Unity: SteamVR TeleportArc not colliding correct in Build - unity3d

i am using Unity 2019.4.9f1 with SteamVR. The Teleporting-System works as expected in Playmode. When I build, there are some strange collision-glitches with the TeleportArc. The point at the end does not collide correct with mesh. The colliders seem to be underneath the floor(while still working properly), or the wall mesh etc. I am also able to see the TeleportPoint through mesh.
Working as expected
TeleportArc not colliding with Wall
TeleportArc not colliding with Floor
TeleportPoint visible through Wall
Has anyone experienced errors like these? Thanks in advance.
Edit: I would like to show these images in my posting but I am not allowed to because of my karma.

Okay, I found a solution:
It is a problem with the Material of the Teleporting Prefab. The URP-MaterialSwitcher was not working correct. I changed the materials manually and now everything is working fine.


i imported a map from sketchfab and i fall through it everytime and i dont know why unity3d

so i got a map from sketchfab (this the the map https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/volcano-island-lowpoly-4a6591dc9fee40d8bfda8350683af9af) i have researched this for like a couple hours now and i cant figure it out ive tried so many times but nothing works i tried adding a box collider to the map and the player but still i fall straight through im using a rigid body and a capsule and i have everything ticked off im pretty sure atleast and still cant figure it out someone please help i use unity3d
i was trying to make it so i can stay on the land and run up the volcano and go up the trees and all that kinda stuff but i fall through everything
Try to add a Mesh collider instead, and test with Convex option checked/unchecked.
Note : You need to add the mesh collider to each part of the island you want to have collision

Gameobject sprite missing at runtime when animator is enabled

I've identified a problem with one of my 2d platform gameobjects with a animator component attached to it.
The platforms sprite goes missing at runtime and this is directly caused by the animator itself, which before wasn't a problem. when I disable the animator and run the game the sprite doesn't go "missing", but as soon as I enable it, it's missing again.
This is probably happening because I started the project in unity 2019b and switched to 2018.4.12 because I was getting weird CURL errors that prevented me from building for Android. The affected prefab(platform) functions as it should other then the fact that the sprite goes missing at runtime and nothing about the project has changed. Code works perfectly as it did when there were no issues.
I just installed unity 2019.2.13 hoping this would solve it but no change. Tried re-importing the asset but nothing. This isn't a collision issue. The 'z' axis is not modified at runtime. and its definitely not a code issue because as stated before the functionality isn't affected, its just the sprite going missing. I'm out of ideas now and exhausted online resources. Can anyone help in any way. Thanks in advance.
simple fix. i just created a new prefab and re-created the animations... Annoying but it worked

Unity Light baking causes artifacts

I am getting artifacts when I use light baking.
When I apply the same material to a Cube generated in Unity it does not happen to the cube. But on the imported model you can see
I have checked the model and tried everything I can think of. There is others with the same issue on the Unity Forum.
Any ideas ? I dont seem to get help from the Unity Forum. :(
You should finetune your lightmap settings. There is a pretty good tutorial I know from Youtube that explanes how it works.

Unity Sprites - Collider not working Properly

I was following a tutorial on how to create a simple game called pong. As I was working on it. I stumbled on a bug that when the ball is to fast it will it passes through the paddle without colliding with the collider
As you can see in the screenshot
Is this some kind of a bug in unity? I need to get rid of this and don't want to have this in my game.
by the way this was the tutorial I was following . Brackeys
What do you mean by 'bypass the player control'? Do you mean it passes through the paddle without colliding with the collider, even though it should? Or does it get stuck? The screenshot makes it difficult to tell.
Either way, the first thing you're going to want to try is changing the collision detection setting of your Rigidbody2D component from 'Discrete' (the default value) to 'Continuous' or 'Continuous Dynamic'. Fixing this sort of issue (collision errors for fast-moving objects) is exactly what those options are for.
Source: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Rigidbody.html

Shadows going through objects

I'm new to Lighting in 3D. Just started working with Unity3D. I was creating a sample for myself to test shadows and there is a problem.
As you can see that i have created two simple walls with two cubes. Also I have setup a directional light. Let's go the backside of the walls to view the problem
Technically the front wall should be blocking the shadow of the back wall. But it is not. I have painted a read line to show that where the shadow of front wall is overlapping the shadow of the other, meaning going all the was through the wall. Why is that happening. Help please...
set your shader to DIFFUSE. i have the same problem and solved this. my spotlight is passing thor
that is interesting indeed, i have used unity3d for 5 plus years and never seen or noticed this. however, this might seem like a weird request, could you set the ground and the two cubes to bumped diffuse and make sure the cubes are touching the ground.
Since the shader that is used might allow shadows to pass, secondly, could you go to player settings and check if you are using forward of differed rendering, since their lighting techniques are very different they might have different results.
but all in all, best guess is that the shader you are using allows shadows to pass.