Ansible create kubernetes secret from file - kubernetes

Is it possible to create and k8s secret from a file in ansible?
Currently, I am doing it like this but it only works on the first run because if I run the playbook again it says the secret already exists
- name: generate keypair
path: /srv/{{item.namespace}}/id_{{}}_rsa
when: item.additional_keys == true
loop: "{{ containers_release }}"
- name: create private key secret for auth api
shell: kubectl -n {{ item.namespace }} create secret generic id-{{ }}-rsa-priv --from-file=/srv/{{ item.namespace }}/id_authapi_rsa
when: item.additional_keys == true
loop: "{{ containers_release }}"
- name: create public key secret for {{ }}
shell: kubectl -n {{ item.namespace }} create secret generic id-{{ }}-rsa-pub --from-file=/srv/{{ item.namespace }}/id_{{ }}
when: item.additional_keys == true
loop: "{{ containers_release }}"

As I have mentioned in comment section ansible is idempotent. If the configuration is already in place, ansible makes no change after redeploying. That is why after running playbook again your are getting playbook again it say info that the secret already exists.
Take a look: create-secret-with-ansible.
You can try to use SecretHub.
See: ansible-playbook-secret.


Using SecretProviderClass with Ingress basic Auth

I'm trying to setup Basic auth in ingress. The "" I have stored in K8s secrets using SecretProviderClass. The secret is mounted correctly. As per this documentation (, the secret should have "data.auth" inside the key. Hence, in my deployment file I created an environment variable named "BASIC_AUTH_VALUE" to achieve this.
name: {{ include "ui.fullname" . }}-azure-csi
optional: false
value: data.auth:$(SECRET_AUTH)
Then in my ingress file, I set the annotations as below BASIC_AUTH_VALUE
Even then I still get 503 error. The pod is up and running and there isn't anything in the logs that I can find.
I have tried several options but all in vain so far. Any guidance will be of great help. Thanks.
I found a solution. I had to adapt the SecretProviderClass's secretObjects as below
- data:
{{- range $secret := .Values.azureSecretsCSI.secrets }}
- key: {{ $secret.k8sName }}
objectName: {{ $secret.azName }}
{{- end }}
secretName: {{ include "ui.fullname" . }}-auth-azure-csi
type: Opaque
Where "{{ $secret.k8sName }}" must be "auth" is derived from values.yaml file as below
tenantId: XXX
kvName: XXX
- azName: XXX
k8sName: auth
And then in ingress annotations add name of the secret provider class instead of a secret name or an environment variable (which I was trying to do and which wasn't working) {{ include "ui.fullname" . }}-auth-azure-csi

can we define env variable in the helm charts only if secrets are provisioned?

we have below env variable in the helm hooks yaml file.
value: {{ .Values.cmpassword | default "User#1234" | quote }}
i need to check if a particular secrets are created already and then password should take values from secrets like
{ if kubectl get secret passwdsecret1 -o yaml | grep password }}
name: cmpasswdsecret
key: password
value: {{ | default "User#1234" | quote }}
is it possible to check whether secrets are created. if the secrets are availbale derive the value from it, or take the values from value file.
The Bitnami Helm charts generally address this by making the related Secret name a configuration option. I'd suggest this as a useful general approach here, since you'll get a consistent deployment regardless of what's actually in the cluster. If the administrator says the secret is supposed to exist, but it doesn't, the Pods will fail to start up; that's probably a better outcome than falling back to an insecure default.
The values.yaml configuration for this could look like
# existingSecret, if set, has the name of a Secret to use for
# credentials. This must contain a key `password`.
# existingSecret:
# cmpassword specifies the password. Ignored if `existingSecret`
# is provided.
cmpassword: User#1234
Then in your actual template code you can generate the secretKeyRef if existingSecret is specified, or fall back to the cmpassword if not.
- name: PASSWORD
{{- with .Values.existingSecret }}
name: {{ . }}
key: password
{{- else }}
value: {{ .Values.cmpassword | required "either existingSecret or cmpassword is required" | quote }}
{{- end }}

How to connect to Kubernetes using ansible?

I want to connect to Kubernetes using Ansible. I want to run some ansible playbooks to create Kubernetes objects such as roles and rolebindings using ansible k8s module. I want to know if the Ansible K8s module is standard Kubernetes client that can use Kubeconfig in the same way as helm and kubectl.
Please let me know how to configure Kubeconfig for ansible to connect to K8s cluster.
You basically specify the kubeconfig parameter in the Ansible YAML file. (It defaults to ~/.kube/config.json). For example:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- vars/main.yml
- name: Deploy my app secrets.
definition: '{{ item }}'
kubeconfig: '~/.kube/config'
state: present
loop: "{{ lookup('template', 'myapp/mysql-pass.yml') | from_yaml_all | list }}"
no_log: k8s_no_log
You can also make it a variable:
- name: Deploy my app secrets.
definition: '{{ item }}'
kubeconfig: '{{ k8s_kubeconfig }}'
Thankyou..It worked for me..I tried the below.
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Create a k8s namespace
kubeconfig: '~/Documents/sample-project/eks-kubeconfig'
name: testing1
api_version: v1
kind: Namespace
state: present
state: present

How to ensure that POD is deleted using ansible?

I am trying to validate that the pod is deleted.
- name: Verify whether the POD is deleted
command: "{{ local_kubectl }} get pod {{ pod_name}}"
but the task is failing as the command displays error as below
'Error from server (NotFound): pods ....'
But this is expected when i am checking for deletion of pod.
How to pass this task when it returns an error message?
You can just directly specify this using the k8s module
- name: Delete the POD
api_version: v1
kind: Pod
namespace: "{{ k8s_namespace }}"
name: "{{ pod_name }}"
state: absent
Another path is to redefine "failure" to check for the expected result string.
- name: Verify whether the POD is deleted
command: "{{ local_kubectl }} get pod {{ pod_name}}"
register: verify
failed_when: "'NotFound' not in verify.stderr"
Try k8s_facts
- k8s_facts:
kind: Pod
name: "{{ pod_name}}"
register: result
- debug:
var: result
(not tested)

How to pull environment variables with Helm charts

I have my deployment.yaml file within the templates directory of Helm charts with several environment variables for the container I will be running using Helm.
Now I want to be able to pull the environment variables locally from whatever machine the helm is ran so I can hide the secrets that way.
How do I pass this in and have helm grab the environment variables locally when I use Helm to run the application?
Here is some part of my deployment.yaml file
restartPolicy: Always
- name: sample-app
image: "sample-app:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: "USERNAME"
value: "app-username"
- name: "PASSWORD"
value: "28sin47dsk9ik"
How can I pull the value of USERNAME and PASSWORD from local environment variables when I run helm?
Is this possible? If yes, then how do I do this?
You can export the variable and use it while running helm install.
Before that, you have to modify your chart so that the value can be set while installation.
Skip this part, if you already know, how to setup template fields.
As you don't want to expose the data, so it's better to have it saved as secret in kubernetes.
First of all, add this two lines in your Values file, so that these two values can be set from outside.
username: root
password: password
Now, add a secret.yaml file inside your template folder. and, copy this code snippet into that file.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-auth
password: {{ .Values.password | b64enc }}
username: {{ .Values.username | b64enc }}
Now tweak your deployment yaml template and make changes in env section, like this
restartPolicy: Always
- name: sample-app
image: "sample-app:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: "USERNAME"
key: username
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-auth
- name: "PASSWORD"
key: password
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-auth
If you have modified your template correctly for --set flag,
you can set this using environment variable.
$ export USERNAME=root-user
Now use this variable while running helm install,
$ helm install --set username=$USERNAME ./mychart
If you run this helm install in dry-run mode, you can verify the changes,
$ helm install --dry-run --set username=$USERNAME --debug ./mychart
[debug] Created tunnel using local port: '44937'
[debug] SERVER: ""
[debug] Original chart version: ""
[debug] CHART PATH: /home/maruf/go/src/
NAME: irreverant-meerkat
RELEASED: Fri Apr 20 03:29:11 2018
CHART: mychart-0.1.0
username: root-user
password: password
username: root-user
# Source: mychart/templates/secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: irreverant-meerkat-auth
password: password
username: root-user
# Source: mychart/templates/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: irreverant-meerkat
app: irreverant-meerkat
replicas: 1
name: irreverant-meerkat
app: irreverant-meerkat
- name: irreverant-meerkat
image: alpine
- name: "USERNAME"
key: username
name: irreverant-meerkat-auth
- name: "PASSWORD"
key: password
name: irreverant-meerkat-auth
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
restartPolicy: Always
app: irreverant-meerkat
You can see that the data of username in secret has changed to root-user.
I have added this example into github repo.
There is also some discussion in kubernetes/helm repo regarding this. You can see this issue to know about all other ways to use environment variables.
you can pass env key value from the value yaml by setting the deployment yaml as below :
restartPolicy: Always
- name: sample-app
image: "sample-app:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
{{- range $name, $value := .Values.env }}
- name: {{ $name }}
value: {{ $value }}
{{- end }}
in the values.yaml :
- name: "USERNAME"
value: ""
- name: "PASSWORD"
value: ""
when you install the chart you can pass the username password value
helm install chart_name --name release_name --set env.USERNAME="app-username" --set env.PASSWORD="28sin47dsk9ik"
For those looking to use data structures instead lists for their env variable files, this has worked for me:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- range $key, $val := .Values.env }}
- name: {{ $key }}
value: {{ $val | quote }}
{{- end }}
That way I can access specific values by name in other parts of the helm chart and pass the sensitive values via helm command line.
To get away from having to set each secret manually, you can use:
export MY_SECRET=123
envsubst < values.yaml | helm install my-release . --values -
where ${MY_SECRET} is referenced in your values.yaml file like:
secret_1: ${MY_SECRET}
Helm 3.1 supports post rendering ( which passes the manifest to a script before it is actually send to Kubernetes API. Post rendering allows to manipulate the manifest in multiple ways (e.g. use kustomize on top of Helm).
The simplest form of a post renderer which replaces predefined environment values could look like this:
envsubst <&0
Note this will replace every occurance of $<VARNAME> which could collide with variables in the templates like shell scripts in liveness probes. So better explicitly define the variables you want to get replaced: envsubst '${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD}' <&0
Define your env variables in the shell:
export USERNAME=john PASSWORD=my-secret
In the tempaltes (e.g. secret.yaml) use the values defined in the values.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-auth
username: {{ .Values.username }}
password: {{ .Values.password }}
Note that you can not apply string transformations like b64enc on the strings as the get injected in the manifest after Helm has already processed all YAML files. Instead you can encode them in the post renderer if required.
In the values.yaml use the variable placeholders:
username: ${USERNAME}
password: ${PASSWORD}
The parameter --post-renderer is supported in several Helm commands e.g.
helm install --dry-run --post-renderer ./ my-chart
By using the post renderer the variables/placeholders automatically get replaced by envsubst without additional scripting.
i guess the question is how to lookup for env variable inside chart by looking at the env variables it-self and not by passing this with --set.
for example: i have set a key "my_db_password" and want to change the values by looking at the value in env variable is not supported.
I am not very sure on GO template, but I guess this is disabled as what they explain in helm documentation. "We removed two for security reasons: env and expandenv (which would have given chart authors access to Tiller’s environment)."
I think one simple way is just set the value directly. for example, in your Values.yml, you want pass the service name:
name: ""
Your service.yml just use this value as usual:
{{ }}
Then to set the value, use --set, like: --set
Then, for example, if you want to use the environment variable, do export before that:
#set your env variable
export MYAPP_SERVICE=hello
#pass it to helm
helm install myapp --set$MYAPP_SERVICE.
If you do debug like:
helm install myapp --set$MYAPP_SERVICE --debug --dry-run ./myapp
You can see this information at the beginning of your yml which your "hello" was set.
name: hello
As an alternative to pass local environment variables, I like to store these kind of sensitive values in a folder ignored by your VCS, and use Helm .Files object to read them and provide the values to your templates.
In my opinion, the advantage is that it doesn't require the host that will operate the Helm chart to set any OS specific environment variable, and makes the chart self-contained whilst not exposing these values.
# In a folder not committed, e.g. <chart_base_directory>/secrets
username: app-username
password: 28sin47dsk9ik
Then in your chart templates:
# In deployment.yaml file
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-auth
{{ .Files.Get "<chart_base_directory>/secrets" | indent 2 }}
As a result, everything the Chart needs is accessible from within the directory where you define everything else. And instead of setting system-wide env vars, it just needs a file.
This file can be generated automatically, or copied from a committed template with dummy values. Helm will also fire an error early on install/update if this isn't defined, as opposed to creating your secret with username="" and password="" if your env vars haven't been defined, which only becomes obvious once your changes are applied to the cluster.