Unity Sprites - Collider not working Properly - unity3d

I was following a tutorial on how to create a simple game called pong. As I was working on it. I stumbled on a bug that when the ball is to fast it will it passes through the paddle without colliding with the collider
As you can see in the screenshot
Is this some kind of a bug in unity? I need to get rid of this and don't want to have this in my game.
by the way this was the tutorial I was following . Brackeys

What do you mean by 'bypass the player control'? Do you mean it passes through the paddle without colliding with the collider, even though it should? Or does it get stuck? The screenshot makes it difficult to tell.
Either way, the first thing you're going to want to try is changing the collision detection setting of your Rigidbody2D component from 'Discrete' (the default value) to 'Continuous' or 'Continuous Dynamic'. Fixing this sort of issue (collision errors for fast-moving objects) is exactly what those options are for.
Source: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Rigidbody.html


Setting up a sliding character in the right way

I would like to try and make a game similar to Altos Adventure. I am having trouble starting.
How to set up the terrain so that my character doesnt get stuck?
I simply drew a test sprite for the ground in photoshop. What collider2d should I use?
I use polygon collider and reduce friction in the material. But the character gets stuck, hits small invisible bumbs and it feels awful. The worst part is connecting 2 ground sprites together! The point where they connect is always messy.
I have a question for the future as well. How would I add the endless part of the game?
Would having many "pieces" set up and just spawning them as the player rides down work?
I havent written any code yet as the problem is simply in the physics in my opinion.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time and tries to help!
To move your player use rigid body.AddForce(Vector3 direction, ForceMode forceMode); then create a Physics Material with friction = 0 and put it in your player's collider.

The GameObject passes through the terrain - Unity3D

I am trying to make some kind of simulation program with Unity. The simulation includes a missile launched from an aircraft and a terrain.
I get the coordinate data required for the movement of the missile from another program using a socket connection.
I created an explosion effect for the missile to explode as soon as the missile and the terrain collided. But the explosion effect is not triggered in any way.
I used the OnCollisionEnter() method to detect the collision, but this method does not seem to work.
The missile has its own rigidbody and collider and The terrain has Terrain Collider, but still no collision is detected and the missile passes through the terrain.
What could be the cause of this error?
I thank everyone for their help, but none of the solutions worked. I solved the error using the OnTriggerEnter method. For this, I also had to enlarge the object's collider a little more.
As mentioned in the comment section above (I dont have enough rep to contribute to the discussion but will provide a solution), you need to enable continuous collision detection. Once you have done that we can move onto the next step.
It is generally bad practice to interact with rigidbodies in update and it can lead to all sorts of strange bugs so I wouldn't recommend it. That being said I dont think it's the cause of your issues. As #HumanWrites mentioned, you are manually moving the position each frame which causes your missile to never actually collide with your mesh. the solution to this is:
The reason for this is that by using the method on the rigidbody, you inform the physics engine that you want to move from one position to the other and you would like the physics to take care of this instead of you doing it directly. This allows it to "sweep" between the current position and target position and detect any collisions that would have happened along the way.
Your missile is moving too fast to ever actually touch the mesh within a frame so you need to rely on the physics engine doing that sweep check.

Collision issue when player moves from one object to another

In unity 5 I am having an issue with certain collisions. I made a basic maze-like game where the player controls a cube across platforms (made from other cubes). In certain areas, two or more of the platforms touch so the player can get to different areas of the level. The problem with my collision happens at these intersections. The player will seem to get stuck for no reason and they would have to back up and get a running start in order to get to the other platform. I went through everything and made sure they are lined up perfectly in the unity editor but nothing seems to fix this.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated .
EDIT: all of my objects are using box colliders
A common (and good) practice is to use a Circle collider on the bottom of your character object in conjunction with a Box collider.
For Example:
While this will likely fix your issue, the source of the problem is probably using many small tiled cubes each with their own colliders. A large amount of tiled objects with colliders most likely cause performance and collision issues.

using unity physics with SteamVR

I want to make a plank game in VR with Unity. So when the player walk outside of the plank, he falls. Right now the only way to make it work is by using VRTK which is another physics system and it makes a lot of things complicated.
I've put a rigidbody on the CameraRig and uncheck "is kinematic". The player falls, but the colliders on other objects are not working anymore...
Is there a way to use Unity's physics with SteamVR and without VRTK ??
Thank you !
Firstly I would read up on Rigidbodies and Colliders/Trigger Colliders - here's a link.
Here's a useful table from that website:
You will need to use this to understand why the player is falling. Is the CameraRig actually colliding with the ground? Is it a Trigger Collider (which has a callback method but doesn't do any physical collision). There's many possibilities for why.
I wrote a script that you can drag in two objects and see if they collide. You could use that if it helps.
The issue in VR with Vive is that determining where someone walks can be difficult, as we are only tracking their head and their hands. If you have a Vive Tracker available and it fits your use case you could use that to track someones foot.
What I have done in the past is use the Camera(eyes) GameObject within the CameraRig and get it's transform.position.x and transform.position.z value to determine if it has gone outside of the boundaries of the object the user is standing on.
Hope this helps,

Unity not working collider in race game lap logic

I am making a racing game and I have created points 'round the map that you must pass in order to finish a lap.
Sadly, when the player passes the first part it doesn't indicate it and so it can't pass through the other one.
I am using OnCollisionEnter() but IsTrigger is activated on those points so that they have no collision.
I even added Debug.Log(""); to check if it actually does something but it wont show anything in the console. Here is the collision code in the car:
function OnCollisionEnter(col: Collision) {
... never gets to here
Note: Don't tell me to switch to C# because JavaScript(UnityScript) is being remove, I am well aware of that.
I believe your basic problem is you should be using
void OnTriggerEnter
instead of the OnCollision calls.
It is a situation where this annoying thing...
will solve your problem. Scroll down to:
"Collision action matrix"
You have to familiarize yourself with that, to use Unity. It's a pain.
To get an answer on SO, for specific cases of this type of problem, you need to provide the answers these eight questions:
on the "CAR"
rigidbody? / kinematic on or off? / collider ? / trigger on or off?
on the "WALL"
rigidbody? / kinematic on or off? / collider ? / trigger on or off?