Projecting multiple fields to a POJO - hibernate-search

Is there a way in hibernate-search 6 to project multiple fields and map them directly to a POJO object or I should handle it by myself. I'm not sure that I understand the composite method described in the documentation. For example I can do something like that:
SearchResult<List<?>> result =
.select(f -> f.composite(f.field("field1"), f.field("field2"), f.field("field3"),f.field("field4")))
And then I can manually map the returned List of fields to a POJO. But is there a more fancy way to do that without the need to manually loop through the list of fields and set them to the POJO instance?

At the moment projecting to a POJO is only possible for fairly simple POJOs, with up to three fields, using the syntax shown in the documentation. For more fields than that, you have to go through a List.
If you're using the Elasticsearch backend, you can theoretically retrieve the document as a JsonObject and then use Gson to map it to a POJO.
There are plans to offer more fancy solutions, but we're not there yet.


Spring Data JPA NamedNativeQuery with SqlResultSetMapping and externalized query

I have a situation where I am making a read request to a database with a long, complex query that needs to map to a complex object. Based on my research, it looks like I want to use #SqlResultSetMapping to handle the mapping, but I would like to put my query into the file because it is so long. I can only find examples of #SqlResultSetMapping with #NamedNativeQuery that shows the query passed into the query parameter of the annotation as a string. Is it possible to use #SqlResultSetMapping with an externalized query, and if so, can anyone provide and example of how to do this? Thanks!

Implementing REST "fields" query param with Mapstruct

I am trying to implement REST query param "fields" with Mapstruct. The REST "fields" query param by convention lets you specify as its value a comma separated list of the fields of the entity you want in the response when you are preforming a GET request on an entity. This is opposed to returning all the fields of entity, which is what happens when "fields" query parameter is omitted.
GET locahost/blah/1
Response {"a":"1", "b":"2", c:"3"}
GET local/blah/1?fields=a,c
Response {"a":"1", "c":"3"}
So what I want Mapstruct to do is only map the bean's fields who's fields' names I specify. Note I need to be able to specify the bean's fields' names I want to map at runtime. Why? The fields I wish to map change from call to call of the GET method.
From what I read in the MapStruct documentation, you can specify what fields to map or not map with annotations. Unfortunately you can't change the annotation value at runtime (It maybe possible through reflection, but it feels should be a better way).
Given what I want to do, does anyone know how I can specify at runtime what fields are mapped?
Or alternately does anyone know a better way of implementing the REST "fields" query param?
I Look forward to reading the responses. If you have any questions or need clarifications just ask 🙂.
Thinking about this, I think that it doesn't make sense. As MapStruct generates the mapper classes at build time and therefore can't changing the mapping process at runtime. Is this right?

Spring Data: when use Projection interfaces and DTO projections?

I have this situation:
Spring Data JPA: Work with Pageable but with a specific set of fields of the entity
It about to work with Spring Data and working with a specific set of fields of an #Entity
The two suggestions are totally valid for me:
DTO projections
Projection interfaces
Even more, in spring-data-examples appears both together (I know for sample purposes):
When is mandatory use one over the other and why?
Exists a cost of performance one over the other?
Note in the Class-based Projections (DTOs) section says the following:
Another way of defining projections is by using value type DTOs (Data
Transfer Objects) that hold properties for the fields that are
supposed to be retrieved. These DTO types can be used in exactly the
same way projection interfaces are used, except that no proxying
happens and no nested projections can be applied.
Seems the advantages are: except that no proxying happens and no nested projections can be applied
DTO Approach
Simple and straigt forward
It will result in more code as you have to create DTO class with constructor and getters/setters (unless you utilize Project Lombok to avoid boilerplate
code for DTOs).
No nested projections can be applied.
Less code as it uses only interfaces.
Nested projections can be applied
Dynamic projection allows you write one generic repository method to return
different subset of the attributes in entity object based on client's needs.
Spring generates proxy at runtime
Query could return the entire entity object from database to Spring layer though a trimmed version (via Projection) is returned from Spring layer to client. I wasn't sure about this specific disadvantage, hoping someone to edit this answer if necessary.
If you need nested or dynamic projection, you probably want Projection approach rather than DTO approach.
Refer to official Spring doc for details.
I think that DTO was the first possible solution to work with a small set of data from the Entities. Today, many operations can also be made with projections, but you need to be careful with performance. If you see this Janssen's post Entities or DTOs – When should you use which projection? you will note that DTOs have better performance than projections for reading operations.
If you don't have the problem with performance, projections will be more graceful.

Intercepting JPA query to calculate the key fields

I am quite new to JPA. I have a particular repository that uses the keys that have parts that are set by the caller and some values that are automatically calculated using these values. There is a need for this :)
Since the keys and entities are simple Java classes it appears to me that I need to put my code that modifies the key (or substitutes it with an internal one with additional values) is the repository implementation. However I do not think that copying the code from SimpleJpaRepository to my custom repositories is a good idea...I think that something should be possible with the entity manager. Basically what I need is proxy that gets called every time something like find() or delete() is called, takes the entity, updates its key, passes the call over to the real repository implementation.
Could someone point me to the right direction or an example that does something similar?
In JPA, you have a bunch of events for this, just chose the one that suits you best. It looks like you are looking for #PrePersist.
That said, if the data of these fields is calculated based only in the data of the other fields, it goes against database normalization. A more sensate approach would be make the calculated field #Transient and provide only the getters, that will calculate the values based in the persistent fields.

Morphia and object graphs

I've yet to use Morphia, but I'm considering it for a current project.
Suppose I have a POJO with a number of #Reference annotations and I ask Morphia to fetch the object graph from the database. If I then make another DAO or DataStore call and ask Morphia to fetch some object that was already instantiated in the first graph, would Morphia return a reference to the already instantiated object or would it create a new instance?
If Morphia returns a new instance of the object each time, does anyone have a recommendation of how to best approach creating a Morphia-backed repository that won't duplicate already-instantiated objects?
As I see it in Morphia, it will re read every reference.
This is one of the problems, why I created Morphium. I integrated a caching layer there, so if you read a reference, this one won't be read again (at least, if you search by ID...)
We use morphia in production and there are two ways to make sure you don't load the references which is something we came across too.
One is to use the lazy loading option when you define the #Reference element in your main class. This of course means that this behavior is 'global' to that object.
The better way to do this is to not define an #Reference using Morphia and instead managing the references yourself. Let me know if you need a code sample.
I've stopped using #Reference too and instead declare something like:
ObjectId itemId
rather than having a field item. This has 2 benefits: (1) it lets me define a getter through a helper getObject(...) method which I have written with object caching and (2) it stores a simple ObjectId in the Mongo object rather than a full DBRef which includes the collection name and thus about twice the data size.