Comparing multiple columns for match - match

Can someone please assist me with the following.
I have a data base of member names. names in column C (Main). I then want to compare this column to another database column c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l on another sheet (booked via google form) for a match, resulting in a tickbox to be marked if the name on the main sheet is listed on the (booked via google form) sheet.
Currently im using this formula to compare and tick the box, but its limited to only comparing it to one column and not multiple columns.
=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(C3,'Booked via google form'!C:C,0)),False,TRUE)
is there a better way to do this or can this be adjusted to look for a match in multiple columns?

Ok so did some searching and found the following formula that works.
=IF(COUNTIF('Booked via google form'!C:L, ""&C3&"")=0, FALSE, TRUE)
This allows me to search through all the names on the booked via form sheet.
any additional input is still welcome.


Creating a combined option in dimension

I have a dimension which is simply a list of user groups such as the below:
User Type
Type A
Type B
Type C
I am currently visualising these as an individual pie for each user type with the numerical value shown in the middle which is their answer to a question from another measure. However, I'd like to create a fourth type which is 'All users' so that I have four pies showing at once: All Users, Type A, Type B and Type C.
Is this possible? Would it be a calculated field? I have tried groups but can't get it to work.
Any help much appreciated!
Assuming for the moment that you have User Type on the Columns shelf, you can simply choose Totals->Show Row Grand Totals from the Analysis menu.
An alternate approach is to display two worksheets on the same dashboard. To do that, simply duplicate your worksheet. Remove User Type from the view in the new worksheet. And then place both views next to each other on a dashboard, possibly in a layout container to keep them lined up nicely. Format a bit to remove the titles and outside borders and they can look like one unit.
Remember what a dimension does. It partitions the data rows according to the value of the dimension field, assigning each data row to exactly one partition - exactly like a Group By clause does in SQL. So a data record can’t be associated with more than one member of a dimension. Totals behave differently, which is why they address your use case.

QUERY which outputs a hyperlink to a cell in another tab in the same sheet

In Google Sheets, I'm trying to write a QUERY which outputs a column displaying a hyperlink which links you to the cell pulled in by the QUERY, in another tab on the same sheet.
Example (all within the same Sheet):
Tab 1:
Utilizing the hyperlink() function as I read from this question, I've been able to link to another tab within the same sheet by hardcoding the hyperlink formula. But how can you incorporate this within a QUERY?
Tab 2: (my attempt but errors out)
=QUERY(Sheet1!A:A,"SELECT hyperlink("#gid=123456789range=A2", A2)")
Desired Output:
Chandler [hyperlinked to cell A2]
Ross [hyperlinked to cell A3]
Joey [hyperlinked to cell A4]
I am going to give the answer in more general terms than you asked for, so that it is (hopefully) more useful to others.
You can do this by turning your attempt inside out. That is, use QUERY to pull the data, input it into HYPERLINK, and then use ARRAYFORMULA to do this for the whole list. Since you need the matched pairs of the names and the corresponding URLs, QUERY will be used twice with the same filter condition.
For example, if you had the table:
**Table A1:C4**
Name, URL, Rating
SE,, 2
Physics SE,, 4
Maths SE,, 5
and you wanted to list all the URLs where the rating was greater than 3, labelled by the corresponding name in column A, then you could use:
=arrayformula(hyperlink(query(A2:C4,"select B where C>3,0),query(A2:C4,"select A where C>3",0)))
This will output a column containing two links:
Maths SE

Tableau context parameter

I have 3 dimensions in the following hierarchy:
L SmallC
L Brand
(Having 200 combinations)
I am also creating a calculation using a parameter and multiple case statements.
For eg: CASE WHEN parameter=Brand1 THEN Brand1_field - Impact% END
Now I want my parameter to have only the relevant brand values populated for Big C and Small C rather than all the values. Is it possible?
If this is not possible then can I create a calculated field with a column selection?
If i have understood your question properly, I was able to achieve this using Context filter and Filter by Relevant Values.
Drop both Big Company and Small Company dimensions into Filter Card.
Apply Context Filter for Big Company and "Use only relevant values" for Small Company filter.
So as when you select values for Big Company only the related values of small company will be displayed and so the brands.
Find the workbook here :

How to Query Function Google Spreadsheet - Data filtering based on multiple criteria (multiple columns to check at once)

I have a Google Spreadsheet that contains five (5) sheets, and we are starting to use them as a basic CRM to manage tasks, projects, deadlines and customers in a very basic fashion.
We assign tasks to each other in the first sheet "TaskRecords", and then we will populate the other sheets with the information there.
This the google spreadsheet (with mock data):
What I would like to achieve is to filter by means of a Query function or so, to use the spreadsheet as a database and filter the following: Taks by Team Member, by Customer, by Deadline, by Project, etc, and displaying the on other sheets.
I tried with Query formula: =QUERY(TaksRecords!A2:I17; "select A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I where G="AL""; 1). Where I would like to filter everything that Team Member "AL" has been assigned to do, but I'm missing something.
I also tried to pull data out to other sheets using Arrayformula, but it only fetchs the cells I tell it to, and does no filtering based on multiple criteria at the same time.
Furthermore, there will be new rows of data added every day.
Maybe there is some script already written that solves this, I've been testing for several days with different options but couldn't get them to work.
Any hints?
Use this query
=QUERY(JOURNAL!A1:E100, "select A, B, C, D, E where col1='Fruit' and Col2='Sweet'", 1)
It's just a matter of quotes. Try this, with single quotes around the name 'AL':
=QUERY(TaksRecords!A2:I17; "select A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I where G='AL'"; 1)
I'm no expert in this area, but I would use FILTER instead of QUERY. I use Query for a pre-defined formula to find certain records, and Filter to take a large quantity of records and narrow it down by certain defined criteria. Query is nice and clean, but it appears FILTER will suit your needs better.
How about doing a query of two conditions like:
WHERE Col1='Fruit' AND Col2='Sweet'

Libreoffice Calc reference cell with a specific progression

I have a collumn with this contend inside:
Normally in the excel I select the three cells and pull down, excel understand the logic and the next cell above will be "sheet1.F29". But if I do this in Libreoffice it puts "sheet1.F11".
Do you have any idea of how to do this ? (I have several sheets like this logic and I'd like to use Libreoffice instead Excel).
I found a workaround and replying here:
It is setting the reference to “F11” because the first row contains a reference to F8 and the new entry is 3 rows beneath this i.e., the offset is based on the first cell of the selection, thus 8+3=11. A workaround is to use the addresses of the destination and combine this with the INDIRECT() function. For example, create a separate column with “Sheet1.F8”, “Sheet1.F15”, and Sheet1.F22” etc. Highlight and drag this column of values to obtain a column of correct address references. Then adjacent to this use (given “Sheet1.F8” in sheet 2 cell A1) =INDIRECT(A1) in B1. Now drag this down the B column to obtain the required values.