I need to remove the "on page nn" from my DITA-OT 3.6 xrefs - dita

Would someone have fun telling me this easy info? My xrefs have format="dita", my topics have no other attributes. I have looked for two days now and cannot find anything detailed enough to succeed. I am publishing to PDF through the org.dita.pdf2 plugin.

You can search for "on page" in the pdf plugins folder. You should find the language resource file with the respective string. You should then override this string in your plugin. If this os insufficient, search again for the ID of the respective string in the XSL files for the corresponding template and override this in your plugin.


ICN 3.0.3 - Change mimetype of files when we double click and download them or right click and download

In the search result when we double click on the files to open/download them, I want to change the mime type of such files.
Like when I open a file named abc.trns I want to change it's extension to PDF - abc.pdf. The new mime type value is already displayed in a column from where I have to fetch that value (new mimetype value is present in doc property).
Please help in how this can be achieved, I'm very new in ICN plugin development.
If anyone has already developed such plugin please share the source code for reference.
Repository - CMOD 9.5
ICN - version 3.0.3
the plugin development examples are present in the redbook. Please refer those example for the on-click event for download.
Once you get that setup - have the event handler read the metadata (from where you get the extension ) and pass it on to function to convert the data stream into specific format.
Please note the above conversion will require extra jar and dependencies on the type of document you want to convert. Here you have to take into consideration all the extension which comes in from that field.
hope this helps :)

Find all <forms> used on a site

Is there e.g. a crawler that can find (and list the form action etc.) all pages that have forms in my site?
I'd like to log all pages with unique actions to then audit further.
Norconex HTTP Collector is an open source web crawler that can certainly help you. Its "Importer" module has a "TextBetweenTagger" feature to extract text between any start and end text and store it in a metadata field of your choice. You can then filter out those that have no such text extracted (look at the EmptyMetadataFilter option for this).
You can do this without writing code. As far as storing the results, the product uses "Committers". A few committers are readily available (including a filesystem one), but you may want to write your own to "commit" your crawled data wherever you like (e.g. in a database).
Check its configuration page for ideas.

change html output doxygen link

I am working on a project that is heavily documented with doxygen.
In a UI I have a list of all the classes available - I would like to be able to open the right documentation page of the class I select. In order to do that I need an easy to read link, so I can dynamically build it and run it.
Is it there any way I can control the generated link of the html file? Because the ones I have right now are impossible do be built dynamically.
You could use Doxygen's tag file mechanism for that (see GENERATE_TAGFILE in the config file).
A tag file is a reasonably easy to understand and parse XML file that basically lists all symbols in your project, with for each symbol the corresponding (relative) URL to the documentation.
So you could parse the tag file from your UI to resolve the links to the doxygen generated documentation in a robust way.

Enterprise Architect: Generate display text for links to packages in RTF reports

In Sparx Enterprise Architect it is possible to insert hyperlinks to other model elements, particularly to other packages, in notes and linked documents. These hyperlinks appear as well in generated RTF reports. No surprise, they are displayed with the same label as defined in the tool. However, for links to packages (which become sections in the document) I'd like the hyperlink to be displayed with the section number that the package is associated with in the document.
E.g., instead of "see ThatOtherPackage" I want to have "see section 4.2" in the document.
Is that possible, and if it is: how can I achieve it?
This is not possible, at least not in the current version (9.3.935) of EA.
The reason is that in an RTF template, element notes are indivisible. In other words, you can't "get at" the contents of a note (such as a hyperlink) to perform any preprocessing (such as a substitution).
In addition, it would be very hard to determine at "compile-time" what section number a package would get. The EA API, while richly featured, does not provide any way to insert code into the RTF generation process.
Hyperlinks are pretty weak things in EA and you'd have more options if you used connectors instead. But I still don't see a way to find the section number during generation.

Embedding a dynamic file using the "view file" macro

The view file macro allows embedding documents (.ppt, .pdf, etc) on a Confluence wiki page. Limitation is, documents must be on attachments.
So question, is there a way to load dynamically a file located into an SCM's deposit?
P.S. Current SCM: Perforce.
UPDATE: As I see, there is no official Perforce plugin.
You may of course include a link to that file, if Perforce provides a way to link items. We use that a lot, to include content that is stored in Subversion, and document the standing, the usage, ... in Confluence then. The user has to click on that link to get that file, but I think it is necessary anyway, because your authorization rules are not known to Confluence.