I've been searching an answer for 3 days and without any result :-(.
I created an EJB project with NetBeans (Session Beans + Remote Client). I successfully deployed it on GlassFish5 on my REMOTE server.
But when I started my ClientApp in NetBeans it displayed an error. I looked it up in GlassFish Server, and it told me that ClientApp couldn't find Libraries.
Ok, but I am sure that the Libraries exist! How come?
I use Java EE 8, NetBeans 15 and GlassFish 5.1.0 and Java idk 17.0.2 for NetBeans
Log from the Server:
My Project:
I am using jetty 9 to run a jetty project. But I am not able to run this as a standalone or on the server. This is probably because eclipse has left server support after jetty 8. Also getting support was removed in 8.0. can anyone help to run the jetty-maven project?
I am using netbeans 7.2.1 and glassfish 3.1.2 server. I created an ejb project and while trying to deploy the ejb jar in the server, i see the below error in the server log:
SEVERE: Module type not recognized for module C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\7.2.1\config\GF3\domain1\applications\SAPLockBox
SEVERE: There is no installed container capable of handling this application SAPLockBox
The error also points out to
<target if="netbeans.home" name="-run-deploy-nb">
<nbdeploy debugmode="false" forceRedeploy="${forceRedeploy}"/>
in build-impl.xml. I have read many online posts and tried a few but no success so far.
Have you tried to run your ejb jar file not in your netbeans context, but outside of it?
What Java EE APIs do you use? You may have one, that it is not accessible to the glassfish server, but in netbeans compiles OK.
I'm new to Eclipse and to Java Web app but i have to work to a project for school on databases.
I created an Eclipse project form the template they gave us and installed Tomcat v7.0
When I start Tomcat "manually" with startup.sh it start nicely and shows the tomcat homepage to localhost:8080. But when I try to run the project from eclipse on both localhost:8080 and localhost:8080/IntroDBProjectit shows the 404 error report.
I already tried copying the ROOTfolder in ../.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/webapps/ (and restarting eclipse) but still it doesn't seem to work.
Can someone help?
I'm working on Mac OSX 10.9.2 / Eclipse Java EE IDE / Tomcat v7.0
Ok I solved the problem.
I simply deleted and reimported the project. I should have done that earlier. I feel dumb -.-
I installed Eclipse indigo and jboss 7 server and jboss server plugins installed for struts2 application.
I created simple application with jsp page and deployed in to jboss7 server ( i installed server ,run from out side of eclipse and i saw new features of jboss 7 ) after deploying application .
I want to start the server but server giving error like " Error:no server JVM at c:\java\jre1.6\bin\server\jvmdll"
help me for this issue.
I also had this problem and did not find where I could set the JVM for JBoss in Eclipse Indigo. I got JBoss 7 working by removing the JRE6 from installed JREs in Eclipse and only having JDK6 there. I also changed JRE6 to JDK6 by double clicking the JBoss server -> Open launch configuration -> Classpath -> Bootstrap Entries.
After this I readded JRE6 to Eclipse for the projects that used it.
change jvm in jboss's tomcat conf from
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server\jvm.dll
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll
I posted the below answer here
I've just been struggling with this same problem in Eclipse and I noted that as suggested by the answer above the JBoss site has a thread on this issue saying the same as the answer above to copy files from the jdk to the jre folder.
I noticed that you can avoid having to do this if you define the runtime to be the jdk when you create the server. I didn't find how to edit an existing server though.
I need a step by step method because I have never used a server like this in Eclipse.
Do you have some installation tips and tutorial links for this kind of configuration?
As mentioned in this old GlassFish FAQ:
What is the difference between SunOne, SJSAS, and GlassFish?
SunOne is an old branding which was replaced by Sun Java System some time ago.
Sun Java System Application Server is the supported version of GlassFish.
Specifically, SJSAS 9.0 PE and GlassFish v1 are the same bits (except for the installer). Similarly SJS AS 9.1 and GlassFish v2 will be the same.
(See also the SO question "eclipse for sun one server for debugging and running application")
So you could rather declare a GlassFish server in your Eclipse.
Actually, at https://glassfishplugins.dev.java.net/, you have a link to download a Eclipse Galileo preconfigured with the GlassFish v3 Java EE 6 runtime.
From there, you can fond some tutorials (like this one) to configure your GlassFish server in Eclipse.