Understanding aws-sdk-net for Unity 3D - unity3d

I am trying to understand the aws-sdk-net for Unity package and I don´t understand how to proceed with the rest of the tutorial.
What do I do with the information for the .xml file? I am trying to setup aws-cognito but the aws setup page is very confusing.
Thank for the help

You have to create a link.xml file and place it in your Resource folder. And awsconfig.xml is optional. Also AWS SDK for Unity was last updated 5 years ago, you should consider using .net SDK.


Manatee.Trello: Simple CRUD App for Updating Cards

I need to develop a simple CRUD console app to update a list of Trello cards from a CSV file. I'll run the app in TaskScheduler every night. I've installed #gregsdennis Manatee.Trello packages (impressive code!) but cannot find a single (complete example) of anything like this anywhere. All I've managed to do is auth in with app key and tokedn.
Is there a resource out there that shows simple (full) examples of how to get started? #gregsdennis—the C# libraries are extensive and obviously well thought out—I just need a jump start to get me going. Thanks to all in advance!
Here's the documentation site: https://gregsdennis.github.io/Manatee.Trello/usage/getting-started.html

Can both image target and object target be added one single database in unity vuforia?

I am developing an android app where I have to train my app to recognize two images and four objects.I created one single database where I added all the images and objects target in vuforia developer site and created the unity package. Now neither image nor object is getting recognized.
Probably the problem is the same for objects and images.
I think you should share some more info about what your doing as well as some meaningful code implementing it.
W/O that, I would suggest:
verify that the database and trackables are loaded and active # runtime
if so, see in console that the trackables are tracked by Vuforia
if so, verify the code enabling your augmentations
Please confirm whether have run trough these steps already and what results you got. I can share some code and further tips once the issue is a little but more specific.

How do I feed Unity Web Player extern data?

I am new to using Unity3D, and I am supposed to use it on a web application (which is build with Ruby on Rails).
My problem is that I need to feed it data from my database but I don`t know how to give it extern data.
I`d appreciate any kind of help. :)
You can use WWW to make a request on the server and receive data.
http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/WWWForm.html (see the 2nd example)
Note that Unity Webplayer is no longer updated and its already removed from Unity 5.4 ( http://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/10/08/unity-web-player-roadmap/ )

How to use omnigroup framework in an iOS project?

I need to be able to write and read from a rtf file in iOS.
The omnigroup framework has the 2 classes i am looking for :
I managed to build the frameworks but i cant figure out how to integrate theses classes in my own project.
I had the following frameworks to my project :
I still get some undefined identifier such as :
Has anybody been able to use the omnigroup framework in your own project ?
We do need some better documentation for this, but the TextEditor example app in OmniUI/iPad/Examples/TextEditor may be a good starting point for seeing how we include the frameworks in our apps.
In this particular case, you may prefer to pull out the OUIRTFReader class and any dependencies it needs from OmniAppKit and OmniFoundation into your project. updating the #imports to be "..." instead of <OmniThis/AndOmniThat.h>.
Perhaps you could try following the instructions given as part of this thread on the Omni Group forums. They appear to have been able to build the framework under the iOS 4.2 SDK.
I don't think you want the OmniAppKit framework, as that is just for the Mac.

KissXml on iPhone

I have dowload a KissXml project.
I must add all the files to my project (excluding DDXMLTesting).
Sorry for the stupid question but i must insert all class in the classes folder (http://ixhan.com/2010/03/tutorial-of-kissxml-iphone/) or i can do another operation.
Sorry but i'm a beginner programmer for iPhone.
Yes, you need to import all the classes in new group in your project when you are doing it with sdk.
yes, otherwise it will not compile/link/run
The "getting started"-section of the original source home page contains the best information to get it up and running. Just follow the steps exactly as they're described there and you should be ready to go in 5 minutes.