Add dynamic headers to NestJS HTTPService - axios

Let's say we have a GraphQL NestJS application which acts as a proxy between a client and a REST API server. It's got 3 layers:
Services (which kinda have the business logic and stuff)
Something extending HTTPService with added functionalities
We want to add dynamic headers to NestJS outgoing requests to REST API server, which uses axios. The headers are based on:
User: We can read user with the help of User decorator in resolver and pass it down to services, or read it from the GraphQL context as far as I know.
Routes: Different endpoints may require different headers. I think we can specify the types of header that should be added because of a specific rout in the service, but this does not look so scalable... . Or maybe we can store an object of the current paths, that we make requests to. Intercept outgoing requests and use RegExp to determine which path is the request is being sent to (i.e. user/3 would translate to user/:id, which we can add proper headers knowing that).
path: 'user/:id',
path: 'user/:id/image',
So my question is how can we add headers to outgoing requests from a NestJS application to some endpoints based on the path(url of the axios request) and the current user. Is matching a url with some RegExps while intercepting an outgoing request expensive?

Had the same problem and solve it by using Injection Scopes in Nest GraphQL
However, there's a caveat in terms of performance.


how differs the client side UI routing from the server side routes

When I design a restful API with the web API do I have to keep in mind that my client side deals with url design representing a state machine?
To make it more clear I am also talking about containment relationship in URL`s.
For example:
I have a User entity which can have many Schooylear entities.
I have a Schooylear entity which can have many Period entities.
This results in three web API controller. UserController, SchoolyearController, PeriodController. Now I ask my self should I expose routes like:
The question would be now how should I map the http route ???
I have actually never seen routes like the above one rather routes like:
BUT the above route with the containing relationship would be really helpfull for the user if visible in the url bar...
OR should a restful API not offer a url design representing a state machine ? You see I am confused where the responsibility of the client starts or for the server ends...
A RESTful system does not care what your URIs look like. Web frameworks care about your URI structure. Wanting to use your URI as piece of "UI" is a valid concern.
Having longer URIs with multiple path parameters was not the easiest thing to do in Web API v1. With Attribute Routing it should be easier.
The only thing you need to be cautious about is generating hierarchies where the same conceptual resource appears in multiple places in the hierarchy. That's not a good idea for caching.
You don't want to be in the situation where you have,
When you optimize for a stateful javascript client using a framework like angularjs then your composed/nested views will dictate the construction of your url`s. You do not have to do anything special on the server. Just keep your routing:
as you want it. These routes have nothing to do with the client state these routes forward the client request not more.
On client side you set up the routes with placeholders which are customerId`s
orderId`s. When you change now a customer in a combobox you can update your route with the new selected customerId and navigate to it to ge the according orders.
what you do on client side is just changing the url without redirect:
jquery: change the URL address without redirecting?
You just create a "url" after the hash like #/customers/1/orders/2
If you do not like the hashbang you can also go for html5 push state:

Accessing JSON Resource on a RESTful one page app

Given a one page app that uses push state and RESTful backend, we can imagine accessing the listing of a resource at /resourceName (i.e. /users). So /users would create a formated list of users
Now the problem is that this resource JSON or XML feed should also be mapped to /resourceName, so if boot form my application entry point at / then all is good, when navigating to /users the JS router can trigger a Ajax call that get the JSON data. Now the problem is if the URL is pointing directly at /users then i will land on a JSON feed instead of the actual listing. I could route all call to a main entry point and then let the JS router do the work though if i do so the AJAX call to fetch JSON wil brake.
I remember a while ago people adding .json to their json request, or even a GET parameter ?format=json and then having the controller taking different actions. I find that somewhat hacky.. Are there any other ways to go about this?
For that matter i am using laravel4 backend and backboneJS
I think the .json on the end of the request is the best approach. the other approach could be to create a separate endpoint endpoint for api request vs
What method you use to get a different response depends on how you'd like to go about it. Since you're asking about an opinionated topic (There is no one right answer), here's some options you can explore.
First, here's a good read from Apigee on API design, which covers what I'll write about here. See page 20 on "Support multiple formats"
The Rails way: Append a .json, .xml or other extension at the end of your request and handle that code within Laravel (You may want to use the "before" filter to check the request or Laravel's excellent route parameters, which allow the use of regex to define the route).
You can check the "accept" header in the request and set that header in your ajax calls to "application/json" instead of the default "application/html" to inform your application which format to use in its response. Again, the before or after filters may come in handy to check the request and define the response as appropriate
Create a query string `?format=json" or similar. Same comments as in point 1.
Laravel doesn't have built-in methods to change the response for you. You can, however, fairly easily detect what's being asked and choose which format to return in. It does take some thinking about how you want to accomplish that, however.
Some options off the top of my head:
Use the "before" or "after" filter to check what the request "wants" for a format, and do some transformations on the response to make that work
Extend the request and response class to "automate" this (request class to detect format, response class to transform the response to the correct format)
Hope that helps
It's valid to say which representation do you want. E.g. JSON, XML or binary, depends on what you want and which serializers have you developed.
You framework should support either setting of default representation or if you provide some mapping URL -> method you should be able to say which representation you are going to return - also either by default or taken within some object which represents your request.
I ended up using different endpoints as suggested by #Aaron Saunders. In laravel 4 this is dumb easy to implement using group routes:
'domain' => '',
define('APP_DOMAIN', 'app.' . Config::get('app.domain'));
define('API_DOMAIN', 'api.' . Config::get('app.domain'));
Route::group(array('domain' => API_DOMAIN), function()
Route::group(array('domain' => APP_DOMAIN), function()

Restful web service GET request parameters

I'm using fiddler to test a Web API service I'm writing.
I know I can pass parameters to a RESTful web service in the querystring with a request like -
Are there other ways of passing the parameters to the service, while still using a GET.
There are many parts of the HTTP request which you can use to pass parameters, namely the URI, headers and body. GET requests don't have bodies (some frameworks actually allow that, but they're not common so for all purposes, let's just assume that they can't), so you're limited to the headers and the URI.
In the URI you can pass parameters in different places:
Query string (as you're already doing)
Request path
Many frameworks will allow you to get parameters to your actions from paths in the request URI. With ASP.NET Web API you'd typically do that using routing
In the fragment, or the part of the URI after the # character. See the URI RFC, section 3.5.
You can also pass paramters in the HTTP request headers. One parameter which is honored by the ASP.NET Web API is the Accept header, which is used when doing content negotiation. You can also expect custom parameters from those headers, and read them in your actions (or even have value providers which will read them and map them to the parameters in the methods themselves).

Adding More parameters to REST HTTP GET

I am trying to access a REST web service using HTTP GET request.
For a example following URI provides Rest web service that return all the available parts for the given category.
I want to authenticate/authorize users who are accessing above REST request in each time and I want to pass User authentication details (User Name and Token) with the HTTP Get Request.
Is there a possibility to cater to the above requirement in REST HTTP GET request (using HTTP header or query parameters)?
Is it better to use HTTP POST instead of HTTP GET?
Since you are getting information, you should use "Get". Here's the code that I use (it is Restlet based) for adding the oauth_token to the request...
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.OAuthUser;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.resource.ClientResource;
Reference commitsRef = new Reference(Consts.RESOURCE_BASE + "commitments/");
OAuthUser u = (OAuthUser) request.getClientInfo().getUser();
String token = u.getAccessToken();
ref.addQueryParameter("oauth_token", token);
ClientResource commitsResource = new ClientResource(getContext(), commitsRef);
Representation commitsRep = commitsResource.get();
As mentioned, this is Restlet based, but there is probably something similar in the framework you are using. (And if you are not using a framework, Restlet can make this easier).
if you are using restlet than good because restlet have rich api for rest framework
but without this if you want to authenticate than
you can do same thing with GET or POST
but send your credential data trough cookie
and read same cookie using #CookieParam from server side
in this way you can easily authenticate user.

REST Web Services API Design

Just wanted to get feedback on how I am planning to architect my API. Dummy methods below. Here's the structure:
GET <-- returns a list of users
POST <-- adds user
POST <-- updates user
DELETE (or POST?) <-- deletes user
Is it OK to use just GET and POST?
Is it a good idea that I plan to rely on the filename to indicate what operation to do (e.g. add.xml to add)? Would it be better to do something like this: POST
What's a good way to keep these resources versioned? In my example, I use a /1/ after domain name to indicate version 1. Alternatives would be: or or or or or
What's the best way to authenticate?
Before you dig into REST, here are some terms you really need to grasp:
Resource - The things/data you want to make available in your API (in your case a "User")
URI - A universally unique ID for a resource. Should mention nothing about the method being performed (e.g. shouldn't contain "add" or "delete"). The structure of your URI however doesn't make your app any more or less RESTful - this is a common misconception.
Uniform Interface - A fixed set of operations you can perform on your resources, in most cases this is HTTP. There are clear definitions for the purpose of each of these HTTP methods.
The most unrestful thing about your URIs as they are right now is that they have information about the operation being performed right in them. URIs are IDs and nothing more!
Let's take a real world example. My name is Nathan. "Nathan" could be considered my ID (or in restful terms URI – for the purpose of this example assume I'm the only "Nathan"). My name/ID doesn't changed based on how you would like to interact with me, e.g. My name wouldn't change to "NathanSayHello" when you wanted to greet me.
It's the same for REST. Your user identified by doesn't change to when you want to update that user. The fact that you want to update that user is implied by the method you're using (e.g. PUT).
Here is my suggestion for your URIs
# Retrieve info about a user
# Retrieve set all users
# Update the user IDed by<id>
# Create a new user. The details (even <id>) are based as the body of the request
# Delete the user ID'd by<id>
As for your questions:
Use PUT and DELETE when appropriate and avoid overloading POST to handle these functions as it breaks HTTP's definition of POST. HTTP is your uniform interface. It is your contract with the API user about how they can expect to interact with your service. If you break HTTP, you break this contract.
Remove "add" altogether. Use HTTP's Content-Type header for specifying the mime-type of posted data.
Are you referring to the version of your API or the version of the resource? ETag and other response headers can be used to version the resources.
Many options here. Basic HTTP Auth (easy but insecure), Digest Auth, custom auth like AWS. OAuth is also a possibility. If security is of main importance, I use client side SSL certs.
1) On your design probably not. POST is not idempotent! So you should not use for the update or the delete, instead use PUT and DELETE from Rest
2) A better choice is to use the header Content-Type on the WS call, like: application/xml
3) Also on the header Content-Type u can use it: application-v1.0/xml
4) Not sure if it is the best, but probably the easiest way is to use HTTP's built-in authentication mechanisms in RFC 2617. An example: AWS Authentication
In REST, the HTTP "verb" is used to denote the operation type: you won't be able to express all the CRUD operations with only "GET" and "POST"
no: the URL of the resource is usually where the "document identifier" should appear
The version of the "document" can be transmitted in an HTTP response header upon creation/modification of the said resource. It should be the duty of the server to uniquely identify the resources - trying to do this on the client side will prove a daunting challenge i.e. keeping consistency.
Of course, there are many variations on the topic...
I did authentication based on headers. Something like
If you're concerned about security - do it through SSL.
Other implementations exist, of course. For instance, Amazon with their S3:
If you don't have ability to make PUT and DELETE requests, it's considered a good practice to tunnel them through POST. In this case the action is specified in URL. If I recall correctly, RoR does exactly this:
It's a bit offtop, but in regards to versioning and REST overall you might want to take a look at CouchDB. Here is a good book available on-line
Using post for create and delete functionality is not a good rest api design strategy. Use Put to create, post to update and delete to delete the resources.
For more information on designing rest apis follow the link - best practices to design rest apis