SphinxSearch round value - sphinx

need to round value from same example:
SELECT INTEGER(100-INTEGER(15692)*100/INTEGER(19590));
How can I do it on SphinxSearch
Is there any way to round value in spinxSearch (instead of adding 0.5 and flooring)
P.S for that moment find only creating custom functions

So, there is no ROUND function in Sphinx.
My solution was to change app code, and do this thing on code side, instead of Sphinx.
Also, my variant with FLOOR(x+0.5) was approved in comments, use it if you need


how to correctly use Firebase.Firestore.FieldValue.ServerTimestamp in unity?

Currently, I was working on a Unity project and using Firestone as my database.
now i facing a problem is when i create a document in firestone i want to add the time of creation also.
i was using the code
db.Collection("Challenges").Document(addedDocRef.Id).UpdateAsync("TimeCreated", Firebase.Firestore.FieldValue.ServerTimestamp);
but it always update the same time in firestone.
every document get same timestemp, can anyone teach me how to solve this issue?
The FieldValue properties are sentinel values in this case to be understood as dummy values that are supposed to be filled in by "someone".
I don't know how Firebase works exactly and who is supposed to fill this in but what you get basically equals DateTime.UnixEpoch the default uninitialized system time (+ 7:30 timeszone shift). It might have to be configured accordingly somewhere before it works correctly.
You could instead simply pass in your own timestamp using e.g. DateTime.Now

Cannot properly array googlefinance formula with dates

I am trying to convert money amounts in USD to EUR, but I want to do it in relation to date of transaction taking place due to dyncamic exchange rates.
Idea is to use googlefinance function with index function, along with date function, which will be made of right, mid, and left functions. All of that should be wrapped with arrayformula. Numbers should be rounded using round.
Non-working example:
Don't mind ;, this is instead of , in my google sheets language settings.
Formula (with , instead of ;):
Since I'm pretty sure this formula should work in "normal circumstances", I've replicated it leaving out arrayformula, and full ranges (such as B2:B, etc), and it works once I drag down the formula.
Working example:
Formula: =IF(F2="";"";ROUND(INDEX(F2*GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR";"price";DATE(RIGHT(E2;4);MID(E2;4;2);LEFT(E2;2)));2;2);2))
Formula (with , instead of ;):
Does anyone have idea what's going on with the first case, i.e. why it doesn't work? I believe it has to be something with those full ranges (e.g. B2:B, A2:B, etc), but not sure why...
GOOGLEFINANCE is already an ARRAYFORMULA type formula so try like this:
GOOGLEFINANCE("CURRENCY:USDEUR"; "price"; MIN(A2:A); MAX(A2:A)+1); 2; 1)); 2)))

Movesense, setting the system time

I am trying to set the system time in Movesense. I couldn't find an example of that, but based on the documentation I think that this should do:
In this case, I'm just trying to reset the epoch to zero but onPutResults gives me
So what is the right way?
Minimum timestamp seems to be 1483228800000000 us which corresponds to 1.1.2017. So you can't set the time to 70's as zero would set it to.
This should be documented in the yaml api but currently is not. We will add that to the list of tasks to make sure it's documented in the next release of device-lib.

Auto complete in text field in odoo

I would like to select a customer from the select box by start typing its phone number.
How can I do that?
I have seen some are using name_search method.But still i am confused how to use it in both front end and back end.
Or is there any other solution for this.
Override the name_search method of your model and the domain you want on the args variable. Take a look at addons/account/account.py around line 595 args += [('type', '=', type)] for a concrete implementation. Make sure that you return the appropriate data structure as documented in the method's docstring at openerp/models.py.
For Auto complete in odoo. It provides suggestion only in case of using Many2one field in any module.
If you want to show suggestion and autocomplete. Create a model to store the mobile numbers and then use that particular model as foreign key in existing model.
That will do for you.

SAPUI5: set Timepicker configuration for 15 min interval

Is is possible to configure the sap.m.TimePicker to display only 15 minute intervals?
At the moment the user can enter any time they like.
It's possible now with version 1.40.+
There was incorrect information in the API documentation and it wasn't possible even on version 1.38
Change it to a DropDownBox with a value range of 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, ... 23:30, 23:45? This makes the limitation to specific intervals clear at a glance, is easy to implement and avoids entry of undesired values altogether.
While #vwegert 's answer is function I think there is a better way where you you still get the look and feel of the TimePicker.
In the source of the control there is a property minutesStep. If you can set this in the xml or js definition I think you could be onto a winner.
In fact there is a setter (yay) setMinutesStep.
oTimer.setMinutesStep(15); should be a winner for you.
Hope that helps,