Change editor skin and content_css - tinymce

I am new to tinyMCE and trying to implement using react. I was able to add skin and content_Css properties during init. Is there a way to change them dynamically, say on click of a button? Is there an api "editor.replace(skin, newSkinColor)" or similar ?


Add color picker to Umbraco Form Settings

I want to add a color picker to umbraco for setting, so when the User create a new form he/she is able to add a background color, text color from the form setting. I have checked for solutions but there is no proper solution for this. i could only find of adding css class in it. Could someone please advice me on this.
You will need to create your own custom Umbraco Forms control to do that. There's documentation at that guides you through that task.

TinyMCE draggable templates

I am using TinyMCE version 4.
I also have a couple of html templates defined in my web project.
Now, I would like to make those templates draggable within textarea, so I would like to keep the style of the template and be able to move drag-and-drop/move it.
Does anybody know if it is achievable by using TinyMCE component?

Alternative for panel in Portal Layout?

I'm trying to build a dashboard with drag-gable widgets. I am successful to achieve this using portal layout . But then I find it tough to customize the panel as easy as using DIV.
Is there any other way to achieve this with Div and have it integrated to portal layout instead of a panel ?
<portalchildren> only accepts <panel> as its child, and <div> is not allowed. If using <div>, you cannot maximize, collapse, and close each block.
What kind of customization you need?
You can refer to for style customization.
If you want to add custom behavior, you can add event listeners on a panel or create a class that inherits ZK's Panel, then use your class for a panel.
or define it as a new component like , please refer to

Starling Feathers Extend Theme - Custom button

I am trying to work out how to use a sprite added to a themes sprite sheet as a button but not having much luck.
I have created the entire button with click state and label and added to the theme sprite sheet and need to use on a button. I have a number of custom buttons I would like to use but I would also like to use a number of the theme skin (Minimal skin).
I have looked at the extending themes section but unsure how to use a signal sprite image for 1 button, another for another button and the theme skin for others.
Look at the names property, this is how the theme "knows" what initializer function to call Web - Disable Inline Styles

I am having some trouble styling widgets for web, specifically filepicker-dragdrop.
Is there any way to disable the inline styling and replace them with classes?
Something like data-fp-disable-styles or perhaps when using data-fp-dropzone-class="..." the inline styling is automatically disabled.
Although you can add classes to the button with the attribute data-fp-button-class, I cannot get rid of the inline styling on the on the dropzone and container div.
You can set the data-fp-drag-class and data-fp-class options to set the styling of the dropzone and container div and use the !important flag for any styles that you want to use to override the inline styles.
If you're looking for a more fully customizable solution, we'd recommend using the raw javascript api's to create your own drag pane ( and/or pick button