ClearCase, a makefile use case - version-control

I have an issue with the clearmake command in IBM ClearCase,
I use clearmake command to run my own makefile so i can build my program from the 'C' sourse code.
I want to put a command in make file, like shell cleartool -some-command to ignore all checkouts and all private files.
The disadvantage is that in config spec, i must include the command element * CHECKEDOUT.
But in my use case i want to working with files and the same time i could make a compile/build with the old files, so i could work faster and i shouldn't change views or edit configspecs.
But my contemplation is, if i can ignore the checked outed files with a command, without to lose it.
Could you give me a solution ?

I want to working with files and the same time i could make a compile/build with the old files,
It would be easier to use two different snapshot views loaded on the disk at two different places.
In one (where no checkout has ever been done), you can set all files writables (through Windows, not ClearCase): all the files becomes hijacked, but modifiable, host for compilation/testing purposes.
In the other view, you keep your checked out files and your work in progress (but do not run your clearmake).


how to create a script that allows to use the path list as a reference for copying files in PowerShell in .bat script

I'm looking for a way to automate archiving where after I plug my two external drives I can copy all my resources. The problem is that I have different file structures on my laptop and on both external drives so I need to select specific folders to be copied. It means that I can't select one root folder and copy it straightforward. I tried to find a way to declare more than one path in the cp command and in the copy command, without success. An example path:
I want to select only the first 3 folders to copy them into external drive1 and external drive 2. The idea is to create a .bat file that will copy everything at once ( in the best case scenario it will be copied simultaneously on both external drives, so it will be much faster). Another problem is that there needs to be a bypass the ntfs long path limitations (max. 260 characters).
Flags that I want to use:
Copy the files and directories and all of their attributes,
including ownerships and permissions.
Recursively copy directories and their contents.
When copying files from one directory to another, only
copy files that either doesn't exist or are newer than the
existing corresponding files, in the destination
data verification (so it's certain that the copy was verified)
progression bar with time eta
Until now I was using Total Commander to do this but every day I need to pick only a few folders to be copied which takes time and is inefficient.
I have experience with Bash and PowerShell but I am not sure how to handle this topic.
Create a static batch file with robocopy commands. I think /copyall is the only switch you need to specify for all this. Other defaults should satisfy requirements.
I think your time will be better spent learning how to use either FastCopy or FreeFileSynce. I used FreeFileSync some years ago but got disgusted with the it's constantly changing format of its xml file used for starting a backup, so I switched to FastCopy. But it looks like FreeFileSync may be getting their act together and I aim to do some experiments over the summer to see if I want to switch back to it.
Both can handle the long filename format issues, both can be executed by a batch file, both seem to have a lot of quality, but FreeFileSync has more features - and more bloated because of the features. But speed wise, I think FastCopy is probably one of the better products out there and very streamline in use and design.

How to automatically delete Dymolas build files after simulation?

Every time I simulate in Dymola, a number of "useless" (for me) files are created in the working directory - i.e. dsfinal.txt, dsin.txt, dslog.txt, dsmodel.c, dymosim.exe. I find it annoying as it messes up my directory.
Is there a way to select only the desired output files to be kept after the simulations, without the need of manually deleting the undesired ones?
Those are temporary, but necessary files for Dymola. As far as I know there is no option to delete them automatically. Of course you could script that, but I don't see a real point to it and those files are used by some functionality - e.g. dsfinal.txt is used when as simulation is continued.
Some notes: Those files are created in the working directory - which should contain temporary files only. The working directory can be set via the GUI using File -> Options -> Settings:
A rather common problem is, that there is a Open and a Load function in Dymola:
As the description states, Load does not influence the working directory, whereas Open sets it to the directory from which a file is opened. The latter is also true for opening files e.g. via a double-click from the explorer. So usually it is better to go with Load.
My advice would be to separate the directories in which models/packages are stored and the working directory. This way the working directories content can be fully deleted basically anytime...

PyCharm: Excluding a single file from autocomplete

So, at my job we have grunt.js running to compile all of our js into a single file. This is great little feature of grunt.js (with grunt:requirejs/growl) BUT its causing a problem. PyCharm will frequently freeze for 3 - 10 seconds.
If i disable grunt then the freezing wont happen (since there is no 65 KLOC js file). The files that are combined are being parsed (is what i have narrowed it down to) for autocomplete. How would i remove a single file? I could, potentially create a folder for the combined file, but i really do not want too...
Edit: Better engrish...
Not "remove" a single file, but "exclude" a single file (sorry, brain.speed > finger.speed)
So the answer, the obvious one, is that the file system, with grunts, need to have the automagic combined files in their own directory. Then that directory can be excluded. (Right click, toward the bottom).
Since i did that, my pycharm has yet to freeze.

Multiple repositories in one directory (same level) - is it possible?

My original problem is that I have a directory where I write various scripts. Each of them is independent of others, and usually one-file-long. I want to have some versioning applied to them, but I have the following problems/requirements:
I don't want to have to store each small script in a separate directory!
I don't want to store them all in one repository OTOH, as they are completely unrelated, and:
some of them may later grow to more files (and then they will need a separate dir),
I sometimes want to copy one of them to a different machine (and I want to clone the whole repo).
I want to benefit from (distributed) version control mechanisms -- at least:
"infinite" number of revisions,
ability to clone repositories on different computers,
ability to do "atomic" multi-file commits.
Is it possible?
I'd prefer to do it in some mainstream distributed VCS (a solution using Mercurial would be preferable, but I'm not fixed).
EDIT: the solution has to be free (at least "as in beer") and cross-platform (at least Win32 & Linux).
Related, but didn't help:
"two-git-repositories-in-one-directory" -- didn't find it helpful: the accepted answer looks like point 2. (above) to me; the current "community voted" answer sounds like 1.
"Version control of single files using Subversion" -- also too much of 2. or 1.
These requirements seem pretty "special" to me, so here is a solution on par with them ^^
You may use two completely different VCS, in the same directory. Even two "instances" of SVN might work: SVN stores its metadata in a directory called .SVN and has (for historical reasons regarding ASP) the option to use _SVN. The Directory listing should look like this
.SVN // Metadata for rep1
_SVN // Metadata for rep2
script1 // in rep1
script2 // in rep2
Of course, you will need to hide or ignore the foreign scripts or folders from each VCS...
This only accounts for two scripts in one folder and needs one additional VCS per script beyond that, so if you even consider this route and need more repositories, rename each Metadir and use a script to rename it back before updating:
MOVE .SVN-script1 .SVN
svn update
MOVE .SVN .SVN-script1
Why don't you simply create a separate branch (in the git sense) for each (group of) script(s)?
You can develop them individually as you please. Switching to a branch will show you only the scripts from that branch. It's sort of like directories but managed by the version control system. If you later want to pluck a branch out into another repository, you can do that and if you want to combine two scripts into a single project, you can do that as well. The copying them to the different machine point might be a problem but you can clone the branch you're interested in and you it should work for you.
Another proposition for my own consideration is "Using Convert to Decompose Your Repository" article on It fails as a "standalone" solution, but could be helpful as an addition to the "mv .hgN .hg / MOVE .SVN-script1 .SVN" idea.
You can create multiple hidden repository directories and symlink .hg to whichever one you want to be active. So if you have two repositories, create directories for them:
Then to activate either of them just do:
ln -sf .hg_production .hg
You could easily create a bash command to do this. So instead you could write something like activate-repo production, which would run ln -sf .hg_production .hg.
Note: Mac doesn't seem to support ln -sf so instead you'll need to do:
rm .hg; ln -s .hg_production .hg
I can only think of these two lightweight versioning systems:
1) Using Dropbox with the Pack-Rat upgrade, to keep a full history of versions for each file automatically backed up and with the possibility to be shared with multiple Dropbox users:
If you have multiple machines managed by the same user (you), the synching would be automatic. Also if the machines are in the same LAN, Dropbox is smart enough to sync the files over the local network, so big files shouldn't be a worry.
2) Using a 'Versions' aware text editor for Mac OS X Lion. I'd expect TextMate, Coda and other popular Mac code editors to be updated to support this feature when Lion is released.
How about a compromise between 1 and 2? Instead of a folder+repo for each script, can you bundle them into loosely related groups, such as "database", "backup", etc. and then make one folder+repo for each group? Then if you clone a repo on another machine, you're only pulling down a smaller number of unrelated files. (Is the bandwidth/drivespace really a concern?) To me, this sounds WAAAY simpler than all of the other suggestions so far.
(Technically this approach meets your requirements because (1) each script isn't in its own directory, (2) not all scripts are in the same repository, and (3) you can easily do this with any popular DVCS. :D)
UPDATE (2016): Apparently, a guy named Cosmin Apreutesei created a tool named multigit, which seems to implement what I wished for in this question! If you ever read it, thanks a lot Cosmin! I've started using your tool this year and find it awesome.
I'm starting to think of some kind of an overlay over Mercurial/git/... which would keep a couple "disabled" repository meta-directories, let's say:
etc., and then on hg commit FILENAME would find the particular .hgN that is linked to FILENAME, and would then temporarily:
mv .hgN .hg
hg commit FILENAME
mv .hg .hgN
The main disadvantage is that it would require me to spend some time writing the tool. Or does anybody know of some ready-made one like this? If you do, please post as a full-featured answer (not a comment), I'm more than willing to accept it.

How can I generate offline diff output between two views?

I am working on analyzing different files between two views in Clearcase. I need to generate output so that I can do this task without an internet connection. What I would like is to run a command that recursively walks through each view and generates a merge/diff output file for each change from view A to view B. This can work like a merge, except that I don't actually want to make any changes.
How can I set this up so that I can continue looking at diff output amidst all of these files while offline? I am using Clearcase, but if another tool can do the same work comparing two directory structures, that's fine, too.
"diff output amidst all of these files while offline?": it sounds as of you are using two dynamic views here (which do need a network connection with the ClearCase Vob server to display any file)
For a task like this, I switch to two snapshot views (which at least download the file on the local disk), and then use any file comparison tools out there (WinMerge, BeyondCompare, KDiff3).
Or I will use git (created directly within the ClearCase views) to compare the two directories.