How to invoke a perl script on the remote unix server from my local system - perl

I have a perl script that should execute on the log files in the remote server from my local desktop. Could some one suggest me best approach.
I used Net::SFTP but there is a problem with installing SFTP package from CPAN. Is there any good package available in Perl to do this functionality?
Can you tell me whether the following steps are fine?
Open SFTP connection with remote server
execute the perl at remote location from the established connection..
Any sample code for this?

If you mean that the Perl script is on the remote unix server and you want to invoke the Perl script from your local machine, then you can ssh into the remote unix server and then once you are connected, call your perl script using perl
If you mean that the Perl script is on your local machine and you are dealing with log files on the remote server, then it would be more efficient to have the Perl script located on the remote server that stores the logs, and invoke it in the way described in the above paragraph.

I'm not clear exactly what you are trying to achieve but if you just want to execute a Perl script on a remote server you may want to look at software specifically built for remote server management.
Tak is one such piece of software but it's quite new and a bit lacking in documentation.
Rex is a more mature, it would seem, piece of software for remote server management.
Both of these should allow you to run commands locally that perform actions remotely on your servers. I wouldn't have thought you'd need to do anything with SFTP and would think you could do it all with those or hand-rolling something with commands over SSH.

Instead of Net::SFTP, try using Net::SFTP::Foreign or, if you want to run commands on the remote host via SSH, Net::SSH2 or Net::OpenSSH .


Perl - copying directory from other machine to local machine

I'm trying to write a perl script which copies a directory with files from other machine to current machine.
I can use the scp command in shell but it requires a password. Also I don't have the following modules insatlled on my work area (and unfortunately I cant install them):
Net:: FTP
I do have installed Net::SSH
My mission is to copy the files from other machine to current machine. The main problem is that it requires a password to use scp on shell. Is there any elegant way to solve this problem?
The elegant way is to use public key authentication.
If you really need password authentication, well, besides the ones you listed there are other modules which would allow you to automate it. Check if you have available Net::SSH2, Expect or IO::Pty.
You may also be able to use use some ssh/scp client accepting the password from the command line or from an environment variable* as plink, pscp or lftp.
Another possibility is using the utility sshpass.
(* Note that passing passwords in the command line or in environment variables is a very insecure practice!)

Can't connect to my server with restric RSYNC (RRSYNC)

I explain my problem:
I used backuppc for remote some database on an other server and for saving my data I used rsync which uses ssh. On my remote server I put the ssh key of backuppc and it worked.
But I wanted to secure this connexion, so I used rrsync (a perl script for restrict the access), for a "read-only" access with copy.
So now, in the remote server I have in root/ssh/authorized_keys
command="/usr/local/bin/rrsync -ro /" ssh-rsa
But when I try to connect I have this message:
/usr/local/bin/rrsync: Not invoked via sshd
It's a message from the perl script, but I don't know what it means or what can I do for this to work.
As far as I can tell, this message appears when you try to access the server with the restricted key without using rsync. It may be possible to edit the script to allow other programs, but I'm not skilled enough to attempt that.

Unable to ssh to a remote machine through shell script while accessing it from UI

I have a Linux machine where I have created a cgi script (JarPatch.cgi), the code of which looks like this:
use warnings;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
system ("sh");
The code of looks like this:
echo "Inside jar patching tool";;
ssh -f $PJS_DEV "cd /slot/ems4915/appmgr/tmp; echo stopping server ; ./;"
echo "Exit jar patching tool";
This script will basically shut down a server running on the remote machine
Problem statement is this:
When I execute this cgi script through Linux terminal. I can see that the ssh commands are getting executed. Server is shut down.
When I access the cgi script through a windows machine in a browser, the shell script is invoked but ssh seems not to be working.
Can any one give me a pointer to resolve this issue please?
I am new to perl/shell integration. So might be missing something small as well.
When you ssh from windows machine all connections are made as webuser which is not authorized to ssh into remote machine. On other hand when you ssh from linux terminal you are able to ssh as user there is authorized to do so. This is because linux user has its ssh key on remote server.
You can also try to look into ProxyCommand which might come to rescue but i have no idea how it will work with windows.
Other approach is to create ssh keys for webuser and put them into remomte server which will be security risk.
When you run it as yourself ssh is offering your keys to authenticate you. When you run it through the webserver, the webserver user is trying to run the ssh command, and does not have your ssh keys to offer, so is probably being prompted for a password, and not successfully logging in.
You could fix this by generating ssh keys for the webserver user and sharing that key with the target system as well, which has some security implications to say the least.

Unable to continue perform perl script after ssh to another unix domain

Encounter a question here whereby need help from you guys
I am writing a perl script that will be executed in a UNIX machine. In that script, I will perform an operation of 'ssh' to port over to other Unix domain (from A ssh to B). The problem now is after I port over to domain B, I still need to perform some operations from the perl script (for example: echo Hello World!). The issue here is after port over to the new unix domain, the following script after 'ssh' could not be performed as the script still over the "old domain". Is that anyway to solve this issue or any better way to achieve the same objective?
You can use the Expect module to open an SSH connection and execute commands over it via Perl.
If you need help beyond that, you'll have to explain more specifically what you are trying to do. It is possible that you have the wrong design for solving your task.
Try doing it like this:
ssh <servername> "echo 'hello world'";
Also check ssh with -t option.For checking if this echo command is running on the server or the localhost, try some other command like ls".
Note: : ssh connection will get closed when script will terminate.

Need to run command on a remote server with no access to remote desktop

As the title describes I need to run a command on a remote server and I do not have access to remote desktop! I head that this should be possible using Powershell, but I can't find any good tutorials on this.
The easiest way is to use psexec.exe (Part of Microsoft Sysinternals).
You can also use powershell.
I wrote a blogpost about these two alternatives a few days ago:
When using PSEXEC or PowerShell remoting you can execute a command on a remote machine, but it is not interactive with any currently logged on user. Using PowerShell requires 2.0 to be installed on your machine and remotely AND remoting must be enabled AND you must have admin rights on the remote computer.