FireDAC Array DML and Returning clauses - firedac

Using FireDAC's Array DML feature, it doesn't seem possible to utilise a RETURNING clause (in my case PostgeSQL).
If I run a simple insert query such as:
With FDQuery Do
SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO temptab(email, name) '
+'VALUES (''email1'', ''name1''), '
+'(''email2'', ''name2'') '
The query returns two records containing the id for the newly inserted records.
For larger inserts I would prefer to use Array DML, but in some cases I also need to be able to get returned data.
The Open function does not have an ATimes parameter. Whilst you can call Open with Array DML, it results in the insertion and return of just the first record.
I cannot find any other properties, methods which would seem to facilitate this. I have posted on Praxis to see if anyone there has any ideas, but I have had no response. I have also posted this as a new feature request on Quality Central.
If anyone knows of a way of achieving this using Array DML, I would be grateful to hear, but my principal question is what is the most efficient route for retrieving the inserted data (principally IDs) from the DB if I persist with Array DML?
A couple of ideas occur to me, neither of which seem tremendously attractive:
Within StartTransaction and Commit and following the insertion retrieve the id of the last inserted record and then grab backwards the requisite number. This seems to be to be a bit risky, although as within a transaction, should probably be okay.
Add an integer field to the relevant table and populate each inserted record with a unique identifier and following insert retrieve the records with that identifier. Whilst this would ensure the return of the inserted records, it would be relatively inefficient unless I index the field being used to store the identifier.
Both the above would be dependent on records being inserted into the DB in the order they are supplied to the Array DML, but I assume/hope that is a given.
I would appreciate views on the best (ie most efficient and reliable) of the above options and any suggestions as to alternative even better options even if those entail abandoning Array DML where a Returning clause is needed.

You actually can get all returned ID's. You can tell Firedac to store the result values in paramters with {INTO }. See for example the following code:
FDQuery.SQL.Text := 'INSERT into tablename (fieldname) values (:p1) returning id {into :p2}';
FDQuery.Params.ArraySize := 2;
FDQuery.Params[0].AsStrings[0] := 'one';
FDQuery.Params[0].AsStrings[1] := 'two';
FDQuery.Params[1].ParamType := ptInputOutput;
FDQuery.Params[1].DataType := ftLargeInt;
ID1 := FDQuery.Params[1].AsLargeInts[0];
ID2 := FDQuery.Params[1].AsLargeInts[1];
This works when 1 row is returned per arraydml element. I think it will not work for >1 row, but I've not tested it. If it does, you would have to know which result corresponds with your arraydml element.
Note that Firedac throws an AV when 0 rows are returned for one or more elements in the arraydml. For example when you UPDATE a row that was deleted in the meantime. The AV has nothing to do with the array DML itself. When FDQuery.Execute; is called, you'll get an AV as well.
I've suggested another option earlier on the delphipraxis forum, but that is a suboptimal solution as that uses a temp table to store the ID's:


Power Query - Appending two tables but the other table might be empty depending on the situation - throws an error in that case

I am working on a solution that involves merging two queries in Power Query to retrieve a single data table back to Excel. The first query is always populated but the other query comes from an ERP and might be empty (empty table) from time to time.
Appending the two queries involves making the header names the same in the two queries before the appending takes place. As the second query sometimes results in an empty table, the error arises in the steps when Power Query is modifying the header names in the second table (it cannot modify the header names as there are no headers).
"Error message: Expression.Error: The column 'PartMtl_Company' of the table wasn't found.
Details: PartMtl_Company" where the PartMtl_Company is the leftmost column in my table.
I am kind of thinking that I would need to evaluate whether the second table is empty and skip the renaming steps if that is the case. I assume merging the populated first table with an empty table would cause no problem and would only result in the first table. I have tried to look around for a suitable M-code but have not come across such.
I'm thinking you might be able to use Table.RowCount to solve this. Something along the lines of:
= if Table.RowCount(Table2) > 0 then...
You would modify the headers only if there is data in the second table. Same goes for the appending of the tables: you would only append if there is data in the second table, since you won't have renamed any headers otherwise.
Thank you Marc! That did the trick.
In the end, I wrote some in the lines of
= if Table.RowCount(Table2) > 0 then... (code that works on a non-empty table) ...else Table2
, which returns the empty table if it is empty to begin with. Appending the second table into the first table did not throw an error but returned only the first table like planned.

Postgresql - Return column subset from cursor

I have a legacy stored procedure returning a number (row count) a cursor with many columns; I need to retrieve a subset of the selected columns. I can think of three ways of doing it:
Invoke the existing procedure from the outside, and map columns to my own data structures trimming unneeded columns;
Write a new stored procedure, mostly identical to the existing one but returning different columns;
Write a new stored procedure, invoking the old one internally and filtering columns (the referenced entities and thus the number of rows are exactly the same as the existing procedure).
Number 2 is obviously a no-go.
Number 1 is viable. As far as I know, there is little difference in the computing cost between retrieving one or more columns, in that the engine has to read full rows regardless, before filtering unrequired columns; I do have a feeling it would be heavier on the runtime invoking the procedure from the outside, as objects representing unneeded columns would exist on returning from the DB call.
I would be interested in implementing Number 3, but I would prefer to maintain the same return type as the existing function (count + refcursor) for conformity.
I think I could transfer all the rows in the cursor returned by the existing function into a temporary table as described e.g. in this question, and use it as a source for the output cursor but:
I am not sure of how the output cursor would behave with a temporary table created with a drop-on-commit clause (would the results exist reliably after the procedure has terminated? Would the temporary table be dropped as expected?);
I read that temporary tables are expensive to use, and it feels like overkill for what in the end is a filtering of columns on the same rows from a pre-computed result.
Is there a way to query the existing cursor so that it may be used as a source for the output cursor, while filtering columns?

How to get all data without any filtering in "in" clause

As a part of reporting I want to get some values from database.
Also I included filtering in report UI, like :
select * from invoice where id in (92)
So I am making the postgres statement dynamically(here 92 is the value getting from UI and assigning dynamically). But I want to return all data without any condition if the user select no option, id in this case (no filtering). So how can I handle the "in" clause to return all data without any filtering in this case.
I am asking for a common term that can be included in 'in' clause, so it retun all rows without filtering.
One method is using logic like:
where (v_id is null) or (id = v_id)
Note: be careful about the use of in. It probably will not do what you intend if you expect multiple values to match.

How to insert autoincremented master/slave records using ScalaQuery?

Classic issue, new framework -- thus problem.
PostgreSQL + Scala + ScalaQuery. I have Master table with serial (autincrement) id and Slave table also with serial id.
I need to insert one master record and several slaves. I have to do it within transaction (to have ability to cancel all), so I cannot run a query after inserting master to find out id. As far as I see SQ "insert" method does not return any reference to inserted master record.
So how to do it?
SQ Examples cover this however without autoincremented field, so such solution (pre-set ids) is not applicable here.
If I understand it correctly this is not possible for now in automatic way. If one is not afraid, this can be done this way. Obtaining the id of last insert (per each master record insertion):
postgreSQL function for last inserted ID
Then using it in SQ:
This code shows the MySql way. I'm posting it to the list for
posterity's sake.
val scopeIdentity = SimpleFunction.nullaryLong
val inserted = Actions.insert(
"cat", "eats", "dog)
//Print out the count of inserted records. println(inserted )
//Print out the primary key for the last inserted record.
//Regards //Bryan
But since for auto incremented fields you have to use projections excluding autoinc fields, and then inserting tuples instead of named record types, there is a question if it is not worth to hold breath until SQ will support this directly.
Note I am SQ newbie, I might just misinform you.

Does DataReader.NextResult retrieves the result is always the same order

I have a SELECT query that yields multiple results and do not have any ORDER BY clause.
If I execute this query multiple times and then iterate through results using DataReader.NextResult(), would I be guaranteed to get the results in the same order?
For e.g. if I execute the following query that return 199 rows:
SELECT * FROM products WHERE productid < 200
would I always get the first result with productid = 1 and so on?
As far as I have observed it always return the results in same order, but I cannot find any documentation for this behavior.
As per my research:
Check out this blog Conor vs. SQL. I actually wanted to ask if the query-result changes even if the data in table remains the same (i.e no update or delete). But it seems like in case of large table, when SQL server employees parallelism, the order can be different
First of all, to iterate the rows in a DataReader, you should call Read, not NextResult.
Calling NextResult will move to the next result set if your query has multiple SELECT statements.
To answer your question, you must not rely on this.
A query without an ORDER BY clause will return rows in SQL Server's default iteration order.
For small tables, this will usually be the order in which the rows were added, but this is not guaranteed and is liable to change at any time. For example, if the table is indexed or partitioned, the order will be different.
No, DataReader will return the results in the order they come back from SQL. If you don't specify an ORDER BY clause, that will be the order that they exist in the table.
It is possible, perhaps even likely that they will always return in the same order, but this isn't guaranteed. The order is determined by the queryplan (at least in SQL Server) on the database server. If something changes that queryplan, the order could change. You should always use ORDER BY if the order of results is in anyway important to your processing of the data.