In a Quiz, how can i instead of "Say A, B or C" let the user use one of the three response words? - actions-on-google

VIA Actions Console, not Dialogflow!
After several days I finally finished to create a Quiz that works like this.
Google Mini says: "What is the capital of France? A) Rome, B) Berlin or C) Paris ?"
In my scene i have two conditions.
scene.slots.status == "FINAL" && intent.params.choosenABC.original == session.params.antwort
!(scene.slots.status == "FINAL" && intent.params.choosenABC.original == session.params.antwort)
So here, these conditions check whether the user says the correct letter coming from the session parameter "antwort".
Everything works smooth as long as the user says "A", "B" or "C".
But how can i compare a condition to what the user says?
In the above example i want the user to be able to say "Rome" or "Berlin" or "Paris" and the condition to check these entries.
Thanks in advance!

You have a number of questions packed in there, so let's look at each.
Does input.params.original exist?
In short, yes. You can see the documentation of the request Intent object and you'll see that there is intent.params.*name*.original. Your question seems to suggest this would work as well.
There is also intent.params.*name*.resolved which contains the value after you take type aliases into account.
I found some variables on a Dialogflow forum...
Those only work if you're using Dialogflow and don't make any sense when you're looking at Action Builder.
How to match
You don't show the possible value of session.params.antwort or how you're setting antwort. But it sounds like it makes sense that you're setting this in a handler. So one thing you could do is to set antwort to the city name (or whatever the full word answer is) and set letter to the letter with the valid reply. Then test both against original to see if there is a match.
But, to be honest, that starts getting somewhat messy.
You also don't indicate how the Intent is setup, or if you're using an Entity Type to capture the answer. One great way to handle this, however, is to create a Type that can represent the answers, and use a runtime type override to set what the possible values and aliases for that value are. Then, you can control exactly what the valid value you will use to compare with will be.
For example, if you create a type named "Answer", then in your fulfillment when you ask the question you can set the possible values for this with something like
conv.session.typeOverrides = [{
name: 'Answer',
synonym: {
entries: [
name: 'A',
synonyms: ['A', 'Rome']
name: 'B',
synonyms: ['B', 'Berlin']
name: 'C',
synonyms: ['C', 'Paris']
If you then have an Intent with a parameter of type Answer with the name answer, then you can test if intent.parameter.answer.resolved contains the expected letter.
Adding a visual interface
Using runtime type overrides are particularly useful if you also decide to add support for a visual selection response such as a list. The visual response builds on the runtime type override to add visual aliases that users can select on appropriate devices. When you get the reply, however, it is treated as if they said the entry name.


VSCode Extension: Get outline of function for custom outliner

I'm trying to create a custom outliner for VSCode (currently only for python), but I don't find measures to get the information I needed.
I like to get information in this manner this:
label: "foo"
type: "Function"
parameters: [...]
Range: [...]
innerDefinitions: [0]
label: "myclass"
type: "Class"
base_class: ""
Range: [...]
Currently I try to get outline information via vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'vscode.XXX'
What I've tried:
Here is what commands I've tried and what result I received.
half usable: range of functionname. Other information is missing
half usable: string of function head (including def keyword)
half usable: range of complete function. Individual information must be "parsed out"
Never provided any result
Never provided any result
Goes in a good direction. However
(1) Does only work on the whole document (not single function)
(2) Does only return first-level entities (i.e. class methods are not included in result)
Is there any API call I've overseen?
I wonder how the built-in outliner works, as it contains all-level information.
You need to use vscode.commands.executeCommand<vscode.Location[]>("vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider", uri, position)
This will give you the full outline of one file. There is no way to receive a partial outline.
Note: innerDefinitions are called children here.
Regarding the detail of the outline:
How detailed (and correct) an outline is going to be, depends on the implementation of the provider. Also, provider's information is no necessarily consistent among languages. This is very important to keep in mind!
At the moment (2021/03), the standard SymbolProvider for...
... Python will have a child for each parameter and local variable of a function. They will not be distinguishable
... C++ will contain no children for parameters. But it will have the parameter types in its name. (e.g. name of void foo(string p) will be foo(string): void.
As you can see, both act differently with their own quirks.
You could create and register a DocumentSymbolProvider yourself, that would return a level of detail you need (see VSCode Providers)
Also see:

Is it possible to use INTENT instead of STRING as List Title in Google Action?

Some Background:
I use Lists a lot for a Google Action with a NodeJS fulfillment backend. The Action is primarily Voice-based. The reason for using List is that I can encode information in List's key and use it later to make a decision. Another reason is that Google Assistant will try to fuzzy match the user's input with the Title of the List's items to find the closest matched option. This is where thing's get a bit hard for me. Consider the following example:
JSON.stringify(SOME_OBJECT): {
title: 'Yes'
title: 'No'
Now if I say Yes / No, I can get the user's choice and do something with information stored as stringified JSON in the choice's Key.
But, the users may say Sure or Yup or OK as they basically mean the same thing as saying Yes. But as those words don't match Yes, Google Assistant will ignore the "Yes" option. But all of these words belong to the smalltalk.confirmation.yes built-in intent. So, if I could use this intent instead of hardcoding the string Yes then I would be able to capture all of the inputs that mean Yes.
I know I could do this with a Synonyms list or Confirmation intent. But they also have some problems.
Using Synonyms would require me finding every word which is similar. Besides, I would also need to localize these synonyms to all the supported language.
With Confirmation intent, I won't be able to show some information to the user before asking them to choose an option. Besides, it also doesn't support encoding the options as I can do in List's key.
So, List is a good choice for me in this case.
So, is there any way to leverage the built-in intents for this purpose? What do you do in this situation?

IBM Chatbot Assistant: Handling Multiple Entities

I have an entity called #spare_part and this entity has 4 values with the following example synonyms each:
both with synonyms filter, oil level indicator
not_defined with a synonym spare part
only_gear with synonyms valve, seal
whole_gear_box with a synonym complete set of gearbox
I want to be able to handle multiple entities given in the same input and address them later on, if needed. With this purpose I have coded the following in JSON editor:
"context": {
"sparepartrequest": "#spare_part.values"
"output": {
"generic": [
"values": [
"text": "You want an offer for the following parts: <?
$sparepartrequest.join(', ') ?>."
"response_type": "text",
"selection_policy": "sequential"
I have created a context variable called sparepartrequest as can be seen from the code lines above. For instance when the user says "I want an offer for a filter and a seal", the output of the bot is the following sentence:
You want an offer for the following parts: both, only_gear.
I don´t want the bot to prompt back the names of the values of the entity #spare_part, I rather want it to store the exact input of the user, for our case which would be filter and seal. So if the bot worked as I wanted it to, the output would look like the following:
You want an offer for the following parts: filter, valve.
Again, I believe that this can be handled with JSON Editor. Thank you !
Use two context variables. sparepartrequest as already done and sparepartrequest_literals as follows:
"sparepartrequest_literals":"<? entities['spare_part'].![literal].join(', ') ?>".
Then, in your text response call it by $sparepartrequest_literals to print the mentioned parts or use $sparepartrequest to refer to the detected values.

Google Analytics API - Sections returned in unwanted order

Using the GA API v4, I'm trying to retrieve data from multiple segments, that have been defined inside Google Analytics. My application does not know the names of these segments, but let's say they are called A, B, C and D inside GA. (Other users can rename the segments, so the names are really unpredictable.)
My application does have the ID's of these segments hardcoded. (Manually retrieved from
Now it's determined the list of data should be presented in some predefined order of significance. (That is, NOT in alphabetical order.)
So, I send a query to GA API with the segments array in the required order:
{ segmentId: <id-for-segment-C> },
{ segmentId: <id-for-segment-B> },
{ segmentId: <id-for-segment-D> },
{ segmentId: <id-for-segment-A> }
To my surprise, the returned dataset is ordered in alphabetical order of segment name!
{ dimensions: [ "A" ], ... },
{ dimensions: [ "B" ], ... },
{ dimensions: [ "C" ], ... },
{ dimensions: [ "D" ], ... }
To make things worse:
The returned data does not include the segment ID's, I can only correlate these by making a separate API call to retrieve information for which segment name corresponds with which ID.
The alphabetic sorting is done with English rules, not with regional rules. (The segment names include the "Å" character, which according to Norwegian rules should be at the end of the alphabet, but is in the beginning for English sorting.)
Am I just imagining things? Am I causing problems by not completely understanding how the API works? Is this a bug in the API? Or is this actually by design?
1) Are you using the v3 or v4 versions? If v3, give a try to v4 and see if it helps. An alternative would be to use dynamicSegments (which I always use) instead of segmentIds: these could be stored in your DB, solving the segment ID-name resolution problem, and would also avoid GA maintenance issues (whereby users modify segments which then breaks your app).
2) Yes, they probably transliterate (Å -> A) and sort only after. I really wouldn't waste time investigating this, I doubt Google will ever change it (it's not a bad behaviour per se, APIs are designed to support coding, not subtleties of the human language, most people, especially Google Engineers based in US, wouldn't care :))

RESTful reordering of nested objects

I have a RESTful API that supports two objects so as object A contains an ordered list of nested objects B:
Create object A - POST /a
Create object B and add to A - POST /a/<id>/b
Update object B in A - PATCH /a/<id>/b/<id>
What would be a RESTful way to update the order of B objects in a specific A?
Option 1: PATCH /a/<id> with json content that replaces A.Bs
A has a list of embedded Bs, namely A.Bs so you can replace that list in its entirety also changing the order on the way. This relies on the client to resubmit the entire list correctly.
Option 2: PATCH /a/<id> with json content that replaces A.B_order
Add a separate list of B ids and have the client update it. This is similar to Option 1 but does not rely on the client resubmitting all the objects. It does require the server to manage the list, updating it upon B creation, and validating the update contains all the required B ids on list order update.
Option 3: PATCH /a/<id>/b with json content that replaces A.Bs
The same as Option 1, but with a different URL
Which would be most RESTful and clear?
Any other options?
I would suggest using the proposed standard defined in RFC 6902. Specifically, the "move" op would seem to be what you're looking for.
Given Foo has Bars and Bars are resources (have ID or link), when you need to reorder foo.bars then I would suggest:
’PUT /foos/:id/bars’ with array of IDs or links in the body.
But if Bars are not resources (have no ID), then:
’PATCH /foos/:id’ with body of Foo including complete new array of Foo.bars in the ’bars’ property.
The question I would ask myself is: "What does 'order' mean in this case".
The specific instances of B don't have an order between them. They're all independent resources that are not really 'aware' of each order.
Given that, it's not really the B resource that you are changing. What are you changing?
Presumably there is a collection of B's somewhere. You do a GET request on that collection to get an ordered list of B's. Do you get that list on /a/<id> or on /a/<id>/b ?.
Wherever that ordered list is, I would also do the operation to change the order because the order is a 'property' of the collection.
So for the sake of the argument, lets assume that your 'collection of B lives on /a/<id>b. What format should that be?
Well, a good REST service will replace the entire state. So as a default I would do a PUT request on that resource and do a full replace of the entire thing.
If you don't like that idea and want to use PATCH to update only a part of the collection (and nothing else), I think I would opt for one of these:
Use a standard format, like json-patch.
Come up with your own syntax to describe this.
Option 2 will likely be a lot simpler to implement, and I would also keep the format as simple as possible.
If you use a format like HAL, a collection is probably a list of links. In that case I would use a syntax like:
"_links": {
"item": [
{ "href": "/a/<id>/b/ordered-item-1" },
{ "href": "/a/<id>/b/ordered-item-2" }
If you don't have a hypermedia-style API, you probably use id's and force the client to expand id's in urls. In that case, I'd imagine the format could look like:
"items": [ 1, 3, 5, 2]
In each case, it's a Good Idea to define your own media type for this, because this format for PATCH has special meaning to your api. For example: