No recurring payment support in PayPal REST SDKs [closed] - paypal

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I use PayPal for once off and recurring payments.
The once off payments were relatively easy to implement using the PayPalCheckoutSdk.
However, when it comes to making recurring payments, PayPal's docs all refer to v1, whereas for the Orders (one off payments) API, it's v2.
Searching nuget, google and PayPal's own git repository doesn't seem to have much in the way of finding an sdk for recurring payments and their API examples are only in Bash for some strange reason.
Does anyone know if PayPal is planning to release an Orders sdk? Or if it's safe to use the old deprecated version?

Does anyone know if PayPal is planning to release an Orders sdk? Or if it's safe to use the old deprecated version?
There is an Orders v2 Checkout SDK, which is not for recurring payments.
There is no SDK for the current version of PayPal Subscriptions. Use a direct integration (HTTPS API calls when needed, no SDK). Examples are given using the command-line tool curl since it is the most universal way to explain the text of an API request and response, but you will implement that HTTPS request from whatever environment you are using.
Do not use deprecated SDKs and APIs, such as that of v1/payments or the old Subscription endpoints (billing agreements).
The version in the URL is not a matter of deprecation per se, but indicates whether the schema has changed significantly (major revision). For one-time payments, v1/payments is deprecated in favor of v2/checkout/orders. But other API operation (like those used for the current Subscriptions integration) still use v1 URLs.


how we integrate payment gateways in iphone app? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to implement payment gateways in iPhone app?
Also is there any problem of app rejecting by using a third-party payment gateway?
Please do not attempt to create a payment gateway by your self unless you are thoroughly conversant with programming, security and you completely understand everything involved. There are too much factors and security issues involved. Use something like PayPal or read up on [In-App Purchase Programming Guide1 in Apple Dev guide.
Use the paypal mobile sdk..For integrating the payment gateway in your application..You can download the sample project from github by clicking download zip.
If you want to use digital goods payment service then best way to use inapppurchase (tutorial is given in reywenderlich)
If u want to use real goods payment they u can use paypal or other related payment gateway..
You can for more info regarding this..

sell ebooks in app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I will be making an iPhone app that will sell ebooks. we have a website version of this and we want to have mobile version also. So, my question is what is the best approach(approved by Apple) for this kind of model? In our website version, we do payment by paypal. In my understanding, selling digital goods via paypal that is integrated within the app is not allowed(correct me if I'm wrong). Also, we have like 5000+ books on the website, so adding all books in iTunes(if it can be done) is no cake work I think. :D So help me out guys, this is my first app that involves buying and paying. After a successful payment, this book can now be read from within the app. Thanks!
Your correct, Apple does not allow any payment method for in app content that circumvents the IAP model.
You have two real options. One is to use IAP (In app purchase). This will give users the best native experience and will allow you to use apples framework BUT there are two downsides:
- Apple takes a 30% cut of all IAP revenue
- There is a chance that patent trolls Lodsys will come after you for unauthorized use of IAP (its not actually unauthorized, but they will try and argue that it is and sue you for it, google 'IAP Lodsys' for more info)
The other option that gives you more control over the payment system and gives you full revenue it to allow users to purchase books for their app on your website (The way kindle works). Not the best experience for users, but definitely best for your wallets.
Unfortunately I am not aware of any other payment methods, would be interesting to hear of some if anyone has any.
Hope that helps :)

Online Credit Card Payment Processing [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Most of my clients require donation and shopping cart integration into their websites. I have always used PayPal to run the transactions, but PayPal is a nightmare to work with. I'm looking for an alternative company to handle the credit card processing.
I had looked into Amazon FPS, then realized that it requires an Amazon account in order to process the transaction, which I cannot do. Seems like my only option is Google Checkout. Is it solid? I've read some horror stories of random account closures.
Your thoughts would be helpful as I make this decision. I am looking for ease of API integration, no requirements for the users other than valid credit-card information, and low transaction fees.
I've written modules to work with point Link Point and is far superior in consistency, logical response values, and had much better documentation.

How to use Paypal from a desktop application? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible to collect billing information and send it to Paypal from a desktop application the same way a webpage normally would?
Paypal uses the HTTP protocol to communicate. As long as you use that with your desktop application, it will work.
As you can see from this Sample Code page, they are simply using apis to make HTTP Requests (cURL for the php example) to the paypal servers.
Not sure if this comes in too late for you, but it might help others looking around for similar functionality. I had also been looking around for a way that could let me search through paypal transactions and give me exact numbers about sales and sold products. Then I found PaySketch, which I have been using for a while now, and it has become a part of my schedule to (re)organize marketing and sales efforts based on statistics that I get from the app. I would say that it is a must have for every vendor selling things using paypal
You can also try developing an adobe AIR application. The application will be platform independant. You can read more here.
If you want to track your Paypal account from desktop, you can try Putler. It won't let you accept new payments on the desktop, but can show you insightful reports.

Website Payment Pro outside US [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My current online shop use PayPal express checkout (for credit card too) to charge users.
Our surveys (and A/B testing) showed that they are willing to make am order in a fewer step and without going to Paypal website.
We are based in Hong Kong so Website Payment Pro with DirectPayment can't be used.
Do you any other solution that could fit (i.e same level of pricing) our needs.
Small transactions (< 100 USD), need to fully integrate the solution within our shop for credit card (no redirection to another website)?
We will probably keep paypal as a backup solution for customers without credit cards.
Since PayPal indeed does not offer WPP in Hong Kong, I see just three options:
Open a business in US/UK/Canada where WPP is available;
Use a standard credit card payment provider, not PayPal;
Keep using WPS.
I'm afraid that none of these are the same level of pricing and benefits though. :(
I wonder if you have the same problems with Google Checkout.
Take a look on: