I have a Postgres table with a large jsonb column.
CREATE TABLE mytable (id integer, my_jsonb jsonb)
The my_jsonb column contains data like this:
name: 'Bob',
city: 'Somecity',
zip: '12345'
The table contains several million rows.
I need to create facets, i.e. aggregations, on individual fields in our user interface. For example:
city | count
New York | 1000
Chicago | 3000
Los Angeles | 4000
maybe 200 more values...
My current query, which yields the correct results, looks like this:
select my_jsonb->>'city', count(*)
from mytable
where foo='bar'
group by my_jsonb->>'city'
order by my_jsonb->>'city'
The problem is that it is painfully slow. It takes 5-10 seconds, depending on the particular column that I pick. It has to do a full table scan and extract each jsonb value, row by row.
Question: how do I create an index that does this query efficiently, and works no matter which jsonb field I choose?
A GIN index doesn't work. The query optimizer doesn't use it. Same for a simple BTREE on the jsonb column.
I'm thinking that there might be some kind of expression index, and I might be able to rewrite the facet query to use the expression, but I haven't figured it out.
Worst case, I can extract all of the values into a second table and index that, I'd prefer not to.
Your only hope would be an index-only scan, but since that doesn't work with expression indexes, you're out. There is no way to avoid scanning the whole table and extracting the JSON values.
You'll have to extract the JSON values in a normalized form. This goes as a reminder that data models involving JSON are very often a bad choice in a relational database (although there are valid use cases).
I have a table with the following columns:
STATUS (VARCHAR) (4 different status possible)
other not relevant columns
I try to find all the lines with customer_id = and status = two different status.
The query looks like:
FROM my_table
WHERE customer_id = '12345678' AND status IN ('STATUS1', 'STATUS2');
The table contains about 1 mio lines. I added two indexes on customer_id and status. The query still needs about 1 second to run.
The explain plan is:
1. Gather
2. Seq Scan on my_table
Filter: (((status)::text = ANY ('{SUBMITTED,CANCELLED}'::text[])) AND ((customer_id)::text = '12345678'::text))
I ran the 'analyze my_table' after creating the indexes. What could I do to improve the performance of this quite simple query?
You need a compound (multi-column) index to help satisfy your query.
Guessing, it seems like the most selective column (the one with the most distinct values) is customer_id. status probably has only a few distinct values. So customer_id should go first in the index. Try this.
ALTER TABLE my_table ADD INDEX customer_id_status (customer_id, status);
This creates a BTREE index. A useful mental model for such an index is an old-fashioned telephone book. It's sorted in order. You look up the first matching entry in the index, then scan it sequentially for the items you want.
You may also want to try running ANALYZE my_table; to update the statistics (about selectivity) used by the query planner to choose an appropriate index.
Pro tip Avoid SELECT * if you can. Instead name the columns you want. This can help performance a lot.
Pro tip Your question said some of your columns aren't relevant to query optimization. That's probably not true; index design is a weird art. SELECT * makes it less true.
I have created a materialized view for the purposes of feeding into a dashboard.
My goal is to make this table selectable in the fastest way possible and I'm not sure how to approach it. I was hoping that if I describe the table and how it will be used, someone could offer some direction.
The context is a website with funnel steps.Each row is an instance of a user triggering a funnel step such as add to cart, checkout, payment details and then finally transaction.
Since the table is for the purposes of analytics, it will be refreshed automatically with cron once a day only, in the morning, so I'm not worried about real time update speed, only select speed with various where clauses.
Suppose I have the fields described below:
(N = ~13M and expected to be ~20 by January, growing several million per month)
Table is unique with the combination of session id, user id and funnel step.
- Session Id (Id, so some duplication but generally very very granular - Varchar)
- User Id (Id, so some duplication but generally very very granular - Varchar)
- Date (Date)
- Funnel Step (10 distinct value - Varchar)
- Device Category (3 distinct values - Varchar)
- Country (~ 100 distinct values - varchar)
- City (~1000+ distinct values - varchar)
- Source (several thousand distinct values, nevertheless, stakeholder would like a filter - varchar)
Would I index each field individually? Or, should I index all fields in a oner? Per the documentation, I think I can index up to 32 fields at once. But would that be advisable here given my primary goal of select query speed over everything else?
The table will feed into dashboard that reads the table and dynamically translates filter inputs into where clauses. Each time the user adjusts a filter, the table will be read and grouped and aggregated based on the filter / where clause inputs.
Example query:
count(distinct user_id) as users
from website_data.ecom_funnel
where date >= $input_start_date
and date <= $input_end_date
and device_category in ($mobile, $desktop, $tablet)
and country in ($list of all countries minus any not selected)
and source in ($list of all sources minus any not selected)
group by 1 order by users desc
This will result in a funnel shaped table of data.
I cannot aggregate before hand because the primary metric of concern is users, not sessions. These must be de-duped from the underlying table. Classic example... Suppose a person visits a website once a day for a week. Then the sum of unique visitors for that week is 1, however if I summed visitors by day I would get 7. Similar with my table, some users take multiple sessions to complete the funnel. So, this is why I cannot pre aggregate the table, since I need to apply filters to the underlying data and then count(distinct user id).
Here's explain on a subset of fields if it is useful:
Sort (cost=862194.66..862194.68 rows=9 width=24)
Sort Key: (count(DISTINCT client_id)) DESC
-> GroupAggregate (cost=847955.01..862194.51 rows=9 width=24)
Group Key: event_action
-> Sort (cost=847955.01..852701.48 rows=1898589 width=37)
Sort Key: event_action
-> Seq Scan on ecom_funnel (cost=0.00..589150.14 rows=1898589 width=37)
Filter: ((device_category = ANY ('{mobile,desktop}'::text[])) AND (source = 'google'::text))
My overarching, specific question is, given my use case, should I index each field individually or should I create one single index? Does it matter?
On top of that, any tips for optimising this materialized view to run a select query faster would be appreciated.
Looking at your filter conditions, you should check the cardinality of device_category field by posting
select device_category, count(*) from website_data.ecom_funnel group by device_category
and looking at the values to determine if an index should firstly include this column. Possible index here (without knowing the cardinality) would be multicolumn and include:
(device_category, date)
Saying that, there's no benefit from creating indexes on each separate column as your query wouldn't use them all, so it does matter. You would slow down other CRUD operations that aren't Read operation.
Creating an index on all columns won't probably speed it up too much for you as well, but that's based on the data lying under the hood (in the table) and how your filters compare to the overall query without them (cardinality of values in columns being filtered). This would most likely create a huge overhead of going through the index tree and then obtaining rowids to return the data you need.
Summing up, I would try to narrow the index down to the columns that matter most in your filtering which means they cut most of the data being retrieved. If your query is meant to return majority of rows from the table then there's a need to aggregate, unfortunately, as this wouldn't speed things up.
Hope it helps.
Edit: I've just read that you already posted count of distinct values among your table. I'm not sure what Funnel Step is bound to in your table, but assuming it's a column named event_action, it might be beneficial to instead create an index that would help in grouping as well by doing:
(date, event_action)
It seems like you have omitted the GROUP BY clause at all, which should be included and it should be grouping by event_action, since that's what your select part is doing.
If you narrow the date down to several days/months every time you perform a select query, it might be a huge benefit to create index with first date column.
Remember, that position of column in an index matters.
If you look for values from several months let's say, you should preaggregate and store precalculated values from each month in another table and then UNION ALL that data to the current query which would only select data from current (still being updated) time.
We have a table with 10 million rows. We need to find first few rows with like 'user%' .
This query is fast if it matches at least 2 rows (It returns results in 0.5 sec). If it doesn't find any 2 rows matching with that criteria, it is taking at least 10 sec. 10 secs is huge for us (since we are using this auto suggestions, users will not wait for so long to see the suggestions.)
Query: select distinct(name) from user_sessions where name like 'user%' limit 2;
In the above query, the name column is of type citext and it is indexed.
Whenever you're working on performance, start by explaining your query. That'll show the the query optimizer's plan, and you can get a sense of how long it's spending doing various pieces. In particular, check for any full table scans, which mean the database is examining every row in the table.
Since the query is fast when it finds something and slow when it doesn't, it sounds like you are indeed hitting a full table scan. I believe you that it's indexed, but since you're doing a like, the standard string index can't be used efficiently. You'll want to check out varchar_pattern_ops (or text_pattern_ops, depending on the column type of name). You create that this way:
CREATE INDEX ON pattern_index_on_users_name ON users (name varchar_pattern_ops)
After creating an index, check EXPLAIN query to make sure it's being used. text_pattern_ops doesn't work with the citext extension, so in this case you'll have to index and search for lower(name) to get good case-insensitive performance:
CREATE INDEX ON pattern_index_on_users_name ON users (lower(name) text_pattern_ops)
SELECT * FROM users WHERE lower(name) like 'user%' LIMIT 2
I'm using Cassandra 1.2.7 with the official Java driver that uses CQL3.
Suppose a table created by
row int,
column int,
txt text,
PRIMARY KEY (row, column)
Then I'd like to preform the equivalent of SELECT DISTINCT row FROM foo
As for my understanding it should be possible to execute this query efficiently inside Cassandra's data model(given the way compound primary keys are implemented) as it would just query the 'raw' table.
I searched the CQL documentation but I didn't find any options to do that.
My backup plan is to create a separate table - something like
CREATE TABLE foo_rows (
row int,
But this requires the hassle of keeping the two in sync - writing to foo_rows for any write in foo(also a performance penalty).
So is there any way to query for distinct row(partition) keys?
I'll give you the bad way to do this first. If you insert these rows:
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (1,1,'First Insert');
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (1,2,'Second Insert');
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (2,1,'First Insert');
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (2,2,'Second Insert');
Doing a
'select row from foo;'
will give you the following:
Not distinct since it shows all possible combinations of row and column. To query to get one row value, you can add a column value:
select row from foo where column = 1;
But then you will get this warning:
Bad Request: Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING
Ok. Then with this:
select row from foo where column = 1 ALLOW FILTERING;
Great. What I wanted. Let's not ignore that warning though. If you only have a small number of rows, say 10000, then this will work without a huge hit on performance. Now what if I have 1 billion? Depending on the number of nodes and the replication factor, your performance is going to take a serious hit. First, the query has to scan every possible row in the table (read full table scan) and then filter the unique values for the result set. In some cases, this query will just time out. Given that, probably not what you were looking for.
You mentioned that you were worried about a performance hit on inserting into multiple tables. Multiple table inserts are a perfectly valid data modeling technique. Cassandra can do a enormous amount of writes. As for it being a pain to sync, I don't know your exact application, but I can give general tips.
If you need a distinct scan, you need to think partition columns. This is what we call a index or query table. The important thing to consider in any Cassandra data model is the application queries. If I was using IP address as the row, I might create something like this to scan all the IP addresses I have in order.
CREATE TABLE ip_addresses (
first_quad int,
last_quads ascii,
PRIMARY KEY (first_quad, last_quads)
Now, to insert some rows in my 192.x.x.x address space:
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000000001');
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000000002');
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000001001');
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000001255');
To get the distinct rows in the 192 space, I do this:
SELECT * FROM ip_addresses WHERE first_quad = 192;
first_quad | last_quads
192 | 000000001
192 | 000000002
192 | 000001001
192 | 000001255
To get every single address, you would just need to iterate over every possible row key from 0-255. In my example, I would expect the application to be asking for specific ranges to keep things performant. Your application may have different needs but hopefully you can see the pattern here.
according to the documentation, from CQL version 3.11, cassandra understands DISTINCT modifier.
So you can now write
Partition row keys are used as unique index to distinguish different rows in the storage engine so by nature, row keys are always distinct. You don't need to put DISTINCT in the SELECT clause
INSERT INTO foo(row,column,txt) VALUES (1,1,'1-1');
INSERT INTO foo(row,column,txt) VALUES (2,1,'2-1');
INSERT INTO foo(row,column,txt) VALUES (1,2,'1-2');
will return 2 values: 1 and 2
Below is how things are persisted in Cassandra
| row key | column1/value | column2/value |
| 1 | 1/'1' | 2/'2' |
| 2 | 1/'1' | |
I have a table in postgresql that contains an array which is updated constantly.
In my application i need to get the number of rows for which a specific parameter is not present in that array column. My query looks like this:
select count(id)
from table
where not (ARRAY['parameter value'] <# table.array_column)
But when increasing the amount of rows and the amount of executions of that query (several times per second, possibly hundreds or thousands) the performance decreses a lot, it seems to me that the counting in postgresql might have a linear order of execution (I’m not completely sure of this).
Basically my question is:
Is there an existing pattern I’m not aware of that applies to this situation? what would be the best approach for this?
Any suggestion you could give me would be really appreciated.
PostgreSQL actually supports GIN indexes on array columns. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be usable for NOT ARRAY[...] <# indexed_col, and GIN indexes are unsuitable for frequently-updated tables anyway.
CREATE TABLE arrtable (id integer primary key, array_column integer[]);
INSERT INTO arrtable(1, ARRAY[1,2,3,4]);
CREATE INDEX arrtable_arraycolumn_gin_arr_idx
ON arrtable USING GIN(array_column);
-- Use the following *only* for testing whether Pg can use an index
-- Do not use it in production.
SET enable_seqscan = off;
explain (buffers, analyze) select count(id)
from arrtable
where not (ARRAY[1] <# arrtable.array_column);
Unfortunately, this shows that as written we can't use the index. If you don't negate the condition it can be used, so you can search for and count rows that do contain the search element (by removing NOT).
You could use the index to count entries that do contain the target value, then subtract that result from a count of all entries. Since counting all rows in a table is quite slow in PostgreSQL (9.1 and older) and requires a sequential scan this will actually be slower than your current query. It's possible that on 9.2 an index-only scan can be used to count the rows if you have a b-tree index on id, in which case this might actually be OK:
SELECT count(id) FROM arrtable
) - (
SELECT count(id) FROM arrtable
WHERE (ARRAY[1] <# arrtable.array_column)
It's guaranteed to perform worse than your original version for Pg 9.1 and below, because in addition to the seqscan your original requires it also needs an GIN index scan. I've now tested this on 9.2 and it does appear to use an index for the count, so it's worth exploring for 9.2. With some less trivial dummy data:
drop index arrtable_arraycolumn_gin_arr_idx ;
truncate table arrtable;
insert into arrtable (id, array_column)
select s, ARRAY[1,2,s,s*2,s*3,s/2,s/4] FROM generate_series(1,1000000) s;
CREATE INDEX arrtable_arraycolumn_gin_arr_idx
ON arrtable USING GIN(array_column);
Note that a GIN index like this will slow updates down a LOT, and is quite slow to create in the first place. It is not suitable for tables that get updated much at all - like your table.
Worse, the query using this index takes up to twice times as long as your original query and at best half as long on the same data set. It's worst for cases where the index is not very selective like ARRAY[1] - 4s vs 2s for the original query. Where the index is highly selective (ie: not many matches, like ARRAY[199]) it runs in about 1.2 seconds vs the original's 3s. This index simply isn't worth having for this query.
The lesson here? Sometimes, the right answer is just to do a sequential scan.
Since that won't do for your hit rates, either maintain a materialized view with a trigger as #debenhur suggests, or try to invert the array to be a list of parameters that the entry does not have so you can use a GiST index as #maniek suggests.
Is there an existing pattern I’m not aware of that applies to this
situation? what would be the best approach for this?
Your best bet in this situation might be to normalize your schema. Split the array out into a table. Add a b-tree index on the table of properties, or order the primary key so it's efficiently searchable by property_id.
CREATE TABLE demo( id integer primary key );
INSERT INTO demo (id) SELECT id FROM arrtable;
CREATE TABLE properties (
demo_id integer not null references demo(id),
property integer not null,
primary key (demo_id, property)
CREATE INDEX properties_property_idx ON properties(property);
You can then query the properties:
SELECT count(id)
FROM demo
SELECT 1 FROM properties WHERE demo.id = properties.demo_id AND property = 1
I expected this to be a lot faster than the original query, but it's actually much the same with the same sample data; it runs in the same 2s to 3s range as your original query. It's the same issue where searching for what is not there is much slower than searching for what is there; if we're looking for rows containing a property we can avoid the seqscan of demo and just scan properties for matching IDs directly.
Again, a seq scan on the array-containing table does the job just as well.
I think with Your current data model You are out of luck. Try to think of an algorithm that the database has to execute for Your query. There is no way it could work without sequential scanning of data.
Can You arrange the column so that it stores the inverse of data (so that the the query would be select count(id) from table where ARRAY[‘parameter value’] <# table.array_column) ? This query would use a gin/gist index.