STM32CubeIDE Run Configurations: How to disable 'Set breakpoint at: main' if grayed out - stm32cubeide

I can't figure out how I have to disable the setting 'Set breakpoint at: main' in the 'Run Configurations' 'Startup' tab. It's grayed out and I can't find it anywhere else. How can this be disabled?

Right-click the project in the "Project Explorer" pane and select "Debug As > Debug Configurations..." from the pop-up menu:


What does the "select automatically" option do for a Run configuration in Eclipse CDT

In the Run Configuration... dialog in Eclipse CDT there is the option to configure the project to build automatically before launch. Within this area there is a "Build configuration" dropdown which selects which configuration should be used for the build:
This includes explicit options for the configurations in your projects, a "Use Active" option and a "Select Automatically" option.
The others are clear, but what does this last option do?

How to execute the go test file in the goeclipse IDE

How do I create a eclipse launch file to execute the test file or run configuration in the goeclipse IDE
This is an enhancement which is pending: issue 5
I was thinking more along the line of adding a menu item ("Test go application") in the "run as" context menu.
Right now if I select a go test file and click "Run go application" from the "run as" context menu nothing is executed (no main).
A "Test go application" could do a "go test" on the file instead of a "go run"...
For now, there is only an option "Enable continuous testing":

Eclipse keyboard shortcut to open build path of current project?

I often have to edit the build path of my project in eclipse. Is there a keyboard shortcut that will open the window as "configure build path" option in Eclipse?
Right click on any project in package explorer, select Build Path..> Configure Build Path...
Select any project in package explorer press Alt + Enter.
First step is necessary as property dialog remembers the previously selected node.

How do I disable "Run Monitor" in NetBeans?

I'm using NetBeans IDE v7.0.1.
When I try to run a program (F6 Shortcut), There is a pop-up window in the left side named "Run Monitor". How do I disable it?
Thank you all.
go into your project properties (right-click on the project --> properties or go to the "File" menu and select your project properties), select "profile" and uncheck the box "Show profiling indicators during run"
In more recent versions of NetBeans, we can disable HTTP monitor
in the Server Properties dialog. In the Services tab, we expand
the Server node. We right click on Apache Tomcat and select Properties.
In the Connection tab we uncheck the Enable HTTP monitor option.
We also may need to restart Tomcat.

How to change the order of options in "run as" menu in eclipse?

I mainly develop for Android in Eclipse. I used to run my app in with shortcut "CTRL+F11" which was the same as clicking "run as android application" in menu.
Then i installed some eclipse plugins for webservices and now when i press "CTRL+F11", it calls "run on server" because this is the first option in "run as" menu.
How can i change this so the default option for run as would be "run as android application"?
If you set the Preferences → Run/Debug → Launching to Always launch the previously launched application, CTRL+F11 should launch what you last launched.
Simply relaunch your app manually, then check that CTRL+F11 works like you want.
CTRL+F11 always launches your last launched configuration if the Preferences → Run/Debug → Launching to Always launch the previously launched application preference is set.
You can try to add a new shortcut for running android apps by customizing the key-shortcut preferences:
The answer is:
"Organize Favorites" Just below the run as menu.