What are the limits on actorevents in service fabric? - azure-service-fabric

I am currently testing the scaling of my application and I ran into something I did not expect.
The application is running on a 5 node cluster, it has multiple services/actortypes and is using a shared process model.
For some component it uses actor events as a best effort pubsub system (There are fallbacks in place so if a notification is dropped there is no issue).
The problem arises when the number of actors grows (aka subscription topics). The actorservice is partitioned to 100 partitions at the moment.
The number of topics at that point is around 160.000 where each topic is subscribed 1-5 times (nodes where it is needed) with an average of 2.5 subscriptions (Roughly 400k subscriptions).
At that point communications in the cluster start breaking down, new subscriptions are not created, unsubscribes are timing out.
But it is also affecting other services, internal calls to a diagnostics service are timing out (asking each of the 5 replicas), this is probably due to the resolving of partitions/replica endpoints as the outside calls to the webpage are fine (these endpoints use the same technology/codestack).
The eventviewer is full with warnings and errors like:
EventName: ReplicatorFaulted Category: Health EventInstanceId {c4b35124-4997-4de2-9e58-2359665f2fe7} PartitionId {a8b49c25-8a5f-442e-8284-9ebccc7be746} ReplicaId 132580461505725813 FaultType: Transient, Reason: Cancelling update epoch on secondary while waiting for dispatch queues to drain will result in an invalid state, ErrorCode: -2147017731 send failed at state Connected: 0x80072745
Error While Receiving Connect Reply : CannotConnect , Message : 4ba737e2-4733-4af9-82ab-73f2afd2793b:382722511 from Service 15a5fb45-3ed0-4aba-a54f-212587823cde-132580461224314284-8c2b070b-dbb7-4b78-9698-96e4f7fdcbfc
I've tried scaling the application but without this subscribe model active and I easily reach a workload twice as large without any issues.
So there are a couple of questions
Are there limits known/advised for actor events?
Would increasing the partition count or/and node count help here?
Is the communication interference logical? Why are other service endpoints having issues as well?

After time spent with the support ticket we found some info. So I will post my findings here in case it helps someone.
The actor events use a resubscription model to make sure they are still connected to the actor. Default this is done every 20 seconds. This meant a lot of resources were being used and eventually the whole system overloaded with loads of idle threads waiting to resubscribe.
You can decrease the load by setting resubscriptionInterval to a higher value when subscribing. The drawback is that it will also mean the client will potentially miss events in the mean time (if a partition is moved).
To counteract the delay in resubscribing it is possible to hook into the lower level service fabric events. The following psuedo code was offered to me in the support call.
Register for endpoint change notifications for the actor service
fabricClient.ServiceManager.ServiceNotificationFilterMatched += (o, e) =>
var notification = ((FabricClient.ServiceManagementClient.ServiceNotificationEventArgs)e).Notification;
* Add additional logic for optimizations
* - check if the endpoint is not empty
* - If multiple listeners are registered, check if the endpoint change notification is for the desired endpoint
* Please note, all the endpoints are sent in the notification. User code should have the logic to cache the endpoint seen during susbcription call and compare with the newer one
List<long> keys;
if (resubscriptions.TryGetValue(notification.PartitionId, out keys))
foreach (var key in keys)
// 1. Unsubscribe the previous subscription by calling ActorProxy.UnsubscribeAsync()
// 2. Resubscribe by calling ActorProxy.SubscribeAsync()
await fabricClient.ServiceManager.RegisterServiceNotificationFilterAsync(new ServiceNotificationFilterDescription(new Uri("<service name>"), true, true));
Change the resubscription interval to a value which fits your need.
Cache the partition id to actor id mapping. This cache will be used to resubscribe when the replica’s primary endpoint changes(ref #1)
await actor.SubscribeAsync(handler, TimeSpan.FromHours(2) /*Tune the value according to the need*/);
ResolvedServicePartition rsp;
((ActorProxy)actor).ActorServicePartitionClientV2.TryGetLastResolvedServicePartition(out rsp);
var keys = resubscriptions.GetOrAdd(rsp.Info.Id, key => new List<long>());
The above approach ensures the below
The subscriptions are resubscribed at regular intervals
If the primary endpoint changes in between, actorproxy resubscribes from the service notification callback
This ends the psuedo code form the support call.
Answering my original questions:
Are there limits known/advised for actor events?
No hard limits, only resource usage.
Would increasing the partition count or/and node count help here? Partition count not. node count maybe, only if that means there are less subscribing entities on a node because of it.
Is the communication interference logical? Why are other service endpoints having issues as well?
Yes, resource contention is the reason.


Akka Source, is there a way to throttle based on a global rate limit coming from an api call?

There is the throttle function on Source https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream/operators/Source-or-Flow/throttle.html but this only works in a local context (1 server). If I wanted to share a rate limit (for 3rd party api calls) with other servers (say I have 2 servers instead of 1 for redundancy), I'd like the rate limit to efficiently be spread across the 2 servers (if one server dies from out of memory, the other server should pick up the freed up rate limit until the dead server restarts).
Is this possible somehow through akka's Source assuming I have something like Redis returning whether an action is allowed or disallowed + what the time until an action will be allowed?
Off the top of my head, you can dispense with Redis and use Akka Cluster to deal with failure detection: and set up an actor to subscribe to the cluster events (member joined, member left/downed) and update the local throttle.
Local dynamic throttling can be implemented via a custom graph stage (materializing as a handle through which to change the throttle), or you can also do that via an actor (in which case an ask stage is nice). In the latter case, you can go further and have the throttling actors coordinate among themselves to reallocate unused request capacity between nodes.

Service Fabric increasing thread count

We've noticed that the thread count of our Actors and WebApi increases over time, even when idle, in service fabric.
On-premise cluster using the version.
Development cluster (e.g all node types on 1 box, not multi-machine)
~100 unique actor ids; each with ~15 actor services (e.g UserActor, WishlistActor, etc)
Each of the actors services emits ActorEvents. These are subscribed to by the WebApi, which uses SignalR v2 to send the event data to UI clients.
My gut feeling is that I'm subscribing to ActorEvents incorrectly (Related question about subscribing to ActorEvents). Since it's difficult to know whether I've subscribed to the actor before, I might subscribe multiple times. However, I'm not seeing an increase in thread count when I do this, at least not immediately.
Looking at procexp the threads taking up CPU utilization are clr.dll!InstallCustomModule+0x1c00. There are also tons of ntdll.dll!RtReleaseSRWLockExclusive+0x1370 that take up very little cpu utilization as a single unit, but it adds up over a whole. They don't seem to be release.
Any ideas how to prevent this decay in usability?
Edit: Fixed procexp's name

Why doesn't my Azure Function scale up?

For a test, I created a new function app. I added two functions, one was an http trigger that when invoked, pushed 500 messages to a queue. The other, a queue trigger to read the messages. The queue trigger function code, was setup to read a message and randomly sleep from 1 to 30 seconds. This was intended to simulate longer running tasks.
I invoked the http trigger to create the messages, then watched the que fill up (messages were processed by the other trigger). I also wired up app insights to this function app, but I did not see is scale beyond 1 server.
Do Azure functions scale up soley on the # of messages in the que?
Also, I implemented these functions in Powershell.
If you're running in the Azure Functions consumption plan, we monitor both the length and the throughput of your queue to determine whether additional VM resources are needed.
Note that a single function app instance can process multiple queue messages concurrently without needing to scale across multiple VMs. So if all 500 messages can be consumed relatively quickly (again, in the consumption plan), then it's possible that you won't scale at all.
The exact algorithm for scaling isn't published (it's subject to lots of tweaking), but generally speaking you can expect the system to automatically scale you out if messages are getting added to the queue faster than your functions can process them. Your app will also scale out if the latency of the first message in the queue is continuously increasing (meaning, messages are sitting idle and not getting processed). The time between VMs getting added is usually in the tens of seconds.
There are some thresholds based on queue count as well. For example, the system tries to ensure that there is at least 1 VM for every 1K queue messages, but usually the scale decisions are based on message throughput as I described earlier.
I think #Chris Gillum put it well, it's hard for us to push the limits of the server to the point that things will start to scale.
Some other options available are:
Use durable functions and scale with Threading:
Another method could be to use Event Hubs which are designed for massive scale. Instead of queues, have Function #1 trigger an Event, and your Function #2 subscribed to that Event Hub trigger. Adding Streaming Analytics, could also be an option to more fully expand on capabilities if needed.

Distributed timer service

I am looking for a distributed timer service. Multiple remote client services should be able to register for callbacks (via REST apis) after specified intervals. The length of an interval can be 1 minute. I can live with an error margin of around 1 minute. The number of such callbacks can go up to 100,000 for now but I would need to scale up later. I have been looking at schedulers like Quartz but I am not sure if they are a fit for the problem. With Quartz, I will probably have to save the callback requests in a DB and poll every minute for overdue requests on 100,000 rows. I am not sure that will scale. Are there any out of the box solutions around? Else, how do I go about building one?
Posting as answer since i cant comment
One more options to consider is a message queue. Where you publish a message with scheduled delay so that consumers can consume after that delay.
Amazon SQS Delay Queues
Delay queues let you postpone the delivery of new messages in a queue for the specified number of seconds. If you create a delay queue, any message that you send to that queue is invisible to consumers for the duration of the delay period. You can use the CreateQueue action to create a delay queue by setting the DelaySeconds attribute to any value between 0 and 900 (15 minutes). You can also change an existing queue into a delay queue using the SetQueueAttributes action to set the queue's DelaySeconds attribute.
Scheduling Messages with RabbitMQ
A user can declare an exchange with the type x-delayed-message and then publish messages with the custom header x-delay expressing in milliseconds a delay time for the message. The message will be delivered to the respective queues after x-delay milliseconds.
Out of the box solution
RocketMQ meets your requirements since it supports the Scheduled messages:
Scheduled messages differ from normal messages in that they won’t be
delivered until a provided time later.
You can register your callbacks by sending such messages:
Message message = new Message("TestTopic", "");
And then, listen to this topic to deal with your callbacks:
consumer.subscribe("TestTopic", "*");
consumer.registerMessageListener(new MessageListenerConcurrently() {...})
It does well in almost every way except that the DelayTimeLevel options can only be defined before RocketMQ server start, which means that if your MQ server has configuration messageDelayLevel=1s 5s 10s, then you just can not register your callback with delayIntervalTime=3s.
Quartz+storage can build such callback service as you mentioned, while I don't recommend that you store callback data in relational DB since you hope it to achieve high TPS and constructing distributed service will be hard to get rid of lock and transaction which bring complexity to DB coding.
I do suggest storing callback data in Redis. Because it has better performance than relational DB and it's data structure ZSET suits this scene well.
I once developed a timed callback service based on Redis and Dubbo. it provides some more useful features. Maybe you can get some ideas from it https://github.com/joooohnli/delay-callback

RabbitMQ - Message order of delivery

I need to choose a new Queue broker for my new project.
This time I need a scalable queue that supports pub/sub, and keeping message ordering is a must.
I read Alexis comment: He writes:
"Indeed, we think RabbitMQ provides stronger ordering than Kafka"
I read the message ordering section in rabbitmq docs:
"Messages can be returned to the queue using AMQP methods that feature
a requeue
parameter (basic.recover, basic.reject and basic.nack), or due to a channel
closing while holding unacknowledged messages...With release 2.7.0 and later
it is still possible for individual consumers to observe messages out of
order if the queue has multiple subscribers. This is due to the actions of
other subscribers who may requeue messages. From the perspective of the queue
the messages are always held in the publication order."
If I need to handle messages by their order, I can only use rabbitMQ with an exclusive queue to each consumer?
Is RabbitMQ still considered a good solution for ordered message queuing?
Well, let's take a closer look at the scenario you are describing above. I think it's important to paste the documentation immediately prior to the snippet in your question to provide context:
Section 4.7 of the AMQP 0-9-1 core specification explains the
conditions under which ordering is guaranteed: messages published in
one channel, passing through one exchange and one queue and one
outgoing channel will be received in the same order that they were
sent. RabbitMQ offers stronger guarantees since release 2.7.0.
Messages can be returned to the queue using AMQP methods that feature
a requeue parameter (basic.recover, basic.reject and basic.nack), or
due to a channel closing while holding unacknowledged messages. Any of
these scenarios caused messages to be requeued at the back of the
queue for RabbitMQ releases earlier than 2.7.0. From RabbitMQ release
2.7.0, messages are always held in the queue in publication order, even in the presence of requeueing or channel closure. (emphasis added)
So, it is clear that RabbitMQ, from 2.7.0 onward, is making a rather drastic improvement over the original AMQP specification with regard to message ordering.
With multiple (parallel) consumers, order of processing cannot be guaranteed.
The third paragraph (pasted in the question) goes on to give a disclaimer, which I will paraphrase: "if you have multiple processors in the queue, there is no longer a guarantee that messages will be processed in order." All they are saying here is that RabbitMQ cannot defy the laws of mathematics.
Consider a line of customers at a bank. This particular bank prides itself on helping customers in the order they came into the bank. Customers line up in a queue, and are served by the next of 3 available tellers.
This morning, it so happened that all three tellers became available at the same time, and the next 3 customers approached. Suddenly, the first of the three tellers became violently ill, and could not finish serving the first customer in the line. By the time this happened, teller 2 had finished with customer 2 and teller 3 had already begun to serve customer 3.
Now, one of two things can happen. (1) The first customer in line can go back to the head of the line or (2) the first customer can pre-empt the third customer, causing that teller to stop working on the third customer and start working on the first. This type of pre-emption logic is not supported by RabbitMQ, nor any other message broker that I'm aware of. In either case, the first customer actually does not end up getting helped first - the second customer does, being lucky enough to get a good, fast teller off the bat. The only way to guarantee customers are helped in order is to have one teller helping customers one at a time, which will cause major customer service issues for the bank.
It is not possible to ensure that messages get handled in order in every possible case, given that you have multiple consumers. It doesn't matter if you have multiple queues, multiple exclusive consumers, different brokers, etc. - there is no way to guarantee a priori that messages are answered in order with multiple consumers. But RabbitMQ will make a best-effort.
Message ordering is preserved in Kafka, but only within partitions rather than globally. If your data need both global ordering and partitions, this does make things difficult. However, if you just need to make sure that all of the same events for the same user, etc... end up in the same partition so that they are properly ordered, you may do so. The producer is in charge of the partition that they write to, so if you are able to logically partition your data this may be preferable.
I think there are two things in this question which are not similar, consumption order and processing order.
Message Queues can -to a degree- give you a guarantee that messages will get consumed in order, they can't, however, give you any guarantees on the order of their processing.
The main difference here is that there are some aspects of message processing which cannot be determined at consumption time, for example:
As mentioned a consumer can fail while processing, here the message's consumption order was correct, however, the consumer failed to process it correctly, which will make it go back to the queue. At this point the consumption order is intact, but the processing order is not.
If by "processing" we mean that the message is now discarded and finished processing completely, then consider the case when your processing time is not linear, in other words processing one message takes longer than the other. For example, if message 3 takes longer to process than usual, then messages 4 and 5 might get consumed and finish processing before message 3 does.
So even if you managed to get the message back to the front of the queue (which by the way violates the consumption order) you still cannot guarantee they will also be processed in order.
If you want to process the messages in order:
Have only 1 consumer instance at all times, or a main consumer and several stand-by consumers.
Or don't use a messaging queue and do the processing in a synchronous blocking method, which might sound bad but in many cases and business requirements it is completely valid and sometimes even mission critical.
There are proper ways to guarantuee the order of messages within RabbitMQ subscriptions.
If you use multiple consumers, they will process the message using a shared ExecutorService. See also ConnectionFactory.setSharedExecutor(...). You could set a Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().
If you use one Consumer with a single queue, you can bind this queue using multiple bindingKeys (they may have wildcards). The messages will be placed into the queue in the same order that they were received by the message broker.
For example you have a single publisher that publishes messages where the order is important:
try (Connection connection2 = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel2 = connection.createChannel()) {
// publish messages alternating to two different topics
for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) {
final String routingKey = i % 2 == 0 ? routingEven : routingOdd;
channel2.basicPublish(exchange, routingKey, null, ("Hello" + i).getBytes(UTF_8));
You now might want to receive messages from both topics in a queue in the same order that they were published:
// declare a queue for the consumer
final String queueName = channel.queueDeclare().getQueue();
// we bind to queue with the two different routingKeys
final String routingEven = "even";
final String routingOdd = "odd";
channel.queueBind(queueName, exchange, routingEven);
channel.queueBind(queueName, exchange, routingOdd);
channel.basicConsume(queueName, true, new DefaultConsumer(channel) { ... });
The Consumer will now receive the messages in the order that they were published, regardless of the fact that you used different topics.
There are some good 5-Minute Tutorials in the RabbitMQ documentation that might be helpful: