Display multiple field of Datashape - visio

I am creating some new set of figures in Visio 2019 Pro, and I would like to parametrize the various pieces of information to be displaid via data shape.
Example : I would like to create a box that have 2 data shapes : name & size.
And I would like to display the name at the center of the box and the size just below the box.
I have failed to display 2 different fields : I can only display one.
And I do not know how to position a field at a specific location (in y example, I do not know how to force the size to be just below the box).
Is this possible in Visio ?


Harmonized scale on a Power BI chart

I would like, as you can see in the photo, to make a power BI graph as a function of time with different categories. Only my "category" indicator contains small and very large values, which makes the diagram not homogeneous. I would like to use the secondary y axis, but I would have to create a new measure "Nb cmd 2" which would only contain certain categories with therefore lower values. What is more laborious... Would you have another solution to harmonize the grafic or to set up a secondary Y axis more simply ?
enter image description here
Thank you for your answers
I tried what is in the picture

Tableau packed bubbles - arrange the bubbles custom

I'm looking to create a packed bubble graph like the below (size of the bubble corresponds to population, and the color of the bubble corresponds to number of widgets sales). The graph is exactly the way I need it, except that I would like to arrange the countries so that they are grouped by continent. Is there a way to do this in Tableau?
I've tried to recreate a similar scenario even though it's not clear if the bubble color should (or not) be related to a specific field.
That being said, using the superstore dataset, I've "grouped" customers by region (color) so they are some how aligned through inner circles.
In order to do so, I just sorted the region pillow in the detail section.
See below.

Trying to create Area Chart based on same column filter

As shown in the image , Im trying to create an Area chart of unemployment/1000 peoplein India based on both genders but categorized on Area type(rural or urban).
In this area chart Im trying to use dual axis so that I can filter it based on Type of Area(rural or urban). However dual axis wont work here since rural and urban are part of the same column. How can i create an area chart in this scenario ?
I cannot put area type in color since it will give me aggregated values of both rural and urban. Something like this
Data Set is given below

tableau - color text dimension according to other dimension value

I have 2 dimensions (one is BUG_ID, the other is severity).
I have defined a specific color for each possible severity (blocker == red, normal= orange...)
I am using a table and I want to color the BUG_ID dimension value (the text) according to the color defined for reach severity for example:
I have tried several things but cannot figure out how to do it.
Any idea ?
Generally Tableau is a data visualisation tool, so if you want to create graphs of any kind it's great. If you want to create a table and format text, stick to Excel!
You can drag all dimensions you would like to have in the rows shelf. eg: [Description] and [Status]. Now you can drag the [BUG_ID] onto "Text" in the Marks pane. That will display the bug ID, but it will be on the right of all other dimensions. And you won't be able to change it.
To color it, just drag [Severity] onto colur and choose the colors you want.

Line graph using Tableau

I am trying to plot a graph like in attached image ,using tableua by getting data from a text file .
It is having 3 fields Datetime ,track ,inuse
We have 43 different track sizes.Need to plot graph for each track with all in a single graph.
Please help me out.
This should be easy to do in tableau. Try putting time on columns, "inuse" on rows and "track" on color.
I do not have your data but am using the data that tableau desktop ships with. Here is what it looks like with the superstore demo data:
To display the labels, also place track on the label shelf. If you then click on the label shelf, you can choose options about where to display them. To mimic your example, label the line ends.