environmental variables in bosh deployment - cf-bosh

I would like for a job J from a release R in a bosh deployment to start with a certain environmental variable E set, which is not available in the job's properties for configuration
Can this be specified in the deployment file or when calling the bosh cli?

Unfortunately, I am pretty sure this is not possible. BOSH does not understand environment variables. Instead, it executes an ERB template with the properties configured in the manifest. For example in this job template from log-cache is executed with the properties from a manifest along with defaults from the job spec.
If you need to have a particular environment variable set for testing/development, you can bosh ssh on to an instance where you are going to run the job and then mutate the generated file. Given the CF deployment example, bosh ssh doppler/0 and then modify the generated bpm.yml in /var/vcap/jobs/log-cache/config/bpm.yml. This is a workaround for debugging and development, if you need to set a field in a manifest reach out to the release author and open an issue or PR the ability to set environment variable as a property by adding it to the job spec.
(note the versions used in the example are just from HEAD and may not actually work)


How to find the auto-created service connection when deploying to AKS

During a pipeline run, under deployment job, providing a deployment environment eliminates the need of providing service connection manually. I'd guess, it's either creating a new SC at this time or it would have created SC at the time of environment creation and using the same.
Either ways, is there a way to find out which Service connection is being used from the logs of pipeline run or from anywhere else?
In our environment, I see a lot of service connection for one environment and a cleanup is necessary to get things in place.
I tried giving SC manually along with environment and it works as expected. So, going forward, I can use this method. But for cleanup, I'd still like to know which one gets used when not specified! (none of the auto-created SCs show any execution history, but I know the deployment has happened multiple times)
As a Kubernetes resource in an environment is referencing Kubernetes service connection, you can use this API to list the serviceEndpointId of a Kubernetes resource, which is also the resourceId of the referenced service connection.
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/distributedtask/environments/{environmentId}/providers/kubernetes/{resourceId}?api-version=7.0
Applied with the value of the serviceEndpointId from the response of the above API, we can proceed to use this API to get the referenced service connection details.
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints/{endpointId}?api-version=7.0

How to set automatic rollbacks in CodeDeploy with CloudFormation?

I'm creating a Deployment Group in CodeDeploy with a CloudFormation template.
The Deployment Group is successfully created and the application is deployed perfectly fine.
The CF resource that I defined (Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup) has the "Deployment" property set. The thing is that I would like to configure automatic rollbacks for this deployment, but as per CF documentation for "AutoRollbackConfiguration" property: "Information about the automatic rollback configuration that is associated with the deployment group. If you specify this property, don't specify the Deployment property."
So my understanding is that if I specify "Deployment", I cannot set "AutoRollbackConfiguration"... Then how are you supposed to configure any rollback for the deployment? I don't see any other resource property that relates to rollbacks.
Should I create a second DeploymentGroup resource and bind it to the same instances that the original Deployment Group has? I'm not sure this is possible or makes sense but I ran out of options.
First i like to describe why you cannot specify both, deployment and rollback configuration:
Whenever you specify a deployment directly for the group, you already state which revision you like to deploy. This conflicts with the idea of CloudFormation of having resources managed by it without having a drift in the actual configuration of those resources.
I would recommend the following:
Use CloudFormation to deploy the 'underlying' infrastructure (the deployment group, application, roles, instances, etc.)
Create a CodePipline within this infrastructure template, which then includes a CodeDeploy deployment action (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/action-reference-CodeDeploy.html, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-codepipeline-pipeline-stages-actions-actiontypeid.html)
The pipeline can triggered whenever you have a new version inside you revision location
This approach clearly separates the underlying stuff, which is not changing dynamically and the actual application deployment, done using a proper pipeline.
Additionally in this way you can specify how you like to deploy (green/blue, canary) and how/when rollbacks should be handled. The status of your deployment also to be seen inside CodePipeline.
I didn't mention it but what you are suggesting about CodePipeline is exactly what I did.
In fact, I have one CloudFormation template that creates all the infrastructure and includes the DeploymentGroup. With this, the application is deployed for the first time to my EC2 instances.
Then I have another CF template for CI/CD purposes with a CodeDeploy stage/action that references the previous DeploymentGroup. Whenever I push some code to my repository, the Pipeline is triggered, code is built and new version successfully deployed to the instances.
However, I don't see how/where in any of the CF templates to handle/configure the rollback for the DeploymentGroup as you were saying. I think I get the idea of your explanation about the conflict CF might have in case of having a drift, but my impression is that in case of errors during the CF stack creation, CF rollback should just remove the DeploymentGroup you're trying to create. In other words, for me there's no CodeDeploy deployment rollback involved in that scenario, just removing the resource (DeploymentGroup) CF was trying to create.
One thing that really impresses me is that you can enable/disable automatic rollbacks for the DeploymentGroup through the AWS Console. Just edit and go to Advanced Configuration for the DeploymentGroup and you have a checkbox. I tried it and triggered the Pipeline again and worked perfectly. I made a faulty change to make the deployment fail in purpose, and then CodeDeploy automatically reverted back to the previous version of my application... completely expected behavior. Doesn't make much sense that this simple boolean/flag option is not available through CF.
Hope this makes sense and helps clarifying my current situation. Any extra help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks again

Azure DevOps passing Dynamically assigned variables between build hosts

I'm using Azure DevOps on a vs2017-win2016 build agent to provision some infrastructure using Terraform.
What I want to know is it possible to pass the Terraform Output of a hosts dynamically assigned IP address to a
2nd Job running a different build agent.
I'm able to pass these to build variables in the first Job
But un-able to get these variables to appear to be consumed with the second build agent running ubuntu-16.04
I am able to pass any static defined parameters like Azure Resource Group name that I define before the job start, its just the
dynamically assigned ones.
This is pretty easily done when you are using the YAML based builds.
It's important to know that variables are only available within the scope of current job by default.
However you can set a variable as an output variable for your job.
This output variable can then be mapped to a variable within second job (do note that you need to set the first job as a dependency for the second job).
Please see the following link for an example of how to get this to work
It may also be doable in the visual designer type of build, but i couldn't get that to work in the quick test i did, maybe you can get something to work inspired on the linked example.

Handling OpenShift secrets in a safe way after extraction into environment variables

So I have configured an OpenShift 3.9 build configuration such that environment variables are populated from an OpenShift secret at build-time. I am using these environment variables for setting passwords up for PostgreSQL roles in the image's ENTRYPOINT script.
Apparently these environment variables are baked into the image, not just the build image, but also the resulting database image. (I can see their values when issuing set inside the running container.) On one hand this seems necessary because the ENTRYPOINT script needs access to them, and it executes only at image run-time (not build-time). On the other this is somewhat disconcerting, because FWIK one who obtained the image could now extract those passwords. Unsetting the environment variables after use would not change that.
So is there a better way (or even best practice) for handling such situations in a more secure way?
UPDATE At this stage I see two possible ways forward (better choice first):
Configure DeploymentConfig such that it mounts the secret as a volume (not: have BuildConfig populate environment variables from it).
Store PostgreSQL password hashes (not: verbatim passwords) in secret.
As was suggested in a comment, what made sense was to shift the provision of environment variables from the secret from BuildConfig to DeploymentConfig. For reference:
oc explain bc.spec.strategy.dockerStrategy.env.valueFrom.secretKeyRef
oc explain dc.spec.template.spec.containers.env.valueFrom.secretKeyRef

Is it possible for Deis Workflow read values from ConfigMap?

I have installed Deis Workflow v.2.11 in a GKE cluster, and some of our applications share values in common, like a proxy URL e credentials. I can use these values putting them into environment variables, or even in a .env file.
However, every new application, I need to create a .env file, with shared values and then, call
deis config:push
If one of those shared value changes, I need to adjust every configuration of every app and restart them. I would like to modify the value in ConfigMap once and, after changes, Deis restart the applications.
Does anyone know if it is possible to read values from Kubernetes ConfigMap and to put them into Deis environment variables? Moreover, if yes, how do I do it?
I believe what you're looking for is a way to set environment variables globally across all applications. That is currently not implemented. However, please feel free to hack up a PR and we'd likely accept it!
Currently there is no support for configMaps in Deis Workflow v2.18.0 . We would appreciate a PR into the Hephy Workflow (open source fork of Deis Workflow). https://github.com/teamhephy/controller
There is no functionality right now to capture configMap in by the init scripts of the containers.
You could update the configMap, but each of the applications would need to run kubectl replace -f path/accessible/for/everyone/configmap.yaml to get the variables updated.
So, I would say yes, at Kubernetes level you can do it. Just figure out the best way for your apps to update the configMap. I don't have details of your use case, so I can't tell you specific ways.