Spring Data: when use Projection interfaces and DTO projections? - jpa

I have this situation:
Spring Data JPA: Work with Pageable but with a specific set of fields of the entity
It about to work with Spring Data and working with a specific set of fields of an #Entity
The two suggestions are totally valid for me:
DTO projections
Projection interfaces
Even more, in spring-data-examples appears both together (I know for sample purposes):
When is mandatory use one over the other and why?
Exists a cost of performance one over the other?
Note in the Class-based Projections (DTOs) section says the following:
Another way of defining projections is by using value type DTOs (Data
Transfer Objects) that hold properties for the fields that are
supposed to be retrieved. These DTO types can be used in exactly the
same way projection interfaces are used, except that no proxying
happens and no nested projections can be applied.
Seems the advantages are: except that no proxying happens and no nested projections can be applied

DTO Approach
Simple and straigt forward
It will result in more code as you have to create DTO class with constructor and getters/setters (unless you utilize Project Lombok to avoid boilerplate
code for DTOs).
No nested projections can be applied.
Less code as it uses only interfaces.
Nested projections can be applied
Dynamic projection allows you write one generic repository method to return
different subset of the attributes in entity object based on client's needs.
Spring generates proxy at runtime
Query could return the entire entity object from database to Spring layer though a trimmed version (via Projection) is returned from Spring layer to client. I wasn't sure about this specific disadvantage, hoping someone to edit this answer if necessary.
If you need nested or dynamic projection, you probably want Projection approach rather than DTO approach.
Refer to official Spring doc for details.

I think that DTO was the first possible solution to work with a small set of data from the Entities. Today, many operations can also be made with projections, but you need to be careful with performance. If you see this Janssen's post Entities or DTOs – When should you use which projection? you will note that DTOs have better performance than projections for reading operations.
If you don't have the problem with performance, projections will be more graceful.


Spring data repository and DAO Java Generics

Reading about using Java Generics in DAO layer, I have a doubt applying this in spring data repositories. I mean, with spring data repositories, you have something like this:
public interface OrderRepository extends CrudRepository<Order,OrderPK>{
But if I have other 10 entities, I have to create 10 interfaces like the one above to execute CRUD operations and so on and I think this is not very scalable. Java Generics and DAO is about creating one interface and one implementation and reuse this for entities but with Spring Data repositories I have to create one interface for each entity so ...
You didn't really state a question, so I just add
Is this really true? And if so, why?
and answer it:
Yes, this is (almost) correct. Almost, because you should not create one repository per entity, but one repository per Aggregate Root. See http://static.olivergierke.de/lectures/ddd-and-spring/
Spring Data Repositories offer various features for which Spring Data needs to know, what entity it is dealing with. For example query methods need to know the properties of the entity, in order to convert the method name to JPA based query. So you have to pass in the information to Spring Data at some point and you also have to pass in the information, which entities should be considered Aggregate Roots. The way you do that, is by specifying the interface.
Do you really need that? Well if all you want is generic Crud functionality, you can get that straight out of the box with JPA. But if you want query methods, Pagination, simple native queries and much more Spring Data is a nice way to avoid lots of boiler-plate code.
(Please keep in mind that I'm biased)

Is there a mismatch between Domain-Driven Design repositories and Spring Data ones?

DDD specifies repository per aggregate, but when embracing Spring Data JPA, we can leverage the benefits only when we declare interface per entity. How this impedance mismatch can be resolved?
I'm hoping to try out repository interfaces encapsulated within the aggregate repository, is that a OK solution or anything better available?
To given an example: Customer is the aggregate root and entities are like Demographics, Identification, AssetSummary etc. where each entity can benefit from having their own repository interfaces. What is the best way without violating DDD much?
…, but when embracing Spring Data JPA, we can leverage the benefits only when we declare interface per entity…
That's wrong and I would like to learn where you get this impression from (feel free to comment). Spring Data repositories are expecting the exactly same approach to your domain model design: you identify aggregates in your domain model and only create repository interfaces for exactly those.
I'd argue that all you need to do is applying the DDD concept to your domain model. Simply don't declare repository interfaces for entities that are not an aggregate root. In fact, if you declared those, you basically break the concept of an aggregate, as the actual root cannot control business constraints anymore as the other entities can be manipulated through the repository interface defined for them, i.e. without using the aggregate root.
Find an example of this applied correctly in this Spring Data example. In it, Order is an aggregate root, LineItem is just an ordinary entity. The same applies to Customer (root) and Address (ordinary entity). Repository interfaces only exist for the aggregate roots.
In fact, that particular relationship is the fundamental principle that makes modules like Spring Data REST working in the first place. It only exposes HTTP resources for aggregate roots, embeds ordinary entities within the representations created and creates links to other aggregates.

Pushing OData filters down through layers

I have a working project with the following layers:
DataAccess - The project hits multiple DBs and web services. This layer defines the interfaces to each of them. It exposes the native types for each source (EF types for DBs, SOAP-defined types for web services, etc.). Let's say it exposes an EFProject and SoapProject.
Repository - This layer stiches results from the various sources to form a single entity, and exposes it. Let's call this ModelProject
Service - Adds REST attributes to to the entity (action links, etc.). This exposes a ProjectDTO.
WebApi - The controller spits out the ProjectDTO directly.
I'm trying to implement OData, specifically to page the results of very large queries. I've read a lot of examples, but they all seem to expose the source objects directly, and then map them to the final DTOs in the controller.
I would like to somehow push the ODataQueryOptions down to the Repository. This would allow me to keep the existing structure, and pass the query logic down to SQL. I understand that, because the ODataQueryOptions reference the ProjectDTO type, they can't be applied until an object of that type is available. Is there a way to "translate" the ODataQueryOptions from one type to another? Is there another way of doing this that I'm not aware of?
It is able to change the ODataQueryOptions, and such actions in a controller are for you to handle the options yourself:
public IQueryable Get(ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
public IQueryable Get(int key, ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
Here is a sample about this:
https://aspnet.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Samples/WebApi/OData/v4/ODataQueryableSample/Controllers/OrdersController.cs .
For your reference, the source code of ODataQueryOptions is: https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#src/System.Web.OData/OData/Query/ODataQueryOptions.cs
Is there a way to "translate" the ODataQueryOptions from one type to another? Is there another way of doing this that I'm not aware of?
There is a way to actually translate the IQueryable<DomainModel> to IQueryable<DtoModel>.
I've done something similar in the past by leveraging AutoMapper's projection functionality. By calling the Project<TSource>/To<TTarget> methods, you can change an IQueryable that points to your domain models to another IQueryable that targets the Dto models, without actually executing it.
This means that you can now perform any OData operations on the DTO level and they will transfer through projection to the DAL layer into EntityFramework and SQL. In a scenario like this, there shouldn't be any need to manually handle the query logic so you can just use [EnableQuery] on the API route and let OData do its thing on the resulting IQueryable<DtoModel>.
I used this very successfully in one of the projects I worked on: as long as you rely just on AutoMapper projection to convert the types, it should work fine.
Granted, you can't do a lot of fancy mapping that way. The project methods will not be able to apply all kinds of mappings that you create, so I recommend checking the documentation on that front.
You also have to keep in mind that the original IQueryable needs to be exposed outside of the repository layer for this to work properly, otherwise the query will be executed too early. Some people will find that a boundary violation and will advocate for materializing the query inside the repository layer, but I don't have an issue with that particular aspect.

Efficient querying when using DTOs in Breeze

We are using DTOs server side, and have configured a dbcontext using fluent api in order to give breeze the metadata it needs. We map 1:1 to our real database entities, and each DTO contains a simple subset of the real database entity properties.
This works great, but now I need to figure out a way to make queries efficient - i.e. if the Breeze client queries for a single item I don't want to have to create a whole set of DTO objects before I can filter. i.e. I want to figure out a way to execute the filter/sort on the actual entities, but still return DTO objects.
I guess I need to figure out a way to intercept the query execution in order to query my real database entities and return a DTO instead of the real database entity.
Any ideas for how to best approach this?
Turns out that if you use projection in a link statement, e.g.
From PossibleCustomer As Customer
In Customers
Select New CustomerDto With {.Id = PossibleCustomer.Id,
.Name = PossibleCustomer.Name,
.Email = PossibleCustomer.Email}
.. then linq is smart enough to still optimize any queries to the database - i.e. if I query on the linq statement above to filter for a single item by Id, the database is hit with that query for just a single item and a single DTO is created. Pretty clever stuff. This only works if you do a direct projection in the linq statement - if you call off to a function to create your DTO then this won't work.
Just in case others are facing the same scenario, you might want to look at AutoMapper - it can create these projections for you using a model you create just once - avoids all those huge linq statements that are hard to read and validate. The automapper projections (assuming you stick to the simple stuff) still allow the linq to entities magic that ensures you don't have to do table scans when you create your DTOs.

Entity to DTO conversion with JPA

I'm using DataNucleus as a JPA implementation to store my classes in my web application. I use a set of converters which all have toDTO() and fromDTO().
My issue is, that I want to avoid the whole DB being sent over the wire:
If I lazy load, the converter will try to access ALL the fields, and load then (resulting in very eager loading).
If I don't lazy load, I'll get a huge part of the DB, since user contains groups, and groups contains users, and so on.
Is there a way to explicitly load some fields and leave the others as NULL in my loaded class?
I've tried the DataNucleus docs with no luck.
Your DTOs are probably too fine-grained. i.e. dont plan to have a DTO per JPA entity. If you have to use DTOs then make them more coarse grained and construct them manually.
Recently we have had the whole "to DTO or not to DTO, that is the question" discussion AGAIN. The requirement for them (especially in the context of a JPA app) is often no longer there, but one of the arguments FOR DTOs tends to be that the view has coarser data requirements.
To only load the data you really require, you would need to use a custom select clause containing only these elements that you are about to use for your DTOs. I know how painful this is, especially when it involves joins, which is why I created Blaze-Persistence Entity Views which will take care of making the query efficient.
You define your DTO as an interface with mappings to the entity, using the attribute name as default mapping, this looks very simple and a lot like a subset of an entity, though it doesn't have to. You can use any JPQL expression as mapping for your DTO attributes.