AWS Fargate | Environment variable is not setting in fargate task - amazon-ecs

I'm using ECS Fargate Platform 1.4
I'm setting environment variable while creating Task definition in a cluster but When I tried to access that environment variable in containers but environment is missing container's environment.
I tried all possible way to set and get environment.
Even I tried to set env variable using command option but it failed.
Please help me out.

I know this is an older question, but I'll share what I've done.
I use terraform, so in my aws_ecs_task_definition container_definitions block I have environment defined like this:
environment = [
value = "MY_VALUE"
Then in my app, which is a Flask application, I do this:
from os import environ
env_value = environ.get("MY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE", None) # "MY_VALUE"
In the ECS console, if you click on a task definition, you should be able to view the container definition, which should show the environment variables you set. It's just a sanity check.


AWS ECS Task Definition: How do I reference an environment variable in another environment variable?

I would like to be able to define environment variables in AWS ECS task definition like below:
TEST_USER: admin
TEST_PATH: /home/$TEST_USER/workspace
When I echo TEST_PATH:
Actual Value = /home/**$TEST_USER**/workspace
Expected Value = /home/**admin**/workspace
You can't do that. I don't think Docker in general supports evaluating environment variables like that before exposing them in the container.
If you are using something like CloudFormation or Terraform to create create your Task Definitions, you would use a variable in that tool to store the value, and create the ECS environment variables using that CloudFormatin/Terraform variable.
Otherwise you could edit the entrypoint script of your Docker image to do the following when the container starts up:
export TEST_PATH="/home/$TEST_USER/workspace"

How to read airflow variables into kubernetes pod instance

I am trying to read airflow variables into my ETL job to populate variables in the curation script. I am using the KubernetesPodOperator. How do I access the metadata database from my k8's pod?
Error I am getting from airflow:
ERROR - Unable to retrieve variable from secrets backend (MetastoreBackend). Checking subsequent secrets backend.
This is what I have in for outputting into the console log. I have a key in airflow variables named "AIRFLOW_URL".
from airflow.models import Variable
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Your DAG can pass them as environment variables to your Pod, using a template (e.g. KubernetesPodOperator(... env_vars={"MY_VAR": "{{var.value.my_var}}"}, ...)).
It looks like you have a secrets backend set in config without having a secrets backend set up, so Airflow is trying to go there to fetch your variable. See this link.
Alter your config to remove the backend and backend_kwargs keys, and it should look at your Airflow variables first.
backend =
backend_kwargs =

environmental variables in bosh deployment

I would like for a job J from a release R in a bosh deployment to start with a certain environmental variable E set, which is not available in the job's properties for configuration
Can this be specified in the deployment file or when calling the bosh cli?
Unfortunately, I am pretty sure this is not possible. BOSH does not understand environment variables. Instead, it executes an ERB template with the properties configured in the manifest. For example in this job template from log-cache is executed with the properties from a manifest along with defaults from the job spec.
If you need to have a particular environment variable set for testing/development, you can bosh ssh on to an instance where you are going to run the job and then mutate the generated file. Given the CF deployment example, bosh ssh doppler/0 and then modify the generated bpm.yml in /var/vcap/jobs/log-cache/config/bpm.yml. This is a workaround for debugging and development, if you need to set a field in a manifest reach out to the release author and open an issue or PR the ability to set environment variable as a property by adding it to the job spec.
(note the versions used in the example are just from HEAD and may not actually work)

How to specify cluster init script for spark Job

My job needs some init scripts to be executed on cluster, presently i am using "Existing Interactive Cluster" option in job creation and have specified init script for the cluster. But this is getting charged as higher "Data analytics workload".
is there an option that i can specify "New Automated Cluster" option in job creation page and still get the init scripts executed for new cluster. I am not sure if it recommended to use Global Init script, since not all jobs needs those init script, only specific category of jobs need init script.
To fine tune Spark jobs, you can provide custom Spark configuration properties in a cluster configuration.
To set Spark properties for all clusters, create a global init script:
|cat << 'EOF' > /databricks/driver/conf/00-custom-spark-driver-defaults.conf
|[driver] {
| "spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode" = "DYNAMIC"
""".stripMargin, true)
Reference: "Spark Configuration".
Hope this helps.
If this answers your query, do click “Mark as Answer” and "Up-Vote" for the same. And, if you have any further query do let us know.

AWS Linux vs Local setup for Spring-boot app postgres configuartion

I have a properties file in spring-boot app which has postgres instance details for both the database hosted in AWS and one in local.
Every time I checkout the code from git I have to comment the postgres AWS entries and uncomment the local postgres instance to work locally.
Again when I want to checkin, I have to do the opposite.
What is the smartest way to handle this configuration switching so that I don't have to do this every time.
N.B.: AWS deployment happens from github via Jenkins pipeline
You should provide your database parameters as environment variables in your IDE in the project setting (for example). Then set them in your as placeholders. For example:
Where DATASOURCE_URL is one of the env. variable.
So at your work you set your local parameters, and on AWS you set prod parameters.
use environment variables - you can use your local settings as default values and set environment variables for AWS usage on your EC2 instance
use profiles and set active profile using command line parameter or environment variable on EC2 instance
Read more about:
- externalised configuration in Spring Boot
- Spring Profiles