VB Code - Multiple Remote SSH connections to same server - powershell

Is it possible to connect several users via openSSH to the same VM so that everyone can access VB Code on the same VM machine and run scripts? thrue the local VB Code
If so, how do I do this?


PsExec connects using system name but not ipAddress

I need to use my local computer to simulate a test stand which will be on a domain and access a remote computer which is on a workgroup using PsExec. The testing computer is built from an imaging tool. The IP will be the same every time but the name isn't. The process I'm working with was used on an embedded XP system and is now being upgraded to WIN10. I've added network security using GPO and have found workarounds to be able to open the connection but for some reason just trying to run cmd on the remote machine does not work when using the IP, only the name. Using the IP returns the "access is denied" error. I have already added the token filter key to the registry. Has anyone heard of something like this before?
I have a script I'm trying to run but in the meantime I'm just trying to get
psexec \IP_ADDERESS -h -u USER_NAME(this is an admin) -p PASSWORD cmd
edit: I have to keep my computer on a domain but I have a spare that I was able to put on a workgroup with the test system. Running psexec went perfect. It makes no sense why it works for the name and not ip on a domain->workgroup connection and works exactly how I need it to on a workgroup->workgroup connection.

VSCode SFTP deploy files from remote SSH server to a second remote SSH server

I have two remote SSH servers, server A (dev) and server B (production). When working on files on server A via SSH in VSCode, I want to be able to upload / sync files to server B using the SFTP plugin.
I can see how this is done when working on a local file system and then deploying via SFTP to a single remote SSH server, but I want to know if it's possible to deploy from one remote SSH server to another.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Need to run command on a remote server with no access to remote desktop

As the title describes I need to run a command on a remote server and I do not have access to remote desktop! I head that this should be possible using Powershell, but I can't find any good tutorials on this.
The easiest way is to use psexec.exe (Part of Microsoft Sysinternals).
You can also use powershell.
I wrote a blogpost about these two alternatives a few days ago:
When using PSEXEC or PowerShell remoting you can execute a command on a remote machine, but it is not interactive with any currently logged on user. Using PowerShell requires 2.0 to be installed on your machine and remotely AND remoting must be enabled AND you must have admin rights on the remote computer.

How to invoke a perl script on the remote unix server from my local system

I have a perl script that should execute on the log files in the remote server from my local desktop. Could some one suggest me best approach.
I used Net::SFTP but there is a problem with installing SFTP package from CPAN. Is there any good package available in Perl to do this functionality?
Can you tell me whether the following steps are fine?
Open SFTP connection with remote server
execute the perl at remote location from the established connection..
Any sample code for this?
If you mean that the Perl script is on the remote unix server and you want to invoke the Perl script from your local machine, then you can ssh into the remote unix server and then once you are connected, call your perl script using perl yourscript.pl.
If you mean that the Perl script is on your local machine and you are dealing with log files on the remote server, then it would be more efficient to have the Perl script located on the remote server that stores the logs, and invoke it in the way described in the above paragraph.
I'm not clear exactly what you are trying to achieve but if you just want to execute a Perl script on a remote server you may want to look at software specifically built for remote server management.
Tak is one such piece of software but it's quite new and a bit lacking in documentation.
Rex is a more mature, it would seem, piece of software for remote server management.
Both of these should allow you to run commands locally that perform actions remotely on your servers. I wouldn't have thought you'd need to do anything with SFTP and would think you could do it all with those or hand-rolling something with commands over SSH.
Instead of Net::SFTP, try using Net::SFTP::Foreign or, if you want to run commands on the remote host via SSH, Net::SSH2 or Net::OpenSSH .

How to connect eclipse from local to server

I have a eclipse on windows 7 system and I am trying some code on it.
But as my database is on server that is not my local systems so how can I connect eclipse to remote server so that I can write code on local and run on server.
Is it possible then please let me know and that server to which I want to connect that is Linux server.
Do you have to run your program remotely just because your database resides on the other server? Most databases allow connecting over TCP/IP.
Otherwise my suggestion is to add you public ssh key on the server, and then create a script which copies your class files and then executes your java program on your server, such as:
scp -r classfolder remoteuser#remotesystem:folderpath
ssh remoteuser#remotesystem java -cp folderpath the.created.Program
The public key removes the need for you to enter your password for each command.