ReactiveValidatedObject missing in ReactiveUI 5.0.2 - .net-4.5

I just start learn ReactiveUI from
I download lastest version via nuget but I cant find class ReactiveValidatedObject in ReactiveUI a check also ReactiveUI.Legacy.

This was removed in anticipation for a new validation framework that didn't actually make it in for 5.0. Copy-paste this file in to get it back.


Any API works like Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs and can be used in .NETFramework 4.5.2 project?

I plan to use the Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs to push notification through Azure notification hub in backend service of an existed project. However, I found that the project is using .NETFramework 4.5.2. As the document stated, the SDK has dependecy to .NETFramework 4.6.1 or higher.
Since the existed project is already developed well and problems could appear if I upgrade. Any other solutions please?
Due to you don't want to upgrade to .Net Framework 4.6.1 or higher. You can use REST API, create HttpClient in your existed project to send Http Request.
(notificationhubs)REST API methods
You can use HttpHelper in my sample code.

SqlClientFactory.CreateCommandBuilder returns null

I'm porting a full-framework project to target .NET Core 2.0. It has a call to
var builder = SqlClientFactory.Instance.CreateCommandBuilder();
So I've created a new .NET Core project and added a reference to System.Data.SqlClient 4.4.0. Unfortunately it seems that DbProviderFactory.CreateCommandBuilder has not been overriden, so that the call to CreateCommandBuilder always returns null.
I've tried to check if this API was officially available, and on the first sight it seemed so. Because that page says:
Platform: .NET Core
Version: 2.0
Assembly: System.Data.SqlClient, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
and I'm using System.Data.SqlClient 4.4.0 which is higher than 4.3.1.
However, to my next surprise I've found out that typeof(SqlClientFactory).Assembly said System.Data.SqlClient 4.2.0.. I had to learn that assembly and package versions are allowed to be inconsistent. I'm unsure then, why is telling me Core 2.0. It seems it cannot be trusted.
So, I went to the .NET API Browser who correctly does not list CreateCommandBuilder for SqlClientFactory.
My question is, how can I get the before-mentioned System.Data.SqlClient, Version=4.3.1 assembly? The 4.4 nuget I'm using seems to be the latest one by the time of writing.
The only thing I can think of is to compile my own corefx checkout in order to get a working CreateCommandBuilder. Or start copying bits and pieces like the SqlCommandBuilder. But I don't know if that is a good idea.

Project.json frameworks confusing for EF class library

I've seen the following frameworks listed in project.json:
Which framework do I use for creating a new class library which makes use of the new latest EntityFramework (version 7)?
I've noticed some of these actually break the project and I get some errors so I'm not sure how the NuGet packages relate to which framework.
You may want to read .NET Platform Standard to see where everything is headed.
dotnet5.4 will be replaced by netstandard1.3 which you can think of as portable-net46+uap10.0+CoreCLR+etc.
dnx451 is going away. If you want to target .NET Framework 4.5.1, use net451.

How do I add Platform Update 1 to my bootstrapper?

I have been playing around with the new StateMachine workflow that has been added to Windows Workflow as part of Platform Update 1 (see also). I now want to look at installing what I've created and therefore need to make sure my bootstrapper is up-to-date. In the future, I will be moving to WIX but right now, for the purposes of prototyping, I'm just using a regular Setup and Deployment project and its bootstrap support.
The list of standard pre-requisites does not include the PU1 as an option. Therefore, how can I add support for it?
I found this answer on StackOverflow regarding custom prerequisites, which led me to this article on MSDN, which led me to creating my own pre-requisite. However, I got a new error about mismatched framework requirements. I suspect I need to pick apart the multi-targeting support and the existing .NET framework prerequisite package to see how to make a new prerequisite that will work correctly.
I've had a stab at creating my own bootstrapper packages for this. The results are here to download. Note that these are entirely untested and provided as-is - use at your own risk. However, feedback is welcome. Hopefully Microsoft will provide an official solution.
See How to detect if the .NET Framework Platform Update 1 is installed
is the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Platform Update 1 - Runtime Update (KB2478063) what you are looking for? See here for the download.

Check if .NET 2.0 is properly installed

Is there anyway i can check if .NET 2.0 is installed without any errors?
The answer here led me seriously astray... i found microsoft's own documentation: .NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable Package Reference: Detecting Installed .NET Framework 2.0
This documentation states:
The Setup.exe bootstrapper should use the following registry key to detect the .NET Framework version 2.0.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727
It then verifies the existence of the entry value:
Install (DWORD value = 1)
Note The same registry key will be checked for all versions of Dotnetfx.exe regardless of language. Therefore, if you want to display dialogs in a specific language you should use the corresponding version of Dotnetfx.exe. You do not need to make any changes to the settings.ini file when deciding which version of Dotnetfx.exe to use.
works like a charm... i realize this question and answer is 2 years old or more... but i got here from a search engine, and this is here for the next person who does the same... hope this helps -ck
This blog post describes two options for checking for a .NET installation, as well as retrieving versioning information.
The second option (using CorBindToRuntime) will fail if the .NET installation cannot be loaded. This might help you determine if there are any errors in the install - or at least whether the framework loads properly.
If you're using ClickOnce as your publishing method, you can click on the "Prerequisites" button in the "Publish" tab of the project's properties and check the box for ".Net Framework 2.0". This will make sure that framework is installed before the program installs, and can fetch and install the framework if necessary, too.
In regular VS Setup Projects, right-click on the setup project, chose View->Launch Conditions and add it as a condition. Visual Studio should have added one for you that matches the target platform of the project.