Is there a way to set `//#dart=2.12` for an entire package/lib/folder? - flutter

When migrating large code bases to nnbd, it would be helpful if we could opt entire local packages in/out of NNBD. For example, I may want to migrate some of my leaf nodes first, like /lib/helper_widgets/* before moving onto the higher-order views.
Currently dart supports this on a per file basis using // #dart=2.12 which is fairly tedious if your package has many files.
I was hoping I could do this with lib and part of, but this just gives me a compile error, to add a header to each file.
[Edit] A pragmatic solution here is to run something like find . -name "*.dart" | xargs sed -i "1s/^/\/\/ #dart=2.9\n/" on your project. That will put the 2.9 import in every file. At that pt, you can use find/replace to just turn on entire sub-directories of your /lib code.

It's gonna be either per file, or with the pubspec.yaml. The pubspec method will change the entire package. If you use dart migrate, that's one of the steps it performs. Then be sure to dart pub upgrade, because a different set of dependencies will then be available.


How to create many sub packages automatically in rpm spec

The number of sub-packages I want to create are so many (about 300 over).
I think.. to make the sub-package, the files should be installed (%install) early.
So I installed whole files to some specific directories.
Now I want to pack the file for each directory name.
in summaries,
Is it possible to repeat rpm macros? (ex, %package %description %files)
If it's possible, what should I use to repeat? (ex for ??)
As I know, to use %files macro, the real files should be installed previously. then where should I write the codes?
Natively, no there isn't. You'll have to use an external templating language like jinja2 to create the spec file on-the-fly.
That being said, having 300 subpackages is going to be an absolute nightmare for both your CM folks and for your users. You might want to ask another question explaining the use case to see if there are better alternatives.

OmegaT: How to import already translated files?

My team has been using Notepad for translation purposes so far. Recently, we decided to use one of the CAT tools available on the Internet - OmegaT.
We've got source and manually translated files, and only values were ever touched.
Is it possible to import both to the same project, so that source phrases stay source, and our phrases become their translated counterparts?
Note: I don't know if it matters, but files are formatted as INI (key=value).
What you need is an alignment. It takes source and target files and creates a translation memory.
In your specific case (INI files), you can use OmegaT to do an automatic alignment with a command line:
Sample command line:
java -jar OmegaT.jar "C:\OmegaTProject" --mode=console-align --alignDir="C:\OmegaTProject\align"
For more general purposes, and with a GUI, there's a prototype version of OmegaT with an aligner:
See the OmegaT development mailing list for information about this.
With currently Beta version of 4.* releases (currently 4.1.5), you can use nice visual aligner -

ClearCase, a makefile use case

I have an issue with the clearmake command in IBM ClearCase,
I use clearmake command to run my own makefile so i can build my program from the 'C' sourse code.
I want to put a command in make file, like shell cleartool -some-command to ignore all checkouts and all private files.
The disadvantage is that in config spec, i must include the command element * CHECKEDOUT.
But in my use case i want to working with files and the same time i could make a compile/build with the old files, so i could work faster and i shouldn't change views or edit configspecs.
But my contemplation is, if i can ignore the checked outed files with a command, without to lose it.
Could you give me a solution ?
I want to working with files and the same time i could make a compile/build with the old files,
It would be easier to use two different snapshot views loaded on the disk at two different places.
In one (where no checkout has ever been done), you can set all files writables (through Windows, not ClearCase): all the files becomes hijacked, but modifiable, host for compilation/testing purposes.
In the other view, you keep your checked out files and your work in progress (but do not run your clearmake).

iOS Localization - Updating Localizable.strings with just new strings

I have searched Google and StackOverflow and still have no clear answer on an easy and automated way of doing this but here is the scenario:
I have an app with 1000 strings localized into en, fr, de, es, it.
I build a new feature that makes 10 distinctly new NSLocalizedString() keys.
I just want those 10 new strings appended onto the ends of the files:
genstrings will retrieve all 1010 distinct strings. This is a pain since I'll need to "needle in a haystack" find those 10 strings every time I do an update.
UPDATE 19-SEP-2014 -- XCode 6 - Apple has finally released support for XLIFF export and import of your .strings files
Whats new in XCode 6? Localisation
Linguan (v1.1.3) whilst it is a lovely tool most of the time, it is starting to be a tool in the other sense. It merges the changes but some strings aren't matching correctly when it merges, so everytime it does a Scan Sources it creates 100 new duplicate keys as well as the 10 strings I am after so it is making more work.
FileMerge As suggested below try doing a diff between old and new versions of the genstrings output files. The genstrings output has the strings sorted alphabetically so 10 strings scattered throughout 1000 means that there are 200 differences to review. it keeps matching the /*...*/ and the "..." = "..." and saying that the ... has been updated. It hasn't been updated, just shifted to a new location in the file. More and more it is looking like I am going to have to write a custom tool.
MacHG + FileMerge on a side note, for some strange reason doesn't like doing diffs out of the repository with the working copy of Localizable.strings. Both the left and right panes appear empty.
UPDATE: Turns out variations in some changesets being saved as UTF-16 and some as UTF-8 are screwing with it being able to do a proper diff.
Bash Script + FileMerge I have written the following script to help maintain my english reference file after each time I add new NSLocalizedString entries:
#This will create a temporary copy of the current 'en' reference file then generate the
#latest reference file using the 'genstrings' tool. Finally forcing FileMerge to launch
#and diff the changes.
#Last Updated: 2014-JAN-06
#Author(s): Josh Wilson
#assuming this script is run from $SRCROOT
#Backup Existing 'en' reference
cp "en.lproj/Localizable.strings" "en.lproj/Localizable-src.strings"
#Scan source files for 'NSLocalizableString' macros
genstrings -q -u -o en.lproj Classes/*.{m,mm}
genstrings -q -u -a -o en.lproj Classes/iPad/*.{m,mm}
genstrings -q -u -a -o en.lproj Classes/iPhone/*.{m,mm}
#Force FileMerge to launch and diff the update (NOTE: piping to cat forces GUI to open)
opendiff "en.lproj/Localizable-src.strings" "en.lproj/Localizable.strings" | cat
#Cleanup up temporary file
rm "en.lproj/Localizable-src.strings"
But this only updates the EN file and I am lacking a way of having the other language files updated with the new keys. This one has been good for instances where I don't have an english word as the key and genstrings bombs my
"welcome_message" = "Welcome!" with "welcome_message" = "welcome_message"
POEditor This is an online tool and subscription based after 1000 strings. Seems to work well but it would be good if there was a non subscription based tool.
Traducto Pro Seems to do an alright job of integrating with XCode and extracting the strings and merging things together. But it is impossible to get anything back out of it until it is fully translated so you are coerced into using their translation services.
Surely this functionality has been implemented before. How does Apple keep their Apps localised?
Script junkies, I call upon thee! iOS development has been going on for some time now and localisation is kind of common, surely there is a mature solution to this by now?
Python Script Stackoverflow finally recommended a related question and the python script in this answer Best practice using NSLocalizedString looks promising...
Tested it and in its current form (31-MAY-2013) it doesn't handle multiline comments if you have duplicate comments entries (expects single line comments).
Might just need to tweak the regex's a bit.
Checkout BartyCrouch, it perfectly solves your problem. Also it is open source, actively maintained and can be easily installed and integrated within your project.
Install BartyCrouch via Homebrew:
brew install bartycrouch
Alternatively, install it via Mint:
mint install Flinesoft/BartyCrouch
Incrementally update your Localizable.strings files:
$ bartycrouch update
This will do exactly what you were looking for.
In order to keep your Storyboards/XIBs Strings files updated over time I highly recommend adding a build script (instructions on how to add a build script here):
if which bartycrouch > /dev/null; then
bartycrouch update -x
bartycrouch lint -x
echo "warning: BartyCrouch not installed, download it from"
In addition to incrementally updating your Storyboards/XIBs Strings files this will also make sure your Localizable.strings files stay updated with newly added keys in code using NSLocalizedString and show warnings for duplicate keys or empty values.
Make sure to checkout BartyCrouch on GitHub for additional information.
if you have the genstrings for the previous version, just a "diff" between new and old could do the tricks
EDIT: best use vimdiff to deal with utf-16 files
You can check out this Xcode Plugin I built for OneSky, it aims to improve the localization work flow for iOS/Mac OSX developers.
The string generation feature of the plugin runs genstrings and ibtool --export-strings-file to the selected source/IB files, new files will be added the project and target automatically, new strings will be merged into existing files with comments.
It will only generate/update strings for the base language, but you can make use of other features of the plugin to automate translation export and import with OneSky platform, which is free for crowdsource projects.
You may want to check out my solution here: SwiftyLocalization
With few steps to setup, you will have a very flexible localization in Google Spreadsheet (comment, custom color, highlight, font, multiple sheets, and more).
In short, steps are: Google Spreadsheet --> CSV files --> Localizable.strings
Moreover, it also generates Localizables.swift, a struct that acts like interfaces to a key retrieval & decoding for you (You have to manually specify a way to decode String from key though).
Why is this great?
You no longer need have a key as a plain string all over the places.
Wrong keys are detected at compile time.
Xcode can do autocomplete, so you can do something like this:
// It's defined as computed static var, so it's up-to-date every time you call.
// You can also have your custom retrieval method there.
button.setTitle(Localizables.login.button_title_login, forState: .Normal)
The project uses Google App Script to convert Sheets --> CSV Python script to convert CSV files --> Localizable.strings
You can have a quick look at this example sheet to know what's possible.

In Eclipse, exclude some files from debugging

Is it possible to exclude files from debugging in Eclipse?
There are my files which I have written and I am interesting in going through these files using debugger Step Over command.
But there are also many imported library files and Step Over goes into these files, which I'd like to avoid. So is there an option eother to specify which files to debug or which files to exclude?
If you're using a JVM based language (as you didn't specify), under Preferences, filter for Step Filtering.
You will see a list of packages. Add your packages to the list, and ensure Use Step Filters is selected.
Assuming it's an entire package you want filtered out, and you're using Java, this should do what you want.