v3.0: PUT /addresses/delivery returns 401 - http-status-code-401

While upgrading from 2.1 to 3.0, we noticed that the PUT /users/current/carts/{validId}/addresses/delivery?addressId={validId} returns 401 Unauthorized.
In occ-checkout-delivery.adapter.ts the method setAddress() is running the request.
This method was not overwritten on our side.
Is there anyting we are missing?
Thank you.

I found the fix.
Had to adjust the endpoint configuration for a particular key:
setDeliveryAddress: 'orgUsers/${userId}/carts/${cartId}/addresses/delivery',
Instead of users/, we had to use orgUsers/ due to our back end implementation.


HTTP Error Code while trying to change an immutable object?

I have a quiz in which I can give an answer to a question over a restful API. The request will transmit the answer to the question over a PUT-Request to an URL like “/question/{id}/answer”. But each question can only be answered once. The answer can be queried over a get request but can never be changed again. What HTTP Error Code do I return when the client tries to change the immutable answer with a PUT request?
I tried this error codes:
405 Method Not Allowed: But in the first place a PUT is fine. But once the object is set a PUT is not allowed anymore. Is it OK if the list of allowed methods change over time?
409 Conflict: Would work, but the RfC says “his code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request.” And here the client would not be able to resolve the conflict.
400 Bad Request: It is in general a bad request but not “due to malformed syntax.”
So, is it a Server Error (5xx)? In case of a 500 Internal Server Error the RfC states that “The server encountered an unexpected condition”. But we expect the object to become immutable at some point.
Is it OK if the list of allowed methods change over time?
Allow header field in a 405 response containing a list of the target resource's currently supported methods. -- RFC 7231
Note: currently supported methods....

How to fix Response body error '{"error":"invalid_scope","error_description":"Scope must be specified"}'

Our client has given us their end point and when we are try to hit their API we are getting below Error
'{"error":"invalid_scope","error_description":"Scope must be
It seems that your API is not getting hit properly.Use Postman to call the API and enter the proper parameter.If your API is correct and you are passing the correct parameter it will work.

403 - Insufficient Permission only on accountSummaries call

I'm getting rejected only on the accountSummaries/list management call, everything else works fine - heck, it works even when executing it from the reference page! I double checked that the account being used was correct and, as I said, I have no issues performing the simple accounts/list call.
I'm using the python library, and for both of those calls no parameters are needed (so the chance of some embarrassing error are very low).
Basically I'm simply getting the service client and performing the simplest possible call:
a = client.AnalyticsManagementClient() # super simple wrapper
The first call works fine, the second one returns a 403 error. Anyone have an idea why that might happen?
Full error is HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accountSummaries?alt=json returned "Insufficient Permission">
It was just a scope issue: accounts needs at least one among
while accountSummaries allows only the last two; it seems to be the only one that does not work with the analytics scope, which is the one our client was requesting.

WSO2 API Manager - Publishing API with non-XML response

I am trying to proxy the following call through WSO2 API Manager
which returns a QR code image. I published the API using http://api.qrserver.com/v1/ as endpoint, no problem there. But when I perform the call through the API Manager, I get the following error:
curl -H 'Authorization:Bearer 7q6W4LteX9idveFWbSa_oaGPhVsa' 'http://ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8280/qrcode/1.0.0/create-qr-code/?data=HelloWorld&size=100x100'
<Exception>Unexpected response received. HTTP response code : 200 HTTP status : OK exception : com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException: Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0x89 (at char #1, byte #-1)</Exception>
when performing the call directly the response header seems good to me (the mime type image/png is correctly set), but the WSO2 API proxy refuses the response... what I am doing wrong? Setting a wadl file with response mediaType="image/png" does not seem to help either.
Thanks in advance
I have a similar problem in wso2 esb. Seems that the response works with short xml files but not with a big one.
This problem is due to not having match message builders and formatters by default in API manager's axis2.xml. Please add following parameters to axis2.xml.
<messageBuilder contentType=".*" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.BinaryRelayBuilder"/>
<messageFormatter contentType=".*" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.ExpandingMessageFormatter"/>

WSDL Cannot find dispatch method for

For a web service call using a WSDL, I'm getting the error Cannot find dispatch method for {http://ws.somecompany.com/services}ValidateUser, what does that mean exactly? Does it mean that it cannot find ValidateUser?
This typically means that the SOAP framework could not find the operation that should be invoked via this request. A SOAP framework typically inspects the message to find pointers about how to route the message to the operation. Reasons for this error are mostly configuration issues (different namespaces, different encodings (RPC vs. doc/lit), usage of WS-Addressing vs. plain SOAP etc.)
I had a similar problem and struggling, googling for 1 day. But it was a simple mistake that instead of:
It should be
I had not checked my WSDL clearly.
In my case I solved by making sure that my config file either app.config or web.config depending on your client has correct endpoint. I had wrong address in my endpoint. I changed it and it worked fine.
I also lost a day to this issue, albeit with a different root cause.
In our case, two similar endpoint urls had got mixed up in the properties file. Both services were present and running, but the WSDLs didn't match up, so instead of a ConnectionException, we were getting this SOAPFaultException: "Cannot find dispatch method".
My fifty cent, I got same error message but my case was yet different from all above, so hopefuly it might help someone.
I had .wsdl file, which got outdated without my knowledge when colleagues on the other side of ws renamed some element. Unfortunately, change was not visible when I compared .wsdl with theirs because .wsdl file had .xsd import which actually contained renamed element. After I found change, I updated my .xsd file and tada! error is gone and it worked.
In my case, the following exception was throwing even I've supplied all the parameters
SoapFault exception: [S:Client] Cannot find dispatch method for {}parameters in
After banging my head few hours, just adding a \ while initializing SoapClient solved the problem.
$client = new SoapClient($soapURL);
$client = new \SoapClient($soapURL);
I had the same issue in my .NET Application, In my case setting url same as "http://x-xxx-xx-xx-01:8080//TestProject/testproject?wsdl" (dummy url) solved the problem in the below code.
Dim rptGen as WSTestProject.testproject = Nothing
rptGen = New WSTestProject.testproject With {
.Url = "http://x-xxx-xx-xx-01:8080//TestProject/testproject?wsdl",
.Timeout = 1200000
Here, WSTestProject is the WebService NameSpace and testproject is the web method.
I am using a feign client for soap and I had the similar issue,Adding the correct namespace to the JAXB request and response object resolve the issue.
The issue was in my environment was the wsdl cache in php. The updated wsdl was not picked by the client and it was referring to the old wsdl.
You can do either one of the following options when you do the development of the web service and test, as the wsdl change during the update/implementation of the web service
Add WSDL_CACHE_NONE to soap client creation
$myServices_client = new SoapClient($myServices_wsdl_URL, array('cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE) );
Set initialization parameter
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 0);
Adding '/' will work for you.
Error: Cannot find dispatch method for {http://zzz.com}servicename
Not Working Request: xmlns:ser='http://zzz.com'>
Working Request: xmlns:ser='http://zzz.com/'>
I picked up an old Java project. I am not sure how it worked before, but I saw similar error and the reason was in wrong SOAP HTTP endpoint binding at server side.
Doesn't work:
Endpoint.create(HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING, servicePortType);
Endpoint.create(SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, servicePortType);