What is the difference between kubernetes labels node-role.kubernetes.io/master and node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane? - kubernetes

I am newbie to kubernetes, I see one of my node's role is control-plane,master. What is the difference?
is a master node is a node running kube-apiserver?
Then what defined control-plane node?
I am using kubectl 1.20.2(kubeadm also 1.20.2).

The old node-role.kubernetes.io/master label and taint key has been deprecated and will be replaced with node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane instead, they are both valid during a transition period. Adding them both ensures backward compatibility while also supporting tools using the newer terminology.
The reason for the name change is that The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is considered offensive. A new working group WG Naming has been created to track this work, and the word master was declared as offensive and the Recommendation: master -> control plane has been accepted:
Within the Kubernetes codebase, the term “master” is often used in
reference to the kubernetes control plane, either as a whole or to
some subset of the components within. We recommend control plane to
refer to the set of components as a whole. We recommend
context-specific alternatives when talking about individual components
or the roles they serve.
As part of the Kubernetes eco-system, kubeadm complies with this recommendation, more information in KEP-2067: Rename the kubeadm "master" label and taint:
Kubeadm applies a "node-role" label to its control plane Nodes.
Currently this label key is node-role.kubernetes.io/master and it
should be renamed to node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane. Kubeadm
also uses the same "node-role" as key for a taint it applies on
control plane Nodes. This taint key should also be renamed to
This is also mentioned in the Kubernetes v1.20.0 Release notes

Kubernetes Cluster has always been consisting of nodes. Think of nodes as machines that host your applications/[micro]services.
In the old days, cluster was separated into two logical areas:
Masters or Master Nodes - that is the set of nodes that comprise the Control Plane which manages worker nodes, pods, and basically entire K8s cluster infrastructure;
Worker Nodes - that is the set of nodes, that actually host your application (or application components/microservices, if you wish).
According to the kubernetes.io documentation:
Master is a legacy term, used as synonym for nodes hosting the control plane. The term is still being used by some provisioning tools, such as kubeadm, and managed services, to label nodes with kubernetes.io/role and control placement of control plane pods.
Another quote here:
hosts running these components (components of the Control Plane) were historically called masters.
Today, the new terminology of the Kubernetes splits these two (Control Plane nodes and Worker Nodes) into:
Control Plane components (previously master nodes), and
Worker Nodes, that host actual application components.
Last but not the least: Control Plane components (formerly - Master Nodes) are not just Kubernetes API Server, but, mostly, these (but not restricted to):
API Server
Controller Manager
Cloud Controller Manager


In Kubernetes / AKS how do you direct services to specific node pools' individual nodes. Is there a way for the deployments to choose or is it auto?

I am new to Kubernetes. One thing I am not sure of is when creating all of these deployments I am starting to max out my cpu/memory usage on my current node pool.
In this article it states that the SAME configuration of nodes will be created as a "node pool"
In Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), nodes of the same configuration are grouped together into node pools.
System node pools serve the primary purpose of hosting critical system pods such as CoreDNS and tunnelfront. User node pools serve the primary purpose of hosting your application pods.
Also, you can create "taints (lol what)", tags and labels which only seem to "label" per se the node pool. Not an individual node.
When creating a node pool, you can add taints, labels, or tags to that node pool. When you add a taint, label, or tag, all nodes within that node pool also get that taint, label, or tag.
So with all of that said, it doesn't seem like the control is inside of a node pool's node. So how does it work for nodes in a node pool when deploying workloads and services?
Do I need to worry about managing that or is that automatically managed and pods are created across the plane of nodes in a node pool. I'm not really seeing the documentation for this.
One more thing, "Vertical Pod Autoscaling"
This seems like a good option but doesn't really explain in the documentation what is going on in terms of the nodes in a node pool. Except for this one statement at the end.
This article showed you how to automatically scale resource utilization, such as CPU and memory, of cluster nodes to match application requirements.
The question about the vertical auto scaler (which is really vertical + horizontal (IMHO)) but I understand the reference/verbiage, is what happens if you aren't using this? Do you have to manage each deployment on your own? How do deployments distribute over the individual node pool plane?

How to avoid downtime during scheduled maintenance window

I'm experiencing downtimes whenever the GKE cluster gets upgraded during the maintenance window. My services (APIs) become unreachable for like ~5min.
The cluster Location type is set to "Zonal", and all my pods have 2 replicas. The only affected pods seem to be the ones using nginx ingress controller.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this? I read that using Regional clusters should prevent downtimes in the control plane, but I'm not sure if it's related to my case. Any hints would be appreciated!
You mention "downtime" but is this downtime for you using the control plane (i.e. kubectl stop working) or is it downtime in that the end user who is using the services stops seeing the service working.
A GKE upgrade upgrades two parts of the cluster: the control plane or master nodes, and the worker nodes. These are two separate upgrades although they can happen at the same time depending on your configuration of the cluster.
Regional clusters can help with that, but they will cost more as you are having more nodes, but the upside is that the cluster is more resilient.
Going back to the earlier point about the control plane vs node upgrades. The control plane upgrade does NOT affect the end-user/customer perspective. The services will remaining running.
The node upgrade WILL affect the customer so you should consider various techniques to ensure high availability and resiliency on your services.
A common technique is to increase replicas and also to include pod antiaffinity. This will ensure the pods are scheduled on different nodes, so when the node upgrade comes around, it doesn't take the entire service out because the cluster scheduled all the replicas on the same node.
You mention the nginx ingress controller in your question. If you are using Helm to install that into your cluster, then out of the box, it is not setup to use anti-affinity, so it is liable to be taken out of service if all of its replicas get scheduled onto the same node, and then that node gets marked for upgrade or similar.

How can I get kubectl to recognize the newly scaled az aks nodepool nodes?

I updated my Azure AKS nodepool size from within the Azure Portal to go from 2 to 4 nodes. When I run az aks nodepool show ..., I see that the count has correctly been updated. However, when I run kubectl get nodes, I still only see the two nodes that previously existed.
According to the Kubernetes documentation on node management,
There are two main ways to have Nodes added to the API server :
The kubelet on a node self-registers to the control plane
You, or another human user, manually add a Node object
(Emphasis mine)
My expectation, therefore, is that having scaled up my node pool, these new nodes should automatically register, and kubectl get nodes should just pick them up, but this appears to not be the case.
Now that my nodepool has more nodes, how do I get my AKS cluster to recognize and utilize them? Once kubectl get nodes shows them, will applying an updated manifest (with more replicas) be all I need to do to use the additional hardware?
It's difficult to see without access to your setup. But you can see:
Check that the control plane hasn't been automatically upgraded to a new version that is incompatible with the kubelet version in your nodepool when it registers with the cluster. (Best if the versions match)
Connect to the nodes that are not registering (ssh) and check the logs as to why the kubelet is not starting. i.e systectl status kubelet.
Check that you can connect to the port (i.e 8443) and IP address where your kube-apiserver is listening on from these nodes that are not registering. i.e curl <ip-address>:8443
Possible solution:
Upgrade the VM image of your node pool to use one compatible with the control plane.
Remove firewall rule preventing your nodes accessing the kube-apiserver
will applying an updated manifest (with more replicas) be all I need to do to use the additional hardware?
Should work.

Expandable single node K8s cluster

I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
I am aware of solutions such as minikube and microk8s but they are not expandable. I am trying k3s at the moment exactly because it is offering this feature but I have some problems with storage and other stuff that I am working on them.
Now my questions:
What other solution for this exists?
What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?
You can use kubeadm to setup a single node "cluster". Then you can use the join command to add more nodes
You can expand k3s cluster via k3sup join.Here is guide.
Key Kubernetes services such as kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler should be available and running smoothly at all times on master nodes. Therefore, it is essential to have dedicated resources for the master nodes, and avoid having other non-critical workloads interfere with the functioning of the master services
What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?
Failure of the worker will of course bring down your applications. When you recover it or spin up another one, K8s will recover your apps for you.
Failure of the master will not adversely affect your systems only the cluster's ability to manage itself and its self-healing capabilities (which will affect uptime at some point).
I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as single node production ready k8s cluster.
For something small and simple you can check Rancher.
What other solution for this exists?
kubeadm allows you to install everything on a single node. Install kubeadm on the node, "kubeadm init", install a pod network, then remove the master taint.
Another solution you may be interested in is the Kubespray.
Some "honorable mentions" are:
Charmed Kubernetes by Canonical allows you to do everything on one node; however it should be quite a big node, so may be not the case here (but still worth mentioning).
If you don't really require all the k8s power (with only one small node), then Nomad could be an alternative.
Let me know if that helps.

K8s fault tolerance

I was going through the differences between Swarm vs K8s one of the cons of Swarm is that it has limited fault tolerance functionality. How does K8s achieve fault tolerance, is it via K8s multi-master. Please share your inputs
Yes! In order to achieve Kubernetes fault-tolerance is recommended to have multiples Control Planes (master) nodes and if you are running in cloud providers multiples availability zones are recommended.
The Control Plane’s components make global decisions about the cluster (for example, scheduling), as well as detecting and responding to cluster events (for example, starting up a new pod when a deployment’s replicas field is unsatisfied).
Basically, the control plane is composed by theses components:
kube-apiserver - Exposes the Kubernetes API. Is the front for Kubernetes control plane
etcd - Key/Value Kubernetes' backing store for cluster data
kube-scheduler - Responsible for watches for newly created pods with no assigned node, and selects a node for them to run on
kube-controller-manager - One of controller responsibility is maintain the correct number of pods for every replication controller, populate endpoints objects and responding when nodes go down.
cloud-controller-manager - Interact with the underlying cloud providers,
Every cluster need 1 worker nodes at least, the work nodes is responsible to run your workloads.
Here’s the diagram of a Kubernetes cluster with all the components tied together:
For more info see here
Yes, all kubernetes control plane components are either clustered (etcd), run a leader election (controllers), or flat (apiserver). Traditionally you run three control plane nodes but you can do 5 in some complex topologies.