Getting ranking based on a number from CTE - postgresql

I have a complex situation in PostgreSQL 11 where i need to generate a numbering based on a single figure which i get it from a CTE.
Below is the CTE
WITH pending_orders_to_be_processed_details
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY so.create_date ) as queue_no
, name,so.create_date ::TIMESTAMP
FROM picking sp
LEFT JOIN order so ON
WHERE sp.state IN('assigned','confirmed')
,orders_which_can_be_processed_today AS
-- This CTE will give me a count of orders
and its hourly average, Lets say count is 400 and hourly avg is 3
Now i need to number the details according to the hourly average, Means the first 3 orders need to be ranked as 1, next 3 to be ranked as 2 and so on, so that i can able to identify that these can be processed based on this ranking.
Input will be
name queu_number. create_date
so1 1 2021-03-11 12:00:00
so2 2 2021-03-11 13:00:00
so3 3 2021-03-11 14:00:00
so4 4 2021-03-11 15:00:00
so5 5 2021-03-11 16:00:00
so6 6 2021-03-11 17:00:00
so7 7 2021-03-11 18:00:00
so8 8 2021-03-11 19:00:00
so9 9 2021-03-11 20:00:00
The expected output will be
name rank
so1 1
so2 1
so3 1
so4 2
so5 2
so6 2
so7 3
so8 3
so9 3
Any help/suggestions.

Edit: I recently learned about a function, which fits well here:
You can use the ntile() window function for that:
ntile(3) OVER (ORDER BY create_date)
FROM mytable
Since you already created a cumulative row count, you can use this to create your expected rank:
floor((queue_no - 1) / 3) + 1 as rank
FROM my_cte
queue_no - 1 (so, 1 to 3 will be shifted to 0 to 2)
Diff by 3: so, 0 to 2 will be 0.x and 3 to 5 will be 1.x, ...
Now round these result to 0, 1, 2, ...
If you want to start with 1 instead of 0, add 1


Group Results By Month and Column

Is there anyway i can group the results by month and by type? With the query below i managed to group by month but the "type" is not grouping.
select date_trunc('month',processingdate),type,sum(itemcount), sum(itemamount)
from test
where date_trunc('month',processingdate) >= now() - interval '1 month'
group by type,date_trunc('month',processingdate)
order by processingdate
Data in table:
date_trunc type sum sum
1/1/20 11 5 1
1/2/20 12 3 2
1/3/20 11 2 3
1/4/20 12 3 5
Expected Results:
date_trunc type sum sum
1/1/2020 11 7 4
1/1/2020 12 6 7

Getting data from alternate dates of same ID column

I've a table data as below, now I need to fetch the record with in same code, where (Value2-Value1)*2 of one row >= (Value2-Value1) of consequtive date row. (all dates are uniform with in all codes)
code Date Value1 Value2
1 1-1-2018 13 14
1 2-1-2018 14 16
1 4-1-2018 15 18
2 1-1-2019 1 3
2 2-1-2018 2 3
2 4-1-2018 3 7
ex: output needs to be
1 1-1-2018 13 14
as I am begginer to SQL coding, tried my best, but cannot get through with compare only on consequtive dates.
Use a self join.
You can specify all the conditions you've listed in the ON clause:
SELECT T0.code, T0.Date, T0.Value1, T0.Value2
FROM Table As T0
JOIN Table As T1
ON T0.code = T1.code
AND T0.Date = DateAdd(Day, 1, T1.Date)
AND (T0.Value2 - T0.Value1) * 2 >= T1.Value2 - T1.Value1

Postgresql : Average over a limit of Date with group by

I have a table like this
item_id date number
1 2000-01-01 100
1 2003-03-08 50
1 2004-04-21 10
1 2004-12-11 10
1 2010-03-03 10
2 2000-06-29 1
2 2002-05-22 2
2 2002-07-06 3
2 2008-10-20 4
I'm trying to get the average for each uniq Item_id over the last 3 dates.
It's difficult because there are missing date in between so a range of hardcoded dates doesn't always work.
I expect a result like :
item_id MyAverage
1 10
2 3
I don't really know how to do this. Currently i manage to do it for one item but i have trouble extending it to multiples items :
SELECT AVG(MyAverage.number) FROM (
SELECT date,number
FROM item_list
where item_id = 1
ORDER BY date DESC limit 3
) as MyAverage;
My main problem is with generalising the "DESC limit 3" over a group by id.
attempt :
SELECT item_id,AVG(MyAverage.number)
SELECT item_id,date,number
FROM item_list
ORDER BY date DESC limit 3) as MyAverage
GROUP BY item_id;
The limit is messing things up there.
I have made it " work " using between date and date but it's not working as i want because i need a limit and not an hardcoded date..
Can anybody help
You can use row_number() to assign 1 to 3 for the records with the last date for an ID an then filter for that.
SELECT x.item_id,
FROM (SELECT il.item_id,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY il.item_id
FROM item_list il) x
GROUP BY x.item_id;

How can I evaluate data over time in Postgresql?

I need to find users who have posted three times or more, three months in a row. I wrote this query:
select count(id), owneruserid, extract(month from creationdate) as postmonth from posts
group by owneruserid, postmonth
having count(id) >=3
order by owneruserid, postmonth
And I get this:
count owneruserid postmonth
36 -1 1
23 -1 2
45 -1 3
41 -1 4
18 -1 5
24 -1 6
31 -1 7
78 -1 8
83 -1 9
17 -1 10
88 -1 11
127 -1 12
3 6 11
3 7 12
4 8 1
8 8 12
4 12 4
3 12 5
3 22 2
4 22 4
Which is great. How can I query for users who posted three times or more, three months or more in a row? Thanks.
This is called the Islands and Gaps problem, specifically it's an Island problem with a date range. You should,
Fix this question up.
Flag it to be sent to
To solve this,
Create a pseudo column with a window that has 1 if the row preceding it does not correspond to the preceding mont
Create groups out of that with COUNT()
Check to make sure the count(*) for the group is greater than or equal to three.
SELECT, creationdaterange, count(*)
count(range_reset) OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY creationdate) AS creationdaterange
WHEN date_trunc('month',creationdate::date)::date - interval '1 month' = date_trunc('month',lag(creationdate))::date OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY creationdate)
END AS range_reset
FROM post
ORDER BY id, creationdate
) AS t;
) AS l
GROUP BY, creationdaterange
HAVING count(*) >= 3;

T-SQL - Data Islands and Gaps - How do I summarise transactional data by month?

I'm trying to query some transactional data to establish the CurrentProductionHours value for each Report at the end of each month.
Providing there has been a transaction for each report in each month, that's pretty straight-forward... I can use something along the lines of the code below to partition transactions by month and then pick out the rows where TransactionByMonth = 1 (effectively, the last transaction for each report each month).
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [ReportId], [CalendarYear], [MonthOfYear]
ORDER BY TransactionTimestamp desc
) AS TransactionByMonth
The problem that I have is that there will not necessarily be a transaction for every report every month... When that's the case, I need to carry forward the last known CurrentProductionHours value to the month which has no transaction as this indicates that there has been no change. Potentially, this value may need to be carried forward multiple times.
Source Data:
ReportId TransactionTimestamp CurrentProductionHours
1 2014-01-05 13:37:00 14.50
1 2014-01-20 09:15:00 15.00
1 2014-01-21 10:20:00 10.00
2 2014-01-22 09:43:00 22.00
1 2014-02-02 08:50:00 12.00
Target Results:
ReportId Month Year ProductionHours
1 1 2014 10.00
2 1 2014 22.00
1 2 2014 12.00
2 2 2014 22.00
I should also mention that I have a date table available, which can be referenced if required.
** UPDATE 05/03/2014 **
I now have query which is genertating results as shown in the example below but I'm left with islands of data (where a transaction existed in that month) and gaps in between... My question is still similar but in some ways a little more generic - What is the best way to fill gaps between data islands if you have the dataset below as a starting point?
ReportId Month Year ProductionHours
1 1 2014 10.00
1 2 2014 12.00
1 3 2014 NULL
2 1 2014 22.00
2 2 2014 NULL
2 3 2014 NULL
Any advice about how to tackle this would be greatly appreciated!
Try this:
;with a as
select dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, min(TransactionTimestamp))+1,0) minTransactionTimestamp,
max(TransactionTimestamp) maxTransactionTimestamp from tblSource
), b as
select minTransactionTimestamp TT, maxTransactionTimestamp
from a
union all
select dateadd(m, 1, TT), maxTransactionTimestamp
from b
where tt < maxTransactionTimestamp
), c as
select distinct t.ReportId, b.TT from tblSource t
cross apply b
select c.ReportId,
month(dateadd(m, -1, c.TT)) Month,
year(dateadd(m, -1, c.TT)) Year,
from c
cross apply
(select top 1 CurrentProductionHours from tblSource
where TransactionTimestamp < c.TT
and ReportId = c.ReportId
order by TransactionTimestamp desc) x
A similar approach but using a cartesian to obtain all the combinations of report ids/months.
in the first step.
A second step adds to that cartesian the maximum timestamp from the source table where the month is less or equal to the month in the current row.
Finally it joins the source table to the temp table by report id/timestamp to obtain the latest source table row for every report id/month.
WITH allcombinations -- Cartesian (reportid X yearmonth)
AS ( SELECT reportid ,
FROM tblSource
) a
DATEPART(yy, transactionTimestamp)
* 100 + DATEPART(MM,
transactionTimestamp) yearmonth
FROM tblSource
) b ON 1 = 1
maxdates --add correlated max timestamp where the month is less or equal to the month in current record
AS ( SELECT a.* ,
( SELECT MAX(transactionTimestamp)
FROM tblSource t
WHERE t.reportid = a.reportid
AND DATEPART(yy, t.transactionTimestamp)
* 100 + DATEPART(MM,
t.transactionTimestamp) <= a.yearmonth
) maxtstamp
FROM allcombinations a
-- join previous data to the source table by reportid and timestamp
SELECT distinct m.reportid ,
m.yearmonth ,
FROM maxdates m
JOIN tblSource t ON t.transactionTimestamp = m.maxtstamp and t.reportid=m.reportid
ORDER BY m.reportid ,