No match, wildcard only covers a single DNS label - kubernetes

Over here, I couldn't understand why third example was a no match. If my wildcard is * then why it can't match match Host header with value as "".
I tried to Google for "single DNS label" but really couldn't understand.

Basically, * means you need to have <something> So, only is not matched. For simplicity you can think that wildcard * need to be replaced and cannot be omitted, you have to have something in the place of * for matching this.


Single GKE Ingress path with multiple wildcards

I am trying to create a path in a GKE ingress like this: /organizations/''/entity/''/download.
NOTE: The '' above represents a wildcard (*)
The values after organizations/ and after entity/ are dynamic so I have to use two wildcards, but this is not working, the first wildcard after the /organizations/* is taking all the requests.
I want to apply a different timeout only on this specific request, therefore I need to configure it just like this, if there is /test instead of /download at the end, it shouldn't take place.
I can't be the only one to have the same situation, and I am struggling to find anything on internet with the same issue?
Any workaround?
The only supported wildcard character for the path field of an Ingress is the * character. The * character must follow a forward slash (/) and must be the last character in the pattern. For example, /, /foo/, and /foo/bar/* are valid patterns, but , /foo/bar, and /foo/*/bar are not.
Source (From GKE Ingress docs):

Searching for two Word wildcard strings that are nested

I'm having trouble finding the proper Word wildcard string to find numbers that fit the following patterns:
"NN NN NN" or "NN NN NN.NN" (where N is any number 0-9)
The trouble is the first string is a subset of the second string. My goal is to find a single wildcard string that will capture both. Unfortunately, I need to use an operator that is zero or more occurrences for the ".NN" portion and that doesn't exist.
I'm having to do two searches, and I'm using the following patterns:
[0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9]{2}?[!0-9]
[0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}
The problem is that first pattern (in bold). It works well unless I have the number in a table or something and there is nothing after it to match (or not match, if you will) the [!0-9].
You could use a single wildcard Find:
[0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9][0-9.]{1,4}
[0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9]{2}[^s ][0-9][0-9.]{1;4}
to capture both. Which you use depends on your regional settings.

What are allowed characters for a submodule name in registerModule?

registerModule() expects a submodule key as a third parameter.
I think it should probably not contain a space and only alphabetic characters (or alphanumeric?) and underscore ('_'), but I'm not really sure.
I could not find specific information for this.
The function makes use of \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::underscoredToUpperCamelCase to generate the full module name combined of main module and sub module connected with an _
So you already guessed the right answer.
It's a bit complicated strange to answer!
Official API document does not provide exact information. I have worked around some extension which has multiple sub-module. I'm quite sure this not allow special character as you sub-module key.
eg. web_TestTestbe123 (mainModulename_subModuleKey)
I have noticed bellow characteristic for the key:
Key must be lowercase
No space allowed
Numerica value would be fine
Does this make sense?
I found this in the documentation just now:
Backend modules
1. The modkey is made up of alphanumeric characters only. It does not contain underscores and starts with a letter.

How can I write a regex that matches words that overlap themselves?

I'm trying to match a word forwards and backwards in a string but it isn't catching all matches. For example, searching for the word "AB" in the string "AAABAAABAAA", I create and use the regex /AB|BA/, but it only matches the two "AB" substrings, and ignores the "BA" substrings.
I'm using RegexKitLite on the iPhone, but I think this is a more general regex problem (I see the same behavior in online regex testers). Nevertheless, here's the code I'm using to enumerate the matches:
[#"AAABAAABAAA" enumerateStringsMatchedByRegex:#"AB|BA" usingBlock:
^(NSInteger captureCount,
NSString * const capturedStrings[captureCount],
const NSRange capturedRanges[captureCount],
volatile BOOL * const stop) {
NSLog(#"%#", capturedStrings[0]);
I don't know which online tester you tried, but (for example) will not consider the same character for multiple matches. In this case, since ABA matches AB, the B is not considered for the BA match. It's purely a guess that RegexKitLite is implemented similarly.
Even if you don't consider the mirrored variant, the original search string may overlap with itself. For example, if you search ABCA|ACBA in ABCABCACBACBA you'll get two of four matches, searching in both directions will be the same.
It should be possible to find matches incrementally, but perhaps not with RegexKitLite
I would say, thats not possible in one turn. The regex matches for the given pattern and "eats" the matched characters. So if you search AB|BA in ABA the first found pattern is AB, then the regex continue to search on the third A.
So it is not possible to find overlapping patterns with the same regex and using the | operator.
I'm not sure how you'd accomplish exactly what I think you're asking for without reversing the string and testing twice.
However, I suppose it depends on what you're after exactly. If you're simply trying to determine if the pattern occurs in the string backwards or forwards, and not so much how it occurs, then you could do something like this:
The ? makes the last character optional on each side of the |. In the case of AAABAAABAAA, it'll find ABA twice. In the case of AB it'll find AB, and in the case of BA it'll find BA.
Here it is with test cases...

How to include a whitespace and non whitespace at the same time in NSRegularExpression?

I want a regex which accepts only these two templates: a0a 0a0 and a0a0a0.
I have been trying the below format but it's not giving the desired result.
I need a single regex which is applicable for both the templates.
+ (BOOL)hasPostalCodeValidation:(NSString *)postalCode {
return [self hasPostalRegex:postalCode
withPattern:#"^[a-z]+[0-9]+[a-z]+(\\ |\\S[^a-z0-9])?[0-9]+[a-z]+[0-9]"
withTemplateString:#"A0A 0A0"];
If any one knows what should be the regex for these two templates please do give the solution.
Why not simply make the space optional? Also, you should remove the + quantifiers since they mean "one or more", and you seem to want "exactly one".
Also, you might need to include uppercase letters. Usually, regexes are case-sensitive.