDN)
When the event handler gets called it inspects the subject or content of the email to identify the project list item in the project list
Set the 'Email sent' date of that project list item
Delete the email from the email-enabled document library within the event handler
Hope this helps.

Facebook Messenger Bot - How to disable bot and allow human to chat

so this is something I've been trying to think through for about 16 hours. I am coding with PHP / CuRl / etc - the bot works and everything is fine. My current issue is figuring out how to disable the bot and allow a human to begin chatting with the customer/sender.
Has anyone successfully, created a route for this ? I mean it's pretty hard from what I see, you'd have to disable etc etc. A lot of effort for my clients.
Thanks for any input.
Facebook has rolled out a "Handover Protocol" which is supposed to facilitate a combined human/bot Messenger implementation.
It is a little unclear what actually occurs in step 5:
Pass thread control: At some point in the conversation, a user may choose to do something like interact with a live agent. To handle this, pass thread control from the Primary Receiver to the Secondary Receiver. The Secondary Receiver will receive a messaging_handovers webhook event to notify it that is now controls the conversation.
This doesn't actually disable the bot (as the OP requested), and isn't in the control of the Page owner but rather of the user. It seems FB envisions the user typing something like 'I would like to chat with a human' triggering the bot to pass control...but it would be nice to let the page owner simply put the app in standby and handle the messages herself.
Once you recognize someone wants to speak to a human, set a flag that disables all actions of your bot to on.
Then, have your bot message you, or whoever will respond, that a user ID needs responding to. Have your bot continue to send all messages received from them back to you until you enable the bot again.
Create some sort of way for your bot to interact with you that allows you to send a message to a specific user, and a way to once again enable the bot interaction with the user.
Probably something like "sendMessage104012301230'Hi, sorry you couldn't find [etc]', and enableUser104012301230
There may be a better way, but those are some thoughts on how I'd do it
If you enable messages echo, whenever a human respond using the page, a echo post is sent, and inside entry->messaging->message there's no app_id.
You can use that information to disable bot replies for a certain period, or disable indefinitely until you enabled is with some admin command (that's how I'm doing)
I thought a solution could be to label the message as "unsolved". Another solution could be to have the bot mark the conversation as unread. Does anyone know if it is possibile to add a label to a conversation or mark as unread through API?

Edit email content with a plugin on a quick campaign

I'm having trouble to achieve this. What I would like to do is be able to edit the content (description) of an email entity for a qucik campaign before it's sent (or after it's created).
I've tried many different plugins registration without much luck.
Prevalidate Create Email : this one fires ok but only when a user creates and save the email. when the email is created by the quick campaign it is not triggered.
Prevalidate Send Email : this one fires only for when a single email is sent by a user action and does not allow to modify the description anywa
Prevalidate BackgroundSend Email: this one is correctly triggered when the emails created by a quick campaign are sent, but it does not let me modify the description.
Anyone has done that before ?
I'm using CRM 2011 online.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Found the solution which is to simply use the plugin on Create Email Pre-Operation instead of Pre-Validation like I was doing.
For some reasons, the Pre-Validation doesn't trigger when emails are created in the background.

Add email recipient to all new Trac tickets

Is there a configuration change that can be made to Trac to send a notification to an email address only upon the creation of all new tickets? If it can't be done through config, a plugin would be the second best option, with source code modification as a last resort.
NOTE: The setting smtp_always_cc in the notification section of TracIni will send messages on all updates. I'm in need of email notifications only on the creation of a new ticket.
Does this have to be an email notification? One option you have is to create a query that will list the ten (or however many) most recently-created tickets. When looking at the results of the query, use the "RSS Feed" button at the bottom of the page to subscribe to a feed that will notify you whenever the results of that query get updated.
You could write your own ticket listener plugin (or rather, override the default one and tweak it), or write a email filter (procmail?) to remove non-creation mails.
The smtp_always_cc configuration option in trac.ini will do exactly that.
The one caveat is that it will also send an email on any updates to that issue -- not only on issue creation. This may or may not be what you want. See the TracNotification page in the help wiki for more information.
We use this feature in our product at Akiri Solutions.