discord.js find and edit messages in dm - find

i'm trying to find message in dm and edit it via discord.js but i'm unable to do
my code:
const User = client.users.cache.get(usrid);
if (!User.dmChannel) return console.log("No messages found.");
// Getting the message by ID
User.dmChannel.messages.fetch(lastmsgid).then(dmMessage => {
// Editing the message.
throw err;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'dmChannel' of undefined
at C:\Users\Shankar\Desktop\bot\Disgd-hax\index.js:29:35
at Interface._onLine (readline.js:327:5)
at Interface._line (readline.js:658:8)
at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:1003:14)
at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:205:10)
at ReadStream.emit (events.js:315:20)
at emitKeys (internal/readline/utils.js:335:14)
at emitKeys.next (<anonymous>)
at ReadStream.onData (readline.js:1137:36)
at ReadStream.emit (events.js:315:20)

if usrid is used correctly and is a user id, it mean that you are currently fetching the userid and getting user result not a dm channel or a dm message, to be able to do such that.
I suggest using the messages.fetch method mentioned here


I want Typeorm to return undefined rather than an error

Hi I want to check if a user is in the database already.
I use Typeorm and Postgres.
I use Typeorm to check if the user is in my DB if not so that's ok and I want the variable to be null/undefined. The issue is that it stops my server with a 400 error code and the process stops.
const isInDb = await this.clientDb.findOne({ email });
error when not found
response: {
statusCode: 400,
message: 'cannot update DB, this request is invalid',
error: 'Bad Request'
I'm not familiar with the TypeORM API, but if you want to replace unwanted rejections, you could always wrap the returned promise:
function hideRejection<T>(promise: Promise<T>, rejectValue: T = undefined): Promise<T> {
return promise.catch(() => rejectValue)
Then use it like:
const isInDb = await hideRejection(this.clientDb.findOne({ email }));
I just used getcount() query builder to check how many times the row exists. This doesn't throw an error.

Unable to Save ParseObject with User ACL in Cloud Code

I have an issue saving changes to an object from a Cloud Code function.
I have a collection called Character and one record inside it.
This Character record has an ACL with Public Read, and Private Write Access by a specific ParseUser (6MwfSLdAxd).
In Unity, I authenticated the user and I then call the Cloud Code function as follows:
ParseCloud.CallFunctionAsync<Character>("startBattle", null).ContinueWith(t =>
Debug.Log("I got here...");
In my Cloud Code function, I grab the first character in the collection (ignoring checking if it belongs to this user, because at the moment there is only one and it DOES belong to this user - there's only one user too).
var Character = Parse.Object.extend("Character");
Parse.Cloud.define("startBattle", function (request, response) {
var user = request.user;
if (user == null)
return response.error("You must login before you can battle!");
var characterQuery = new Parse.Query(Character);
function (character) {
character.set("name", "Cloud Code sucka");
character.save().then(function(character) {
return response.success(character);
function (error) {
return response.error("You must create a character before you can battle! " + error);
However, I simply cannot save any changes to this character. All the documentation and forum posts I've found suggest that if you call a Cloud Code function when authenticated then that function should have the same level permissions as the user calling it.
The only time this code works is if I set the ACL of the character to Public Write.
Does anyone have any ideas why this wouldn't be working?
Note: Worth noting that I can see in the server logs that the Cloud Code function IS being called by the authenticated user 6MwfSLdAxd as I get this error (if I add a response.error call):
error: Failed running cloud function startBattle for user 6MwfSLdAxd with:
Input: {}
Error: {"code":141,"message":"Messed up: [object Object]"} functionName=startBattle, code=141, message=Messed up: [object Object], , user=6MwfSLdAxd
error: Error generating response. ParseError { code: 141, message: 'Messed up: [object Object]' } code=141, message=Messed up: [object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]
After some extensive searching I've now found the solution to this.
For anyone else encountering the same issues, you should be aware that whilst Parse.com used to run Cloud Code functions in the context of the user that called them (afaik), self-hosted Parse Servers do not.
In order to call queries or saves in the context of a user you must pass their session token as shown below. I hope this saves someone the hours of confusion I went through!
var MyObject = Parse.Object.extend("MyObject");
Parse.Cloud.define("myCloudFunction", function (request, response) {
var user = request.user;
var sessionToken = user.getSessionToken();
var query = new Parse.Query(MyObject)
.find({ sessionToken: sessionToken })
function (object) {
object.set("someKey", "someValue");
return object.save(null, { sessionToken: sessionToken });
function (object) {
return response.success(object);
function (error) {
return response.error(error.message);
For further context see:

Why am I getting this 'undefined' error?

I'm working on a Meteor project, and for some reason this profile template refuses to work.
I'm using the following code, as well as the accounts-password and accounts-entry packages for user management:
this.route('profile', {
path: '/profile/:username',
data: function() {
var userDoc = Meteor.users.findOne({"username": this.params.username});
var bookCursor = Books.find({owner: userDoc._id});
return {
theUser: userDoc,
theBooks: bookCursor
When I try to go to the profile URL for my test accounts ('misutowolf', and 'test2', respectively), I am given the following error in Chrome's dev console: Exception from Deps recompute function: TypeError: Cannot read property '_id' of undefined, pointing to the use of userDoc._id in the call to Books.find().
This makes no sense whatsoever, as I was able to find a user document with the names in question using meteor mongo with both usernames, in the form db.users.find({username: "misutowolf"}) and db.users.find({username: "test2"}).
I am very confused, not sure what is causing this issue at all.
By default Meteor only publish the currently logged in user info via an automatically setup publication.
What you need to do is push to the client the user info (username) you're trying to use, because if you don't do that, the user you're accessing is not published to the client and you get an undefined error when accessing its _id.
First, setup a dedicated publication (on the server) :
return Meteor.users.find({
Then waitOn this publication in your route :
return this.subscribe("userByUsername",this.params.username);
Finally, guard against accessing the user document until it is pushed to the client because even if you are waiting on the subscription, the data method might actually get called even if the subscription is not ready yet.
data: function() {
var userDoc = Meteor.users.findOne({"username": this.params.username});
// ...

Dropbox Datastore API, how to show username?

I'm trying the Dropbox's Datastore API(JavaScript), but I don't know how to get username. I've tried something like this:
var account = new Dropbox.AccountInfo();
console.log('getAInfo' + account.getAccountInfo());
and I got this message in my console: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'display_name' of undefined".
any idea?
Presumably you have a Dropbox.Client object. To fetch the account info, do this:
client.getAccountInfo(function (error, info) {
console.log('Name: ' + info.name);

Sending a reply email using exchange web services - how to deal with the changeKey property

For my code, I retrieve an unread message from exchange, do some processing based on that message, and then reply to the message with the results of the processing I did.
The problem that I'm having is that when I attempt to reply to the email I'm getting the below error on calling responseMessage.send() or responseMessage.sendAndSave():
The current ChangeKey is required for this operation.
Below is the code that I am running that is triggering this error:
public void replyToEmail(EmailMessage _emailMessage, String _reply)
String serviceManager = emailServerAddress = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["serviceManagerEmail"].Trim();
ResponseMessage responseMessage = _emailMessage.CreateReply(true);
responseMessage.BodyPrefix = _reply;
String changekey = _emailMessage.Id.ChangeKey;
if (!serviceManager.Equals(""))
responseMessage.CcRecipients.Add(new EmailAddress(serviceManager));
I'm able to check the _emailMessage changeKey value via _emailMessage.id.Changekey and there is a value there, I would have expected that to be assigned to the responseMessage when _emailMessage.createReply() was call. I'm unable to find a way to manually assign it.
I've been unable to find any references to this issue during searching, I was hoping someone
I ran into this problem with .Forward, after setting the message IsRead = true and saving that update back to the server. That changes the ChangeKey, so it's no longer valid.
Try doing _emailMessage.Load() to get the message from the server again, and the new ChangeKey.