NSLocalizedDescription = "The size of the output layer 'Identity' in the neural network does not match the number of classes in the classifier." - swift

I just created a model that does a binary classification and has a dense layer of 1 unit at the end. I used Sigmoid activation. However, I get this error now when I wanna convert it to CoreML.
I tried to change the number of units to 2 and activation to softmax but still didn't work.
import coremltools as ct
#1. define input size
image_input = ct.ImageType(scale=1/255)
#2. give classifier
classifier_config = coremltools.ClassifierConfig(class_labels=[0, 1]) #ERROR here
#3. convert the model
coreml_model = coremltools.convert("mask_detection_model_surgical_mask.h5",
inputs=[image_input], classifier_config=classifier_config)
#4. load and resize an example image
example_image = Image.open("Unknown3.jpg").resize((256, 256))
# Make a prediction using Core ML
out_dict = coreml_model.predict({mymodel.input_names[0]: example_image})
# save to disk

I found the answer to my question.
Use Softmax activation and 2 Dense units as the final layer with either loss='binary_crossentropy' or `loss='categorical_crossentropy'
Good luck to hundreds of people who posted a similar question but received no answer.


pretrained densenet/vgg16/resnet50 + gp does not train on cifar10 data

I'm trying to train a hybrid model with GP on top of pre-trained CNN (Densenet, VGG and Resnet) with CIFAR10 data, mimic the ex2 function in the gpflow document. But the testing result is always between 0.1~0.2, which generally means random guess (Wilson+2016 paper shows hybrid model for CIFAR10 data should get accuracy of 0.7). Could anyone give me a hint of what could be wrong?
I've tried same code with simpler cnn models (2 conv layer or 4 conv layer) and both have reasonable results. I've tried to use different Keras applications: Densenet121, VGG16, ResNet50, neither works. I've tried to freeze the weights in the pre-trained models still not working.
def cnn_dn(output_dim):
base_model = DenseNet121(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(32,32,3))
bout = base_model.output
fcl = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(bout)
#for layer in base_model.layers:
# layer.trainable = False
output=Dense(output_dim, activation='relu')(fcl)
md=Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=output)
return md
#add gp on top, reference:ex2() function in
#needs to slightly change build graph part because keras variable #sharing is not the same as tensorflow
## build graph
with tf.variable_scope('cnn'):
f_X = tf.cast(md(X), dtype=float_type)
f_Xtest = tf.cast(md(Xtest), dtype=float_type)
## predict
res=np.argmax(sess.run(my, feed_dict={Xtest:xts}),1).reshape(yts.shape)
correct = res == yts.astype(int)
I finally figure out that the solution is training larger iterations. In the original code, I just use 50 iterations as used in the ex2() function for MNIST data and it is not enough for more complicated network and CIFAR10 data. Adjusting some hyper-parameter (e.g. learning rate and activation function) also helps.

implementing a MLP model in keras for timeseries prediction but the model doesn't train well

I'm trying to come up with a MLP model for timeseries prediction following this blog post. I have 138 timeseries with a lookback_window=28 (splitted as 50127 timeseries for traing and 24255 timeseries for validation). I need to predict the next value (timesteps=28, n_features=1). I started from a 3 layer network but it didn't train well. I tried to make the network deeper by adding more layers/more hunits, but it doesn't improve. In the picture, you can see the result of prediction of the following model Here is my model code:
inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, lookback_window))
first_layer = Dense(1000, input_dim=28, activation='relu')(inp)
snd_layer = Dense(500)(first_layer)
thirs_layer = Dense(250)(snd_layer)
tmp = Dense(100)(thirs_layer)
tmp2 = Dense(50)(tmp)
tmp3 = Dense(25)(tmp2)
out = Dense(1)(tmp3)
model = Model(inp, out)
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
history = model.fit(train_data, train_y,
validation_data=(validation_data, validation_y),
What am I missing? How can I improve it?
The main thing I noticed is that you are not using non-linearities in your layers. I would use relus for the hidden layers and linear layer for the final layer in case you want values larger than 1 / -1 to be possible. If you do not want them to be possible use tanh. By increasing the data you make the problem harder and therefore your mostly linear model is underfitting severely.
I managed to get better results by the following changes:
Using RMSprop instead of Adam with lr=0.001, and as #TommasoPasini mentioned added them to all Dense layers (expect the last one). It improves the results a lot!
epochs= 3000 instead of 1000.
But now I think it is overfitting. Here are the plots of the results and the validation and train loss:

Using hidden activations in loss function

I want to create a custom loss function for a double-input double-output model in Keras that:
minimizes the reconstruction error of two autoencoders;
maximizes the correlation of the bottleneck features of the autoencoders.
For this I need to pass to the loss function:
both inputs;
both outputs / reconstructions;
output of intermediate layers for both (hidden activations).
I know I can pass both inputs and outputs to Model, but am struggling to find a way to pass the hidden activations.
I could create two new Models that have the output of the intermediate layers and pass that to loss, like:
intermediate_layer_model1 = Model(input=input1, output=autoencoder.get_layer('encoded1').output)
intermediate_layer_model2 = Model(input=input2, output=autoencoder.get_layer('encoded2').output)
autoencoder.compile(optimizer='adadelta', loss=loss(intermediate_layer_model1, intermediate_layer_model2))
But still, I would need to find a way to match the y_true in loss to the correct intermediate model.
What is the right way to approach this?
Here's an approach that I think should work. Simplified:
# autoencoder 1
input1 = Input(shape=(input_dim,))
encoded1 = Dense(encoding_dim, activation='relu', name='encoded1')(input1)
decoded1 = Dense(input_dim, activation='sigmoid', name='decoded1')(encoded1)
# autoencoder 2
input2 = Input(shape=(input_dim,))
encoded2 = Dense(encoding_dim, activation='relu', name='encoded2')(input2)
decoded2 = Dense(input_dim, activation='sigmoid', name='decoded2')(encoded2)
# merge encodings
merge_layer = merge([encoded1, encoded2], mode='concat', name='merge', concat_axis=1)
model = Model(input=[input1, input2], output=[decoded1, decoded2, merge_layer])
model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss={
'decoded1': 'binary_crossentropy',
'decoded2': 'binary_crossentropy',
'merge': correlation,
Then in correlation I can split y_pred and do the calculations.
How about:
Defining a single model with a multiple outputs (be sure that you named a coding and reconstruction layer properly):
duo_model = Model(input=input, output=[coding_layer, reconstruction_layer])
Compiling your model with two different losses (or even performing a loss reweighting):
loss={'coding_layer': correlation_loss,
'reconstruction_layer': 'mse'})
Taking your final model as a:
encoder = Model(input=input, output=[coding_layer])
autoencoder = Model(input=input, output=[reconstruction_layer])
After proper compilation this should do the job.
When it comes to defining a proper correlation loss function there are two ways:
when coding layer and your output layer have the same dimension -
you could easly use predefinied cosine_proximity function from
Keras library.
when coding layer has different dimensonality -
you shoud first find embedding of coding vector and reconstruction vector to the same space and then - compute correlation there. Remember that this embedding should either be a Keras layer / function or Theano / Tensor flow operation (depending on which backend you are using). Of course you can compute both embedding and correlation function as a part of one loss function.

matconvnet classification training last layer (softmax)?

I would like to retrain the vgg-imagenet-f network to do classification (rather than direct image comparison, which is what I have done with my own network).
The downloaded network however is a deployment net, and doesn't have a loss layer included. As I've not done classification training before, I'm a bit stumped as to how to design this last layer. I expect it will be something like this:
layer.name = 'loss' ;
layer.type = 'custom' ;
layer.forward = #forward ;
layer.backward = #backward ;
layer.class = [] ;
but I don't know what my #forward and #backward functions should be. Should they be softmax?
Of note, I have a imdb with about 10k images, corresponding labels, and an ID element with unique numbers running 1 - 10k.
Thanks for any help, or any links to a sample of the way one should construct this layer in matconvnet/matlab!
You could implement your own network adjusting the filters accordingly, since you want to 'retrain' vgg instead of initializing the weights with random numbers you can adapt your classification network using trained filers from downloaded network. The last layer could be softmaxloss

Shape mismatch when using combining layers in Caffe

I'm using the Caffe library for training a convolutional neural network (CNN). However, I'm getting the following error when using the concat layer to combine the output from two convolutional layers before applying it to a inner_product layer.
F1023 15:14:03.867435 2660 net.cpp:788] Check failed: target_blobs[j]->shape() == source_blob->shape() Cannot share param 0 weights from layer 'fc1'; shape mismatch. Source param shape is 400 800 (320000); target param shape is 400 400 (160000)
As far as I know I am using the concat layer in the exact same way as in BVLC_GoogLeNet. The concat layer can be found in my train.prototxt at pastebin under the name combined. The dimensions of my input blob is 256x8x7x24, where the data format in Caffe is batch_size x channels x height x width. I've tried training both using the pycaffe interface and the console. I get the same error. Below is code for training using the console.
solver_path = CAFFE_ROOT+'build/tools/caffe train -solver '
model_path = self.run_dir+'models/solver.prototxt'
log_path = self.run_dir+'models/training.log'
p = subprocess.Popen("GLOG_logtostderr=1 {} {} 2> {}".format(solver_path, model_path, log_path), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
What is the meaning of this error? And how can it be resolved?
As mentioned in the comments the log contains nothing else than the error. The stack trace for the error is the following:
# 0x7f231886e267 caffe::Net<>::ShareTrainedLayersWith()
# 0x7f231885c338 caffe::Solver<>::Test()
# 0x7f231885cc3e caffe::Solver<>::TestAll()
# 0x7f231885cd79 caffe::Solver<>::Step()
# 0x7f231885d6c5 caffe::Solver<>::Solve()
# 0x408d2b train()
# 0x4066f1 main
It should also be noted that my solver and code works fine for training the exact same CNN with only 1 "path" along the network, i.e. without the CONCAT layer.
I believe the issue you're having is that your train net has been updated to have a concat layer while your test net hasn't.
It would explain the 400x400 vs 400x800 issue you're having considering your concat merges two 400x400 layers. I can't know for certain without being able to see your test net.