How to modify pretrained Resnet model - neural-network

I am working on a project in which I want to break a pre trained resnet50 model into 2 parts.
Part1 : (conv1 layer to layer4 of resnet50)
Part2 : ( layer 5 of the resnet50)
And then there's my modification as
My modification : (ROI pooling , 7X7)
Then I want to make new model as
part1 -> my modification -> part2
Note : arrow indicates data flow
important thing to note is that for input image of 1x3x224x224
output of part1 will have size of 1x1024x14x14.
Now for N bounding boxes ROIPooling of output size(14x14) will produce outputs
of size Nx1024x14x14 which do not change the size of feature maps instead it makes a batch of N such 1024x14x14 feature maps. As the size has not been changed, they can be directly used by the part2
I want to know , how do I do it using pytorch ?
I want to give a single image per batch, for that 1 image we have multiple bounding boxes … And I want prediction for each bounding box.
How do I write this using pytorch ?

#Bhavesh, I think this is what you need. The code uses pre-trained resnet-34 with bounding boxes. bounding-box-prediction-from-scratch-using-pytorch-a8525da51ddc


NSLocalizedDescription = "The size of the output layer 'Identity' in the neural network does not match the number of classes in the classifier."

I just created a model that does a binary classification and has a dense layer of 1 unit at the end. I used Sigmoid activation. However, I get this error now when I wanna convert it to CoreML.
I tried to change the number of units to 2 and activation to softmax but still didn't work.
import coremltools as ct
#1. define input size
image_input = ct.ImageType(scale=1/255)
#2. give classifier
classifier_config = coremltools.ClassifierConfig(class_labels=[0, 1]) #ERROR here
#3. convert the model
coreml_model = coremltools.convert("mask_detection_model_surgical_mask.h5",
inputs=[image_input], classifier_config=classifier_config)
#4. load and resize an example image
example_image ="Unknown3.jpg").resize((256, 256))
# Make a prediction using Core ML
out_dict = coreml_model.predict({mymodel.input_names[0]: example_image})
# save to disk"FINALLY.mlmodel")
I found the answer to my question.
Use Softmax activation and 2 Dense units as the final layer with either loss='binary_crossentropy' or `loss='categorical_crossentropy'
Good luck to hundreds of people who posted a similar question but received no answer.

Interclass and Intraclass classification structure of CNN

I am working on a inter-class and intra-class classification problem with one CNN such as first there is two classes Cat and Dog than in Cat there is a classification three different breeds of cats and in Dog there are 5 different breeds dogs.
I haven't tried the coding yet just working on feasibility if that works.
My question is what will be the feasible design for this kind of problem.
I am thinking to design for the training, first CNN-1 network that will differentiate cat and dog and gather the image data of all the training images. After the separation of cat and dog, CNN-2 and CNN-3 will train these images further for each breed of dog and cat. I am just not sure how the testing will work in this situation.
I have approached a similar problem previously in Python. Hopefully this is helpful and you can come up with an alternative implementation in Matlab if that is what you are using.
After all was said and done, I landed on a single model for all predictions. For your purpose you could have one binary output for dog vs. cat, another multi-class output for the dog breeds, and another multi-class output for the cat breeds.
Using Tensorflow, I created a mask for the irrelevant classes. For example, if the image was of a cat, then all of the dog breeds are irrelevant and they should not impact model training for that example. This required a customized TF Dataset (that converted 0's to -1 for the mask) and a customized loss function that returned 0 error when the mask was present for that example.
Finally for the training process. Specific to your question, you will have to create custom accuracy functions that can handle the mask values how you want them to, but otherwise this part of the process should be standard. It was best practice to evenly spread out the classes among the training data but they can all be trained together.
If you google "Multi-Task Training" you can find additional resources for this problem.
Here are some code snips if you are interested:
For the customize TF dataset that masked irrelevant labels...
# Replace 0's with -1 for mask when there aren't any labels
def produce_mask(features):
for filt, tensor in features.items():
if "target" in filt:
condition = tf.equal(tf.math.reduce_sum(tensor), 0)
features[filt] = tf.where(condition, tf.ones_like(tensor) * -1, tensor)
return features
def create_dataset(filepath, batch_size=10):
# **** This is where the mask was applied to the dataset
dataset =, num_parallel_calls=cpu_count())
return parsed_features
Custom loss function. I was using binary-crossentropy because my problem was multi-label. You will likely want to adapt this to categorical-crossentropy.
# Custom loss function
def masked_binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred):
mask = backend.cast(backend.not_equal(y_true, -1), backend.floatx())
return backend.binary_crossentropy(y_true * mask, y_pred * mask)
Then for the custom accuracy metrics. I was using top-k accuracy, you may need to modify for your purposes, but this will give you the general idea. When comparing this to the loss function, instead of converting all to 0, which would over-inflate the accuracy, this function filters those values out entirely. That works because the outputs are measured individually, so each output (binary, cat breed, dog breed) would have a different accuracy measure filtered only to the relevant examples.
backend is keras backend.
def top_5_acc(y_true, y_pred, k=5):
mask = backend.cast(backend.not_equal(y_true, -1), tf.bool)
mask = tf.math.reduce_any(mask, axis=1)
masked_true = tf.boolean_mask(y_true, mask)
masked_pred = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, mask)
return top_k_categorical_accuracy(masked_true, masked_pred, k)
No, in the scenario I described above there is only one model and it is trained with all of the data together. There are 3 outputs to the single model. The mask is a major part of this as it allows the network to only adjust weights that are relevant to the example. If the image was a cat, then the dog breed prediction does not result in loss.

How to Divide Drone Images dataset into Train & Test and Valid Parts for Faster R CNN in Matlab2018b

I have 297 Grayscale images and I would Like Divide Them into 3 parts (train-test and validation).
Ofcourse, I wrote some sample codes for example following codes from MathWorks (Object Detection Using Faster R-CNN Deep Learning)
% Split data into a training and test set.
idx = floor(0.6 * height(vehicleDataset));
trainingData = vehicleDataset(1:idx,:);
testData = vehicleDataset(idx:end,:);
But Matlab 2018a show the following error
Error:"Undefined function 'height' for input arguments of type
I would like to detect objects in images using "Faster R CNN" method and determine their locations in images.
Suppose your images are saved in the path "C:\Users\Student\Desktop\myImages"
First, create an imageDataStore object to manage a collection of image files.
datapath = "C:\Users\Student\Desktop\myImages";
imds = imageDatastore(datapath);%You may look at documentation for customizations.
[trainds,testds,valds] = splitEachLabel(imds,.6,.2);%Lets say 60% data for training, 20% for testing and 20% for validation
Now you have train data in the variable trainds and test data in the variable testds.
You can retrieve each images using readimage, say 5th image from train set as;
im = readimage(trainds,5);

Caffe - MNSIT - How do I use the network on a single image?

I'm using Caffe ( for image classification. I'm using it on Windows and everything seems to be compiling just fine.
To start learning I followed the MNIST tutorial ( I downloaded the data and ran ..\caffe.exe train --solver=...examples\mnist\lenet_solver.prototxt. It ran 10.000 iterations, printed that the accuracy was 98.5, and generated two files: lenet_iter_10000.solverstate, and lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel.
So, I though it would be funny to try to classify my own image, it should be easy right?.
I can find resources such as: telling how to prepare, train and time my model. But each time a tutorial/article comes to actually putting a single instance into the CNN, they skip to the next point and tell to download some new model. Some resources tell to use the classifier.bin/.exe, but this file takes a imagenet_mean.binaryproto or similar for mnist. I have no idea where to find or generated this file.
So in short: When I have trained a CNN using Caffe, how to I input a single image and get the output using the files I already have?
Update: Based on the help, I got the Net to recognize an image but the recognition is not correct even if the network had an accuracy of 99.0%. I used the following python code to recognice an image:
NET_FILE = 'deploy.prototxt'
MODEL_FILE = 'lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel'
net = caffe.Net(NET_FILE, MODEL_FILE, caffe.TEST)
im ="img4.jpg")
in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
out = net.forward() # Run the network for the given input image
print out;
I'm not sure if I format the image correctly for the MNIST example. The image is a 28x28 grayscale image with a basic 4. Do I have to do more transformations on the image?
The network (deploy) looks like this (start and end):
input: "data"
input_shape {
dim: 1 # batchsize
dim: 1 # number of colour channels - rgb
dim: 28 # width
dim: 28 # height
layer {
name: "loss"
type: "Softmax"
bottom: "ip2"
top: "loss"
If I understand the question correctly, you have a trained model and you want to test the model using your own input images. There are many ways to do this.
One method I commonly use is to run a python script similar to what I have here.
Just keep in mind that you have to build python in caffe using make pycaffe and point to the folder by editing the line sys.path.append('../../../python')
Also edit the following lines to your model filenames.
NET_FILE = 'deploy.prototxt'
MODEL_FILE = 'fcn8s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel'
Edit the following line. Instead of score you should use the last layer of your network to get the output.
out = net.blobs['score'].data
You need to create a deploy.prototxt file from your original network.prototxt file. The data layer has to look like this:
input: "data"
input_shape {
dim: 1
dim: [channles]
dim: [width]
dim: [height]
where you replace [channels], [width], and [height] with the correct values of your image.
You also need to remove any layers which get the "label" as its bottom input (this would usually be only your loss layer).
Then you can use this deploy.prototxt file to test your inputs using MATLAB or PYTHON.

matconvnet classification training last layer (softmax)?

I would like to retrain the vgg-imagenet-f network to do classification (rather than direct image comparison, which is what I have done with my own network).
The downloaded network however is a deployment net, and doesn't have a loss layer included. As I've not done classification training before, I'm a bit stumped as to how to design this last layer. I expect it will be something like this: = 'loss' ;
layer.type = 'custom' ;
layer.forward = #forward ;
layer.backward = #backward ;
layer.class = [] ;
but I don't know what my #forward and #backward functions should be. Should they be softmax?
Of note, I have a imdb with about 10k images, corresponding labels, and an ID element with unique numbers running 1 - 10k.
Thanks for any help, or any links to a sample of the way one should construct this layer in matconvnet/matlab!
You could implement your own network adjusting the filters accordingly, since you want to 'retrain' vgg instead of initializing the weights with random numbers you can adapt your classification network using trained filers from downloaded network. The last layer could be softmaxloss