jetty plugin is not running properly - eclipse

I am using jetty 9 to run a jetty project. But I am not able to run this as a standalone or on the server. This is probably because eclipse has left server support after jetty 8. Also getting support was removed in 8.0. can anyone help to run the jetty-maven project?


NetBeans can't run Java Client with GlassFish5. Why?

I've been searching an answer for 3 days and without any result :-(.
I created an EJB project with NetBeans (Session Beans + Remote Client). I successfully deployed it on GlassFish5 on my REMOTE server.
But when I started my ClientApp in NetBeans it displayed an error. I looked it up in GlassFish Server, and it told me that ClientApp couldn't find Libraries.
Ok, but I am sure that the Libraries exist! How come?
I use Java EE 8, NetBeans 15 and GlassFish 5.1.0 and Java idk 17.0.2 for NetBeans
Log from the Server:
My Project:

Eclipse RCP + Jetty 9.4.8 + Websocket

I'm writing an Eclipse RCP application. I use the embedded Jetty server to handle Rest Services. It works fine.
Now I want to add a WebSocket Connection. I didn't find any Jetty Websocket bundle in the Eclipse repository. So I've created my own plugin with the differents Jetty WebSocket jars.
I've created a WebSocketServlet and a wetsocket client to test it.
When I try to initiate de Websocket, I get the following error :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to find required ServletContext attribute: org.eclipse.jetty.util.DecoratedObjectFactory
at org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketServerFactory.doStart(
Does someone have a solution ?
Don't mix versions of Jetty jars, make sure you are using the same version for all Jetty jars.
Bundles for Jetty can be found at the listed location.
Thank you for your answers.
The Jetty version bundled with my Eclipse version is the 9.4.8. I known, I have to migrate to a newer version but I didn't do it yet (and I get some troubles with Java 9+ and the Jersey layer embedded in eclipse (the rsconnector).
The ServletContextLauncher present into the Jetty eclipse bundle set up correctly the DecoratedObjectFactory but It doesn't seem to be used to initialise the websocket server layer.
I've already did some tests a few years ago with an oldest Jetty release (also bundled in an eclipse plugin) and I was able to open a websocket without error. But, not with the 9.4.8 one...

How to develop Liferay project in Eclipsce juno and built it on on Jboss

I have downloaded the Liferay 6.1 with jboss 7.1.1 Bundle and Liferay IDE(Eclipsce Juno).All I have to do is to develop Liferay Project and running it on Jboss server.
I can able to run and open liferay portal in localhost:8080/
I am having issues in developing Liferay portal project.As default server adapter for Liferay in IDE is Tomcat 7.0 and I couldn't able to find Jboss server adapter.I tried by running and deploy it on Tomcat and running the Jboss server by running standalone.bat file.
Please advise and help in develop and running Liferay project on Jboss
There's guide in Liferay Wiki about developing with non-Tomcat Liferay bundles. There you can read about the disadvantages of that kind of development and how to do it if you still want.
But I agree, developing with Tomcat is definetely the better idea.
Liferay IDE is meant for development with Tomcat only since tomcat's start-up time, its simple structure and comparatively easy configuration makes it ideal for a development environment.
If you are development plugin projects like themes, portlets, hook, layouts etc then if it works on tomcat it would work on any other server running with Liferay, so during development you can use tomcat and then when you have completed your development iteration (i.e. when your project is ready to be deployed for testing or for stage environments) you can deploy the WAR to Jboss for testing and can do some testing to see if it works fine.
Since the plugins are made in such a way as to be independent of the underlying Server, there should not be any issues developing them on Tomcat and then running them on Jboss.
Hope this helps.
I achieved it through a work around, steps mentioned #
Benefits of Liferay IDE plugin+ JBoss as runtime configured in IDE.
Only issue is you'll need to use any other eclipse based IDE which supports JBoss AS 7.1.1 as normal server/runtime (like JBoss Developer Studio).

How to set up eclipse with GWT and (regular servlet) Jetty backend

Does anybody know how to set up a project in Eclipse with GWT and a jetty backend (regular web app, not app engine)? Or know of a good link (tried googling it, but no dice)
I've been trying to set up this all evening, but just ran into a number of strange problems, some seems to be bugs in WST/Jetty and the other is that the host page just doesn't work :-(
There are three ways to run your own jetty server together with GWT.
If you run your own jetty server you have to invoke dev-mode in GWT with the -noserverparameter or for solution one you can use -server JettyLauncher
Use your own JettyLauncher.class or use gwt-jetty.
Use Jetty maven plugin to launch the jetty server (see here and here for infos)
Use Jetty WTP plugin for eclipse to start a jetty server.
I personally used solution 3 (Jetty WTP plugin) to start a custom Jetty 7 server for my GWT project and it works fine.

Tomcat 6.0.23 and Eclipse Indigo - server not working through eclipse while working from standalone

When I'm trying to load the server from eclipse it not really deploying it, it start quite fast (without exception).
while i start the same app through tomcat the server is up and it working fine.
any idea what I'm doing wrong?
From what I understand ,the Apache Tomcat plugin supports up to version 3.6 (Helios) of Eclipse and not 3.7 (Indigo). Maybe I am wrong.