primevue/config does not exist - primevue

I am using PrimeVue 2.0.0 with a Vue 2 application. The documentation mentions the following:
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
However, primevue/config does not seem to exist. I cannot find it anywhere within the node module itself. Does anyone know if this step is deprecated/the file has been renamed?

PrimeVue 2.0.0 doesn't have primevue/config, more details
The config api was introduced in 2.3.0. I also recommend to use PrimeVue 3.*


OpenUI5 offline documentation

When offline I'd like to have the UI5 documentation saved locally.
It appears the docs contained in the runtime simply reference the official website and the only other form of downloadable documentation I could find is a PDF from SAP which is indeed well structured and cross-referenced.
Still, I wonder: is there a packaged version of the UI5 documentation ?
Using the Node modules for OpenUI5, I expected to find a separate package for the documentation: there is none. Serving the unzipped SDK with any local webserver works just fine.

Do I need reflect-metadata package with inversify if I use express and angular?

The inversify docs say
The reflect-metadata polyfill should be imported only once in your entire application because the Reflect object is mean to be a global singleton. More details about this can be found here.
If your environment don't support one of these you will need to import a shim or polyfill
I'm using LTS node+express for my server. And latest angular for my client.
So I assume:
I don't need it for my server project, because LTS node doesn't need these shims
I don't need it for my client project, because angular bundles various shims automatically
Is that correct? When would that package be needed?
Turns out it doesn't work on the server without this polyfill. Seems that it's necessary for inversify to work, even though I'm using the latest LTS node.

AWS Appsync working example in Swift of s3 image upload?

I'm following this tutorial here:
I'm having some issues getting it to work, wondering if anyone has a working example.
Current issues:
Pods don't match up to the tutorial (awss3 and awsappsync require
different versions of AWSCore (2.6.6 vs 2.6.12)
When using using different pod versions (apsync 2.6.7 and awss3 2.6.6) - the code generated by api-appsync-codegen
doesn't compile - it doesn't create an S3Object class - but tries to
extend it.
Thanks for the help.
AppSync SDK release of 2.6.14 fixes this issue. Now it takes dependency on latest available version of code. You should be able to run pod install --repo-update and be able to get the latest installation.

Integration of Payum Module to my existing Zend 2 Project

I have already running a project in Zend Framework 2 Now i trying to integrate the Payum Module(paypal) with my existing project I have followed the instructions from
and install and configure the module. it is showing on the ZendDeveloperTools that the module is there now i need to move further on this but not found a way.
Is there any other documentation available that will provide step by step integration?
The repo of the mentioned module has documentation on how to use it:

ReactiveValidatedObject missing in ReactiveUI 5.0.2

I just start learn ReactiveUI from
I download lastest version via nuget but I cant find class ReactiveValidatedObject in ReactiveUI a check also ReactiveUI.Legacy.
This was removed in anticipation for a new validation framework that didn't actually make it in for 5.0. Copy-paste this file in to get it back.