How to fix Response body error '{"error":"invalid_scope","error_description":"Scope must be specified"}' - rest

Our client has given us their end point and when we are try to hit their API we are getting below Error
'{"error":"invalid_scope","error_description":"Scope must be

It seems that your API is not getting hit properly.Use Postman to call the API and enter the proper parameter.If your API is correct and you are passing the correct parameter it will work.


VSTS release pipeline release gate: how to do HTTP response body string equality check?

I want to check whether my deployed ASP.NET application returns Healthy from health check endpoints or not.
Unfortunately, the success criteria samples of the "Invoke Rest API" release gate only show how to evaluate JSON responses like eq(root['status'], 'successful') or eq(count(jsonpath('Items[?(#.price<50)]')).
As my endpoint doesn't return any JSON I wonder if it's possible to do a simple stupid string equality check somehow?
Of course I could rely on checking the HTTP status code, I feel like it should be possible to access the response body.
This is the exception I get when using eq(root, "Healthy"):
If your endpoint returns just a string try simply this:
eq(root, 'SomeString')
This is really strange that you get such error. It works on my release pipeline:
Here is settings:
And here result:
Agree with Krzysztof Madej
Exception Message: Error parsing API response into a JSON object.
You could check the “URL suffix and parameters” field in “Invoke Rest API task”.
Please make sure that the whole URL is valid.
The whole URL contains the Server URL (Set in service connection) and the URL suffix and parameters (Set in Invoke Rest API task).
Hope this helps.

/bin/aem/test.MY_SELECTOR.json is giving forbidden access message

when appending .json at the end of the path to the sling servlet http://:/bin/aem/test.MY_SELECTOR.json or similar ajax call, I get 403 forbidden access error on the page.
however, if I use: http://:/bin/aem/
or any other string after the (.)dot, it works without issues.
Only .json seems to be the issue.
Is there something blocking from ACS commons.
We need to convert jsonResponse, which is a String to Gson.toJson(jsonResponse)

Twilio truncating the query string in callback URL

I am passing a callback URL with a query string when sending an SMS message. I checked the debugger logs when the callback didn't seem to be working. I see "Error - 11200 HTTP retrieval failure" for the callback URL and it seems from the log details that the callback URL that I am passing is truncated after "?". The query string I am passing is not part of the URL and hence Twilio is getting the above error.
How to pass query string to Twilio's callback API?
We were actually having the same issue in our project. Looks like Twilio trims any query string parameters. Our workaround was to add any additional data to our route:
//original route:
GET /user/{userid}?myParam={myParam}
GET user/123?myParam=456
//modified route
GET /user/{userid}/{myParam}
GET user/123/456
However this means that you will need to update your server code to look for path parameters instead of query strings.

Jmeter parameter without name in REST method

Hello i have GET method that URL example is:
Where the last String is just programId that I set as parameter in HTTP Request.
JMeter is kinda confused and the respond in raw request is:
GET http://localhost:8050/
GET data:
but there's just 404 in response data.
I can just delete parameter and write /programs/b3cb6a0f-5d29-4744-a7e8-5fa0099dab18 in path instead of /programs/ and everything works perfectly fine. IMO it's awful way. I'd prefer do it with parameter.
Write in path the parameter as /programs/${programId}.
This is part of the path and not parameter, parameters in GET request are different than POST see http methods

Firebase Dynamic link API returning unexpected result

I'm using Firebase API to generate short link:
It work most of time and generated expected result like https:// but randomly it sometime generated https:// sort of link. And finally when this executed by client it does not contain expected parsed result.
I have no idea why this is happening. Any one suggestion what's wrong going here.