Secure Socket Agent Proxies listener Error - redhat

I try to run the server for ssa by using ssaserver& command but I face this error on my server machine
from yesterday.
Error creating listening socket at [host name : port number] the network address may be in use.
I really don't know why it is showing this error and how can be the address in use.
My OS is RedHat7.

That is really happen because you maybe closed your terminal or logged out from current user account in RedHat.
To solve this issue you can use this command here:
ps -ef|grep ssaserver
Which will show you if the service ssaserver already in use and from this you can get the service id and child ids.
You can then kill the service id by using kill command:
kill #(serviceid)
Here is a link to show you how to use kill command: Link_1
But you can face this problem again and again so I think it will be fine if you will use nohup command to run the service you need.
Note: nohup is a command used to run a process(job) on a server and have it continue after you have logged out or otherwise lost connection to the server
Such as:
nohup ssaserver&
Here is extra link for nohup examples: Link_2


How to configure telnet service for yocto image

telnet is necessary in order to maintain compatibility with older software in this case. I'm working with the Yocto Rocko 2.4.2 distribution. when I try to telnet to the board I'm getting the oh so detailed message "connection refused".
Using the method here and the options here I modified the busybox configuration per suggestion. When the board is booted up and logged in, if you execute: telnet, it spits out usage info and a quick directory check shows that telnet is installed to /usr/bin/telnet. My guess is that the telnet client is installed but the telnet server is not running?
I need to get telnetd to start manually at least so I know it will work with an init script in place. The second reference link there suggests that 'telnetd will not be started automatically though...' and that there will need to be an init script. How can I start telnetd manually for testing?
systemctl enable telnetd
returns: Unit telnetd.service could not be found
telnetd in located in /usr/sbin/telnetd. I was able to manually start the telnetd service for testing from there. After manually starting the service telnet login now works. looking into writing a systemd init script to auto start the telnetd service, so I suppose this issue is closed. unless anyone would like to offer up detailed telnet busybox configuration and setup steps as an answer to 'How to configure telnet service for yocto image'
Perhaps there is something more? I created a unit file that looks like this:
Description=auto start telnetd
on reboot, systemd indicates the process executed and succeeded:
systemctl status telnetd
Process: 466 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/telnetd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
The service is not running however. netstat -l does not list it and telnet login fails. Something I'm missing?
last update...i think
so following this post, I managed to get telnet.socket service to startup on reboot.
systemctl status telnet.socket
shows that it is running and listening on 23. Now however, when I try to remote in with telnet I'm getting
Connection closed by foreign host
Everything I've read so far has been talking about xinetd service (which I do not have...). What is confusing is that, if I just navigate to /usr/sbin/ and execute telnetd, the server is up and running and I can telnet into the board, so I do not believe I'm missing any utilities or services (like the above mentioned xinetd), but something is still not being configured correctly. any ideas?

LoopBack Command Prompt is Disable After Running the Applications

I am mew to loopback . I am running the API in localhost . I created the model and I am able to access it to localhost . But the problem is I can not type anythings in command prompt windows after running the applications ..
Here is the screen shot of the command prompt .
When you start your server you can't type anything on that console.
If you want to use console you have to either stop your server or you have to use another console.
If you want to restart your server then you have to halt it using Ctrl + c command and after that npm start command.
If you want to use the same console for more commands, then open a new console and run your node server over there.
And if you want to clear your warning of "includeSubdomains" then follow these steps :
1)Go to server/middleware.json
2)search for "includeSubdomains" key and replace with "includeSubDomains".

Unable to run OTRS daemon, OTRS6 on Cent OS 7

I am facing issue while trying to start ORTS daemon on CentOS linux
FACILITY: - Daemon
Access denied for user 'otrs'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
When I am trying get the status using command:
./opt/otrs/bin/ status
getting this message:
Manage the OTRS daemon process.
Daemon running
But when I go to the web page it says that OTRS Daemon is not running.
Any help is appreciated!?
The error comes from the mysql daemon and has nothing to do with Perl. Try this on the command-line on the server running otrs:
mysql --user=otrs --host=localhost --password=XXXXXXX
That will probably fail with the same error. Once you have fixed your mysql configuration so that the command succeeds, otrs should also start.
Omit the option --password and let mysql prompt you for the password, if you are not alone on the machine.
Another reason for the failure could, of course, be that you have misconfigured otrs, and you have to change the mysql user, host, or password.
After searching for solution for two days i finally get it working.
I first change to /opt/otrs/bin/ directory.
To get the daemon working, you have to start the daemon as otrs user.
To do that just change user to otrs : you can use this command. (su otrs) from your terminal, you will be prompted for the password for otrs. Just enter the password and use the (whoami) command to check if you are otrs. If it shows that the current user is otrs issue this command (./ status) to see the current status of the daemon. if it shows that the daemon not running then issue this command (./ start).

Getting Access to PID in install4j / Mirth Connect

I am using Mirth connect which uses install4j to launch the program.
I am using the mcservice program and would like to get the pid of the launched application so that I can monitor it. How do I do this? Right now the service only has the standard start, status, etc commands.
Back in 2011 there seemed to be some indication that pid monitoring would be coming soon:
If you need get the the number of the process pid, you can do it by the terminal command:
$ pgrep mcservice
Also, you can store the pid number into a file and run the next command:
$ kill -9 `cat /path/to/`
In this case, you choosing the best solution for your issue. If you need something more complex you can view this link: Simple Process Checker To Find Out If A Service Is Running or Not

Orion: "curl: (7) couldn't connect to host"

I have installed the last version of Orion, 0.12.0, and when I send a queryContext or updateContext, the system gives me: "curl: (7) couldn't connect to host",
what's the problem?
After analyzing the user feedback in the question comments, the problem seems to be that Orion Context Broker is not running.
In order to start Orion Context Broker (see reference documentation in for more detail) you can either:
Use the /etc/init.d/contextBroker start command (run it as root or with sudo privileges)
Using contextBroker command directly
In order to check that everything is ok, it uses to be a good idea to do a first run in foreground with maximum tracelevel activated, i.e. contextBroker -fg -t 0-255. Once you ensure that it works properly (e.g. curl version, etc.), then interrupt the process with Ctrl+C in the console and run it in background.